1. #1

    Holy Paladin - Tracking Judgements and Buffs

    Hi guys.

    I'm a recently 80 dinged Holy Paladin and I'm having a bit of trouble tracking things like which target I've used Judgement of Light on, who's got Beacon of Light/Sacred Shield etc.

    I've tried using TellMeWhen but it hasn't worked out so well. I was wondering if there are any addons that will help me keep track of where my buffs/debuffs are and when to refresh them. Can anyone recommend anything useful for me?

    Many thanks,


    P.S. I've already checked the stickies and varies Holy paladin guides, but haven't seen anything that matches what I'm looking for.

  2. #2
    You can use ForteXorcist. It's designed for DPS, but with a little tweaking (showing targets, separating them, etc) you can make it do what you're looking for.

  3. #3
    I have this little thing:
    Paladin Beacon of Light, Sacred Shield Tracker

    It's old-ish, but it works well. It tracks Beacon/Sacred Shield+FoL HOT/Judgments of the Pure for you and any other holy pally in group/raid.

    It also puts a big flashy warning when one is about to expire, which I need because I will totally forget to refresh beacon. LOL

  4. #4
    I agree with Karma ForteXorcist is by far one of the better ones. However, I haven't tested it as holy.

  5. #5
    Pretty sure ye olde Power Auras can do this if you take the time to understand the customisation of it. I never did. I use ForteXorcist which you can get on curse etc (ignore that it says its for warlocks mainly - it works for all classes)

  6. #6
    Thanks very much guys these have all been very useful Gonna try out each of them and see which work best.

  7. #7
    I use forte and love it

  8. #8
    So, I've gone with ForteXorcist and it seems quit nice, if a bit confusing at first. However I'm a roleplayer (yeah I know lolrp iz ghey etc), is there any way to hide the addon when not in combat?

  9. #9
    That is not gonna be easy ...
    ForteXorcist does some of the job

  10. #10
    Nevermind, found out if you have nothing to track, it doesn't appear Very nice addon, thanks again guys.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by azrielen View Post
    I have this little thing:
    Paladin Beacon of Light, Sacred Shield Tracker

    It's old-ish, but it works well. It tracks Beacon/Sacred Shield+FoL HOT/Judgments of the Pure for you and any other holy pally in group/raid.

    It also puts a big flashy warning when one is about to expire, which I need because I will totally forget to refresh beacon. LOL
    I use clcbpt. It's very lightweight and contains a fair amount of information.

    For Judgement of Light/Wisdom, I have a focus assist macro on the main tank.

    [11:50:45] Earthmender Duarn says: Shamanistic healing is a complex art. You can't just chain heal all day.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Foibles View Post
    I use clcbpt. It's very lightweight and contains a fair amount of information.

    For Judgement of Light/Wisdom, I have a focus assist macro on the main tank.
    clcbpt is easy to use and works out of the box. Other than that i would recommend "Power Aura", not the easiest in the world to setup but you can literally do anything with it, there are plenty of Youtube tutorials out there + a good amount of useful "imports/premade aura's" ( http://powerauras.wikispaces.com/ )

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