1. #1

    Boomkin Questions/Thoughts

    hello, i'm posting to gather thoughts and idea's about my laser chicken. I just have a couple of things i'd like to ask / discuss, please feel free to state your opinion/suggestions!!

    my stats in form, with no buffs:
    Spell Power - 3356
    Hit - 301 (11.47%)
    Crit - 44.10%
    Haste - 520 (15.86%)
    (search me on armory for a look at my gear, Critorious<Breakin the Habit> of Burning Legion)

    I'm at a target dummy right now testing stuff out and something i really don't understand...
    My spells are being partially resisted... If you looked closely i replaced the +23 Haste enchant to my cloak with +35 spell pen to see if that would solve anything, and it did not.
    i.e. on the target dummy i was criting 14,000 starfires, and 600-700 of it was resisted. My combat log reads... "Critorious's Starfire hits Heroic Training Dummy for 14,030(Arcane).(660 Resisited) (Critical)" and this happened many times with various amounts to both the damage and the amount resisted. Also, my wraths', my insect swarm, my moonfires, and even the pillar of flame(Reign of the Unliving Trinket) are all being partially resisted half the time. This also happens in raids, not just at the dummys.

    Who here doesn't keep moonfire and insect swarm up the whole time either. i re-apply both of them whenever needed, regardless of where i am in my eclipse rotation.

    I have Frozen Bonespike(MH) and Scrougelord's Baton(OH) as my weapons as of right now, but i have Nibelung on me too. And i can't quite decided which one is better. I'd like to know other people's opinions.

    A topic i've seen talked about on these fourms is that after capping hit, and soft capping haste and crit, that haste > crit. I'd like to hear thoughts on that, because i believe that crit > haste.

    I'm currently using the glyphs of starfall, moonfire, and insect swarm. People say that now days glyph of insect swarm is not worth it, i fail to see why.

    Thanks everyone for reading/replying!

  2. #2
    Bosses partially resist appr. 5% of your spells. That's been the case forever. There's nothing you can do about it, either. Spell Penetration won't do any good. So change back to 23 haste on your cloak.

    I don't keep both MF and IS up the whole time. IS right before solar eclipse and MF right before lunar eclipse is my way to go. And I bet you most moonkins will perform this way.

    And that's exactly the reason why glyph of insect swarm is not worth it. 'Cause it won't be up half of the time. Glyphs of starfall, moonfire and starfire is really a better alternative.

    I found Nibelung to be quite a lackluster. The valkyrs are mindless drones. They die in fires, attack targets despite a damage stop (e.g. killing an ooze before Putricide's phase transition) and will always attack the wrong target (e.g. not attacking valkyrs on LK most of the time). So while they contribute DPS, they will contribute useless DPS most of the time.

    To your armory: get the itemlvl 264 idol as fast as you can. Not only does it provide you with more crit, it's uptime is also constant. So while the 245 idol has an uptime of appr. 80%, the 264 idol will be up and running close to 100% of the fight.
    Even if you are a fan of crit, you really shouldn't put orange stones in red sockets. Pure spellpower will always be better than a combination of SP and crit or haste.
    The +34 crit gem should really be a 12SP+10haste gem (or 12SP+10crit, if you must). Since SP is always better than crit, no matter the cap situation, you will want your 3 jewelcrafting-only jewels to be +39SP ones.
    And since you are already over hit cap, you would do better with Tuskarr's Vitality on boots. It's a surprisingly good enchant.

    Why haste is better after having reached both crit and haste soft caps? Because it scales better. Nature's Grace won't be up all the time (who hasn't experienced critless streaks every now and then). Plus, while crit stacks additively, haste multiplies. That's also why you use potions of speed during heroism (and lunar eclipse, of course).
    If you can provide solid numbers proving that crit > haste after soft-capping crit and haste, then, by all means, tell us.
    'Cause all the numbers that we have seen so far suggest that haste > crit.

    Qieth's Moonkin Guide, in case you haven't read any guide yet. Maybe this answers your questions further.

  3. #3
    Hello, long time reader first time poster...
    while i agree with Bart on most of what he typed I do disagree with keeping both dots up all the time, I apply and reapply BOTH dots only when I am on the move, but during a burn phase I only apply 1 dot IS- wrath and MF - Starfire since that is all you need for your 264 idol proc which like bart said is almost up 100% of the time, and my justification for that is I can do more dps with a wrath or starfire than the dot can do with it's perodic damage and I won't have to waste a GCD.

    but your crit cap is 1575-your intell (1382) divided by 3...which in your case come to 1114..so I would loose some crit gain more haste (change you back..back to haste)
    your Off hand and bone spike has more spell power than the nibelung and again like Bart said the valks pretty much blow IMO.

  4. #4
    You should simply resocket your yellow sockets with reckless ametrine, and your red with spellpower gems to gain a slight dps increase.

  5. #5
    You're a bit over hitcap as well.

  6. #6
    Hamburglar, I don't think Bartol said to keep both dots up all the time. In fact, he wrote the same as you:

    I don't keep both MF and IS up the whole time. IS right before solar eclipse and MF right before lunar eclipse is my way to go. And I bet you most moonkins will perform this way.

    And as always, we all do put up both dots on the move.


    OP > When it comes to the soft crit cap, another way to test it is to check your character sheet midfight. If it reads 42%, you are soft crit capped. As said above, you can regem some of your sockets to SP/haste gems, as long as you make sure that you don't fall down below the soft crit cap.

  7. #7
    I am sorry I miss read.

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