Project Lifeboat is coming to a server near you! We are a rerolling guild, making use of handy lifeboats to survive the crushing waves and rising sea levels and make an impact on Cataclysm.

Project Lifeboat is an upcoming reroll project for World of Warcraft. We currently do not have a server or date chosen, but it is intended to be rerolled and up and running before Cataclysm hits. We will be rolling horde side.

We intend to be made up of people from all walks of World of Warcraft life, who are up for raiding on a relaxed schedule but to a high degree of professionalism. For this reason we are an adult guild and will generally only accept applicants of 18 or over. We want to place a great deal of importance, however, upon the social side of playing.

We will raid on a 3 or 4 night schedule, raiding approximately between the hours of 20:00 and 24:00 (though this is subject to change).

Before Cataclysm hits we will reroll en masse, and generally take it easy before the expansion is here.

Please head over to our forums at for more information or to ask any questions.

Thank you for reading!