Thread: level

  1. #1


    I am thinking about leveling a mage up to 80... any specific tips as to how I should go about doing it and making leveling easy?

  2. #2
    Go frost
    untill 60 then go arcane

  3. #3
    Spec frost till 64 (Arcane facerolling)
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  4. #4
    Level Frost, Profit. 64 Go Arcane. AB is OP

  5. #5
    AoE frost specc, heirlooms

  6. #6
    Nuke shit. It's essentially Mage levelling at it's finest

    OT: What Myrlae said

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Go frost all the way .. Arcane drains your mana frost is like non stop.
    AoE leveling ftw

  9. #9
    All you really need to do as Frost is to spam Frostbolt. Frost Nova if they get close, 'cause Mages are THE weakest when it comes to defense. If you don't count their frost shield thing.

    Then go Arcane at 64, all you really need to do then is spam Arcane Blast until you get the Arcane Missiles proc (you'll see when you spec it), or Arcane Barrage if you reach 4 stacks of the Arcane Blast buff without getting the Arcane Missiles proc.

  10. #10
    Ty for all the help pplz... what about gearing.. what should I gear towards?

  11. #11
    Spell power, with a side of haste and critsauce.

    As long as you grab caster gear upgrades as you level it doesnt matter much until you are 80.
    Don't ERP me bro!

  12. #12
    If you can get a tank for instances, I would recommend you to spec one point into Imp. Blizzard. This talent paired with Frostbite, Finger of Frost and Shatter give a huge load of aoe dps.

  13. #13
    Hi guys,

    I have a mage at level 65.

    Can anyone link the tree i should have of the arcane spec at this level?

    Sry for the bad english. Thanks!!!

  14. #14
    Yes please could someone link me what the frost tree and the arcane tree should look like pre 64 and post 64?

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