1. #1

    killing in pvp macro

    I want a macro/addon that i can activate so everytime i kill someone in pvp it screams AVADA KEDABRA...

    idk if it's even possible but thanks for the responses ahead of time!

    PS. i came up with the macro below... but it doesnt work.

    /run local a=CreateFrame("Frame");a:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED");a:SetScript("OnEvent ",function(_,_,_,b,_,d,_,_,_,h)_=b=="PARTY_KILL" and d==UnitName("PLAYER") and bit.band(h,1024)>0 and SendChatMessage("Avada Kedavera!","YELL");end

  2. #2
    Harry Potter + WoW is a deadly combination... I suggest you don't play with fire.

  3. #3
    I think there are some kind of addon to do this.. Brb checking

  4. #4
    You misspelled it twice. You don't deserve it.

  5. #5
    huh? You mean "avada kedavra"?

    You got it wrong, 2 times, and in 2 ways..
    "Everything always changes. The best plan lasts until the first arrow leaves the bow." - Matrim Cauthon

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