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  1. #1

    New Mage Talents??

    Guild Wars here I come

    Okay, seriously... I promise that if these new Cataclysm talents go live, somewhere around 30-92% of Mages will either re-roll or quit.

    It's late and I'm not going to get into all the details, but for starters: If you look at the Frost Mage tree, you'll notice if you spec into Deep Freeze, you can't spec into Improved Counter-spell, or PoM, or the new Polymorph Damage-delay (now a stun).

    Some may argue that having all of those talents in the Arcane tree, PLUS Deep Freeze may be unbalanced, and over-powered, fine that's a valid argument. But now us Frost Mages can't even get Imp. Counter-spell? How will Frost do PvP???

    They just broke Frost Mages. I really hope this is either a joke or there was some last-minute rushing which caused some mistakes. I really don't want to roll a lock - _ -

    And I glimpsed at a few other trees and just like the Mage trees, they looked plain, simple, bland and down-right boring.
    ... Wasn't the goal to get rid of the 'filler' talents and make it more interesting? I think they did the complete opposite.

    And one last thing... I realize what they're doing now. Blizzard is dumbing down the trees so that new players and 'casuals' can feel relaxed when they fill out the talent-trees and not feel over-whelmed with choices. Well I don't know about you guys, but it was fun having big trees with lots of options and possibilities. Once again, I say they ruined Mages, and possibly the game. Which is really really sad because I was looking forward to Cataclysm.

    What do you guys think? And please don't troll around, this is just my opinion.
    Last edited by Geoffreytracy; 2010-07-14 at 07:48 AM. Reason: Spelling error : \

  2. #2
    I totally agree, if things go live like this i am definetly going to consider quit playing my mage or even the game all together. Having focus magic as fire, or icy veins as arcane is what being a mage is all about. This is totally absurd and they need to stop being pushovers to the casual 13yr old kids that cant learn to spec right and make it back to normal or atleast not lock us into a tree. I would rather not get arcane power and have icy veins as an arcane mage imo with the mastery for arcane being you need more mana. And what the hell happened to the explode on impact talent for the new flame orb...can you say mages are gonna suck now? FML

  3. #3
    actually this is BACK TO NORMAL consideringn thats what trees used to be in the beginning pretty much, just less cool, a lot less cool

  4. #4
    I just had a look at the talens.. I was stunned. I mean.. i have to take useless talents just to get some 'interesting' talents..
    I was pretty convinced i was playing my mage in cata, but this really doesnt look promising.

    I kinda have no words for this..
    I will look into my other chars's tree's now, but im scared

  5. #5
    Please try and understand that this is just a rough draft of what will be going live in 3 or 4 months.

    Let's repeat: 3 or 4 months from now!And countless beta builds later!

    So, stop bitching, sit back and relax. No need to rush to your local store.Cataclysm is NOT coming out today.

  6. #6
    I see that the Frost tree, is the 'least' fucked up. At least i can spent my TPs decent. But yes imp CS when Frost is just... NO.

  7. #7
    Yeah, mage talents are a lackluster. For one, fire mages got close to no change, except for minor damage buffs and dependancy on dots... In pvp you're still running around waiting for your db and bw cooldowns to come up to survive (+ you lose reflect from mage ward!!!! srsly, wtf?), but you'll prolly still die miserably. And pve you're still spamming fireball with pyroblast hotkey ready...

    They even removed instant flamestrikes... Amazing... I think firemages got more of a nerf than "new exciting talents".

  8. #8
    Fine theres a scroll for your buff 90% of the mage i know are salcker or pvp scrubs bye
    My friend play GOW maybe you will join him ( hopefuly )
    Are u done canceling your wow subscription( pls say yes pls say yes ) ?
    No o.o ?
    well then stop QQ abou your class being less overpowerd in pvp and remember that during 3 season's RMP was the only viabel 3s comp and its still viabel only less overpowerd mmkay .
    Now back to mage the talents are in an early beta stage and theyr HALF COMPLETED so stop crying over s***

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by The10thacc View Post
    Fine theres a scroll for your buff 90% of the mage i know are salcker or pvp scrubs bye
    My friend play GOW maybe you will join him ( hopefuly )
    Are u done canceling your wow subscription( pls say yes pls say yes ) ?
    No o.o ?
    well then stop QQ abou your class being less overpowerd in pvp and remember that during 3 season's RMP was the only viabel 3s comp and its still viabel only less overpowerd mmkay .
    Now back to mage the talents are in an early beta stage and theyr HALF COMPLETED so stop crying over s***
    go play your freakin paladin and get the F* out of here

  10. #10
    Fine theres a scroll for your buff 90% of the mage i know are salcker or pvp scrubs bye
    My friend play GOW maybe you will join him ( hopefuly )
    Are u done canceling your wow subscription( pls say yes pls say yes ) ?
    No o.o ?
    well then stop QQ abou your class being less overpowerd in pvp and remember that during 3 season's RMP was the only viabel 3s comp and its still viabel only less overpowerd mmkay .
    Now back to mage the talents are in an early beta stage and theyr HALF COMPLETED so stop crying over s***
    u mad?

    Btw, in previous build there was a talent that reduced blastwave cooldown when you were being hit... And now it's gone too... I'm just speachless...

  11. #11
    # 31 points must be spent in the primary specialization tree before any points can be placed in additional trees.

    So you can only spend 10 points in other talent trees.

    ---------- Post added 2010-07-14 at 08:25 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoffreytracy View Post
    And one last thing... I realize what they're doing now. Blizzard is dumbing down the trees so that new players and 'casuals' can feel relaxed when they fill out the talent-trees and not feel over-whelmed with choices. Well I don't know about you guys, but it was fun having big trees with lots of options and possibilities. Once again, I say they ruined Mages, and possibly the game. Which is really really sad because I was looking forward to Cataclysm.

    What do you guys think? And please don't troll around, this is just my opinion.
    I tried some premade level 80 characters last PTR, and it was really bad. I had no prior knowledge about the class. I had to read about the class and specs for something like two hours, to get the talents, rotation, glyphs, gems, enchants right. It was really boring. This was for a Combat rogue with a really simple rotation. I think this is ridiculous, so a bit of dumbing down can be a good thing.
    Last edited by ProTech; 2010-07-14 at 08:29 AM.

  12. #12
    Please quit the game now just now go away siriously I just laugh at you ... noob this is the BETA they dont ever let bad talent trees go live and so what if some talents arent avaible ... go and try to find a new way and there are new possibilities with the talents of all specs but please read this...

    * THE BETA IS STILL ON * and I really liked to read you saying * I am going to quit the game if a talent isnt avaible with such importants ...

    Go outside and breath into the fresh air and think again before saying stupid things while the beta is running and dont forget what duke nukem says...


  13. #13
    The new talent system will ruin all old days Classic talents. For example deep frost with imp cs, arcane fire, arcane frost, elemental(frost fire). Deep frost without imp cs will ruin frost mage pvp. And the new MASTERY system(u cant click different talent until u have 31 on ur mastery spec) will ruin a lot of classic specs. Different talent combo will made more fun. But now its looks like new talents for most of the classes will be very bull.

  14. #14
    You people always think the world will die when something good turns bad but in the end u get used to it and you gona like it in the end and then again that turns bad and then u will get used to it in the end and then it turn bad en then later u get used to it ..... x 100000000 triljonbiljonziljon times....

  15. #15
    Please quit the game now just now go away siriously I just laugh at you ... noob this is the BETA they dont ever let bad talent trees go live and so what if some talents arent avaible ... go and try to find a new way and there are new possibilities with the talents of all specs but please read this...

    * THE BETA IS STILL ON * and I really liked to read you saying * I am going to quit the game if a talent isnt avaible with such importants ...

    Go outside and breath into the fresh air and think again before saying stupid things while the beta is running and dont forget what duke nukem says...

    y so mad tho?

    I think they should start banning people for writing "IT'S STILL BETA YA NABS HUR DUR!!!" posts, they're really not helping at all...

  16. #16
    What I don't like is that the Frost tree cannot be your subspec, as the talents there are mostly deal with chill effects and cooldown reduction of frost spells.

    Fire is a bit better, but it's also hard to spend all 10 points in there. There are not a lot of damage increasing abilities mostly pushback protection and mana return.

    So nearly all mages will spend point in the Arcane tree. Which has tons of damage increasing talents.

    This was from PvE perspective.

  17. #17
    No we are protecting the forums for the imcoming forum trolls ... and without the ID change that blizzard wanted to put in the trolls are back with more power you could imagen... * joking *

    ---------- Post added 2010-07-14 at 09:05 AM ----------


    ---------- Post added 2010-07-14 at 09:06 AM ----------

    Sorry for beta spam xD

  18. #18
    I was accualty looking forward to "less talents" due to the massive "need to have to get further down" talents, however, that is accualty what has been left back. I've been sitting playing arround with some different builds and "F#############################################################CK" - The 31 talent is more or less mandatory, but the amount of junk you have to get to get there.

  19. #19
    Frost Mages are absolutely fine without Imp CS. Learn to use your abilities.

  20. #20
    Mechagnome Tayla's Avatar
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    Aug 2009
    My fire build.
    i don't *want* burning soul.
    i don't *want* imp flamestrike.
    But this is beta, and a first draft.
    Mnf, i reserve judgement.

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