1. #1

    Demonology pvp in Cata


    I was wondering if some sort of neo-sl/sl spec based on tank draining would be possible and competitive in Cata pvp. The spec in itself is pretty much based on strong DoTs, drain and self-healing.
    Spec I am thinking about is 10/31/00 taking imp corruption, doom and gloom / soul siphon and siphon life in Affli.

    I was having much fun in bg with such spec in WotLK (drain tanking in Meta form) even if it was not as good as Destro and Affli because it relied to much on meta itself.
    Now Cataclysm bring lot of new stuff to this spec:
    - Instant Drain / soul fire
    - Doomguards and Inferno with short CDs (are they usable along your pet or do they replace it?)
    - Hand of Gul'Dan
    - Hellfire while moving without loosing life
    - Huge health pools
    - Fel flame
    - Demon soul
    - Bane of agony and corruption crits and haste
    - Most important one: Siphon life availability

    If someone currently in Beta could give me some feedbacks about such spec in pvp it would be great.

  2. #2
    I'm really curious about the way you 'drain-tanked' with Wotlk's Demo/affli build hybrid tbh. The way I preferred to play it was with this spec; http://www.wowhead.com/talent#IZbGchkA0ihsgzAoVf0Vb:Nnj , with heavy emphasis on staying with a group, getting decimation asap and then nuking the other team in pieces of dust with Meta'd soulfires.

    Can't imagine drain-tanking working because you're essentially missing out Siphon life(meta + siphon is impossible) and drain life isn't powerfull enough and subject to interrupts. Tbh, Demo PVP = more like destro, than like affliction, with the current higher tier setup. This might change in Cata tho. Just my 2 off-topic cents.

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