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  1. #601

    Question bout holy

    SO I was playing around with the talent calculator and I noticed that holy priest can pick up evangelism and archangel in the disc spec, and i was wondering if this would be viable way to regain mana for holy priest at 85. Not to mention the damage your gonna cause having chakra smite up along with 5 stack evangelism. So watcha think?

  2. #602
    Well chacra: smite made me hit from 3100 to 3400 smites in ptr.If evangelism 5 stucks, it is +20% which is about 4k smites. Comparing to 23k mindblast i hit in shadow(3d stage orbs) i don't think it is in order to stuck it for just nuking.Though can be situational nuking cd.
    And why not consuming it in Archangel in order to gain 15% healing bonus(which is ur main role) + laugh at paladins cause ur wings having extra better animation than them????
    Also you can play smiter spec alike while playing an offensive discipline spec, which can do stuff happen in pvp.In pve you won't nuke anyway (except lvling/grinding) as holy.
    Last edited by mmoc1861945c2b; 2010-10-13 at 06:15 AM.

  3. #603
    Quote Originally Posted by Lehran View Post
    I dont play a Priest as my main so I havent been looking at all the changes but in my opinion...

    Evangelism seems to be a Shadow/PvP talent to me, I just dont believe healers will need to DPS in order to gain mana.

    Its definately not worth making a pretty messed up spec for the regen and healing.
    It's doubtless useful for Discipline in PvE, which is probably the most nuke-heavy healer out of the 5 specs. For Holy it's more debatable. I think builds could make it work; 15% burst healing could be a life-saver under a lot of conditions. But I think it will require more experience for people to be able to tell.

  4. #604
    Anyone have a macro that combines the holy words + chastise?

  5. #605


    You are not allowed to post any kinds of links, images or videos until you post a few times.

    Lol seems i cant copy paste my macros, oh wel google is your friend.

  6. #606
    Quote Originally Posted by Docta View Post
    Anyone have a macro that combines the holy words + chastise?
    Scrolling back a couple pages on our Priest boards comes up with This thread, and this post:
    Quote Originally Posted by Aregios View Post
    I've placed HW: Chastise (from the spellbook) somewhere on my bars and my macro works properly ;-)

    as soon as the spell is somewhere on your actionbars HW:C will be useable via mouse over
    thats my macro:

    #showtooltip Holy Word: Chastise
    /cast [help,target=mouseover] Holy Word: Chastise
    /cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Holy Word: Chastise
    /cast Holy Word: Chastise

    the respective Holy Words will be automatically casted depending on your charkra state
    ~Former Priest/Guild Wars 2 Moderator~
    Now TESTING: ArcheAge (Alpha)
    Now PLAYING: MonoRed Burn (MtG Standard)
    Twitter: @KelestiMMO come say hi!
    ~When you speak, I hear silence. Every word a defiance~

  7. #607
    /cast [target=mouseover, help] [] Holy Word: Chastise; Holy Word: Chastise
    That simple macro works for me as long as I have Chakra somewhere on my bars. The only downside is that the #showtooltip doesn't update properly when you change Chakras (although the shaded cooldown display on the icon still does).

    Also on a side note, one annoying thing about the present default UI raid frames is Aspire doesn't show up. Kinda annoying for such a long HoT.

  8. #608
    I was quite sad that Grid wasn't updated and I was forced to use the crappy default UI.

    The default UI is now almost a Grid-lite, and could use some things (like Aspire, for example), but it's come a long way from the crap we dragged onto our screen, group by group, in Vanilla.
    ~Former Priest/Guild Wars 2 Moderator~
    Now TESTING: ArcheAge (Alpha)
    Now PLAYING: MonoRed Burn (MtG Standard)
    Twitter: @KelestiMMO come say hi!
    ~When you speak, I hear silence. Every word a defiance~

  9. #609
    Kel, They finally having a functioning version of Grid you can get now, but most of the addon plugins are not working and I don't know if they are being maintained.

    For my holy macros I came up with this:

    Ren-C (Renew Chakra)

    #showtooltip Renew
    /cast Chakra
    /cast [@mouseover] Renew


    #showtooltip Prayer of Healing
    /cast Chakra
    /cast [@mouseover] Prayer of Healing

    Heal-C (Name of Heal Chakra Macro)

    #showtooltip Heal
    /cast Chakra
    /cast [@mouseover] Heal

    So with one cast you get into your desired Chakra state.

    Then for Holy Word: Chastise

    #showtooltip Holy Word: Chastise
    /cast [@mouseover, help] Holy Word: Chastise; Holy Word: Chastise

    Like someone else mentioned you have to have Chakra and HW:Chastise on your action bars somewhere (can be hidden) for the macros to work

    I basically have the three Chakra macros at 1, 2, and 3 on the action bar, then heal, renew, and Chastise next, since you'll be using most of those pretty frequently. Bind them with Clique to your mouse and you are golden.

    I gave some thought to actually adding Holy Word: Chastise to the Chakra macros but that wouldn't work for PoH (since you get a target circle to drop), and the initial target may not be the same person you want to use your Serenity or Aspire on.

  10. #610
    Quote Originally Posted by Aliahna View Post
    Kel, They finally having a functioning version of Grid you can get now, but most of the addon plugins are not working and I don't know if they are being maintained.
    What? I've been checking Curse and haven't been able to find a version of Grid updated. Am I just blind?

  11. #611
    Here you go:

    P.S. and another tip, I couldn't get the most recent version on Clique to work so I copied the version that was released for Beta/PTR from my PTR addons folder to my live addons folder and it works just fine. You may not experience the same issues I did with Clique but in case you do, you might give the PTR version of Clique a try.
    Last edited by Aliahna; 2010-10-13 at 09:48 PM.

  12. #612
    Ah thanks for that. Though it doesn't look like grid's showing mana bars. I guess that's a separate plug-in not updated yet.

    What's the consensus on mastery for level 80 right now? Is it worth reforging certain stats to max out mastery as much as possible for level 80 Live?

  13. #613
    So i have grid downloaded, and as previously said, the plugins don't work. However, i have a problem with grid. Whenver i invite somebody to my raid, they do not show up, that or it makes my grid box disappear and the one i invited shows up (will not show more than 3 grids). However, if i switch the profile to something else, then switch it back, it then updates. Anybody else experiencing this and maybe have some sort of idea to what is doing this?

  14. #614
    SO glad Grid is working now. I haven't had any issues with it yet, though I've only been doing 5-mans and the weekly (Noth).

    I'm going to have to take back what I had said before about Smite being useless at this point. Maybe it's because we still are overgearing content, but Evangelism/Archangel definitely has a place in any Discipline build, along with Atonement. I still find myself sitting on my hands a lot in 5-mans as a Holy priest, spamming Heal just to have something to do. I imagine it's similar in Discipline, and you might as well spam Smite instead and contribute some DPS with your healing.

  15. #615
    Anybody reporting that their clique+grid combo is not updating properly? Or does it just seem to be something on my end.

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