1. #1

    Why not dual WF? (pvp)

    So my shaman is an alt, and I'm very casual with him... but over the past few weeks I've obtained most of my relentless/wrathful set and I'm sitting pretty at 5100 ap (thanks to the new unleashed rage buff).

    I play 2s with a rlf who plays an arms warrior. So the comp is all about bursting someone down. So with battle shout, 2 beserker procs, and trinket used (750 ap) windury will = 2 additional attacks with somewhere in the neighborhood of 8600 ap...

    I've read on AJ that I should be using frostbrand or something, but I don't see how that is superior to 2 additional attacks with 8600 ap when we are trying to burst down someone...

    Can anyone explain y not dual WF would be best that know's more about number crunching than I do? (which you wouldn't have to know much lol)


  2. #2

    Re: Why not dual WF? (pvp)

    Windfury has a 3 secnd internal cooldown. Also, if your off hand WF hits instead of your main hand, you lose roughly half of the potential damage you could be doing. Frostbrand is triumphant because it keeps your target in melee range longer, meaning more potential WF procs for your main hand.

  3. #3

    Re: Why not dual WF? (pvp)

    Quote Originally Posted by Eramyl
    Windfury has a 3 secnd internal cooldown. Also, if your off hand WF hits instead of your main hand, you lose roughly half of the potential damage you could be doing. Frostbrand is triumphant because it keeps your target in melee range longer, meaning more potential WF procs for your main hand.

    I think you are thinking about Enh PvP a little short-sighted. One of Shamans biggest problems has always been keeping enemies in melee range, not so much now but it's still an issue. With Frostbrand active on your Offhand you not only do more Elemental Damage (Frost) but also you snare your opponent thus keeping them in melee range, this combined with Frost Shock and more WF Procs off your MH, you'll notice a big difference.

    Good luck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nangz
    GoD isn't so great for unholy
    Quote Originally Posted by HoX
    i dont understamd ???

  4. #4

    Re: Why not dual WF? (pvp)

    The warrior usually keeps a hamstring on them so I haven't had a problem catching anyone... and I spec'd into frost shock so it will freeze them in place if they're farther than 15 yards away... But I see the point about the internal cd and getting a oh proc instead of a mh... I had bn using dual wf till last week, then switched to fb and honestly couldn't tell any difference... but I'll heed the word of everyone else and continue to use fb lol... thanks

  5. #5

    Re: Why not dual WF? (pvp)

    it´s either wf/ft vs wf/fb.

    wf/ft, when your partner overwrites your frostbrand effect, which gives you 10% shock/lightning/lavalash dmg ( frozen power ), flametongue has a higher dmg output by itself than frostbrand and also increases your lavalash dmg.

    wf/fb if you´re the slower in the grp, as you will get the 10% dmg buff mentioned and a slow effect which will keep your target at you

    and, how mentioned above, wf´s 3 second cooldown together with the buffs flametongue received in 3.0 ( additional spellpower, increasing lavalash dmg, getting stronger through elemental fury etc ) is the reason you wouldn´t want windfury as an offhand imbue in either pve or pvp beyond lvl 75.
    Quote Originally Posted by Angoth
    I'm sorry that Blizzard won't just gift wrap awesome in a cup and let you drink your fill.

  6. #6

    Re: Why not dual WF? (pvp)

    Maybe try wf/ft then. Your warrior can keep them hamstringed.

  7. #7

    Re: Why not dual WF? (pvp)

    If you have Frozen Power, you get +10% spell damage on targets that have Frostbrand's slow on them. You want that.

  8. #8

    Re: Why not dual WF? (pvp)

    Quote Originally Posted by CookieEater
    If you have Frozen Power, you get +10% spell damage on targets that have Frostbrand's slow on them. You want that.
    FT still does far more DPS than FB, even specced into frozen power. FB is there mainly if you need an additional snare, not because it does better DPS. The 10% spell damage, while nice, is nowhere near the dps output of FT imo.

    I also roll enhancement/arms warrior. Yes, my warrior can hamstring. Yes, I can frost shock. Yes, I can earthbind. Do I still use FB? Shit yes. It's the easiest to apply, you don't even have to push a button besides autoattack. It doesn't cost rage, it doesn't cost mana. It saves the warrior from having to use a precious GCD near the start of a match. My best advice for this comp (or any shaman comp, for that matter), is to get damn good at using focus macros

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