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  1. #21
    Well, I wouldn't call it the "best" but actually about any DK I met during the first few months of WOTLK killed my poor Warlock for good...

    Other than that... Lately I've played a WSG on my Moonkin. I've got decent 'survival' Equip (1.4k resi, Frost Badge Tank Trinket), most enemies need quiet some time to kill me. At least I thought so, until I met a organised group from another server. They had pretty much BiS PvE gear (well, at least the hunter I looked up had). The hunter alone killed me ridiculously fast. I tried it several times to catch one of these guys alone. I caught the hunter twice, but both times he killed me through Barkskin very fast.. I couldn't help but laugh ^^

  2. #22
    Thunderstorm makes me laugh, since it never actually helps them. It'd knock me out of danger or I'd shift to cat form and /lol and all that stuff. Well, I was in IoC on the gun tower and a shaman popped in and sucked. Was a slow keyboard turner and well I'm resto, so I can't bring a ton of damage and then bombs started to hit the platform so I couldn't see and he had moved just around the tower corner on the fort side and I just saw some red letters and slowly moved over there to get LOS of him to cast on him when.... THUNDERSTORM. I /lol as always, shift to cat and wait a very, very long time as I fall all the way down, past the ground into the gorge below for a big juicy splat. That's probably the only spot in any of the BGs I could fall from and actually die when in cat form.

    Poor kitty.

  3. #23
    There was this Rogue hitting on an Orgrimmar NPC, I wasn't PvP enabled so I was standing there thinking wether or not I should attack the Rogue.
    Being in my PvE Frostfire spec I decided I should be able to crit him to death without having to defend myself.
    So I started casting. As soon as my cast finished and I became PvP enabled, a kitty who was hiding there in stealth raped me.

    When I ran back to my corpse I suddenly noticed the other corpses lying around there, seems I wasn't the only one fooled.

  4. #24
    After almost all WGs are finished we (Horde, Ravencrest EU) have this NE Balance Druid hanging around picking out targets to have fun with. And we are talking cat/mouse fun. Its quite a sight actually. Being taken care of in such a way is close to a ballet. A good oldschool asskicking right to face. Perfectly timed Starfires after cyclones, handling multple target-CC, perfect balance between forms and healing/dps, tightly squeezed mocking-macroes and most importantly : He does this after almost every WG, night and day and picks out targets with the most PVP-gear for the challenge. Normally you would feel the nasty sensasion when you gets taken out. A feeling that most players know by the way the mouse get smashed into the desk and if your gf ask a question you will bite her head off. Well, here its different in the way that "its ok" to get slashed by Krómblóm. Again, the perfect Typhoons mid-air only to land perfectly on the WG walls and to apply dots, which ticks for a million. Rarely have I been ganked so much by one player....and I keep coming back. Even created an Ally char just to give him a whisper and to tell him that he was awesome and he should make some vids. And he was all cool about it.

    Sometimes its just ok to get kicked in the face, when done in grace

    If you see Krómblóm...give him a /kiss and an asskick from me.

    Last edited by mmoc928f0a34a4; 2010-08-26 at 02:12 AM.

  5. #25
    I was feeling cocky. Three 70s were wrecking the duelers outside Orgrimmar and I assumed it was because the lowbies were mildly coordinated and the 80s were just the usual, noobish players who would only duel those in worse gear. I decided that I would put them in their place on my ele shaman. I was in Relentless gear at the time and was up against a frost mage, discipline priest and either a shadow priest or druid-- I can't for the life of me remember what the night elf was. I made the mistake of following them out into the harpie canyon where they tore me a new one. Granted, this was a 3s team in S4 gear and I was caught off guard but I was still plenty bitter over losing to 70s.

  6. #26
    I play a DK, i don't ever have my ass kicked
    I press whatever button is lit up and profit!

  7. #27
    This one time me (holy pally) and my friend (resto shaman) tried to solo LK 25 we didn't last long

  8. #28
    (Doing 2's one day. My team was a Druid/Warlock. Im the Druid)
    Me: Ok, get pumped bro. First game of the day. Ok look, 2 stealthed... Rogue/Mage
    Friend: Port up north pillar(We played BEM)
    I get massacred here. Like fucking globaled.
    Me: Yeah bro, did you see that? I don't even know what race they are it happened so fast xD
    Friend: Damn your dead? I am so screwed(pops void bubble and ports up)
    Feral Druid and Rogue both in full 277 were waiting up at the top right next to his portal
    Me: WAIT MAN!
    Friend got globaled... It was horrible. Probably a 15 second match if even that...
    Me: We are done for the day. Ill ttyl.

    I searched them up later on, and yeah... Feral Druid = Hard capped ArP w/gear and maybe like 2 gems. Rogue = Mut spec in full 277 gear..

  9. #29
    I was camping the MT of 25m raiding guild, so they couldn't start the instance because of me. At some point half of the raid came outside of the instance to help him, and i died in like a millisecond.

  10. #30
    gravity -.- that is all

    I am the Warrior. Death is my business. Be it yours...or mine.

  11. #31
    Dreadlord BM-Hunter's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wherever there are gnomes that havent been eaten yet.
    Everytime i go against a shadow priest...this basically happens.
    <Insert something witty and humorous here>

  12. #32
    There are actually quite a few. I know I've been humiliated. Horribly. Not only on a single ocassion. But for some reason, I can only think of the ones where I've done the kicking. I won't share those, because bragging-stories are pretty dull for anyone not doing the telling.

    My story is at Hrothgar landing, or whatever it was called. I'm on my DK. I had just received my 1850-weapon in season6 a few weeks earlier, pre-patch. I found a mage there. I thought. Sweet. He's arcane. And in pve-gear? Win!
    I bothered not to equip my PvP-gear, because hey - mage!
    To make a long story short, he killed me in a few short globals. I was so incredibly furious. I mean, he had crit through my entire AMS with one spell (absorbs damage equal to 50% of DK health) and then PoM'ed another Arcane Blast to kill what was left. I had only managed to chain him at that point.
    So I got on my pvp-gear, and attempted to serve him. Where I ran into him again. Half-naked and in frost-specc. I think he was waiting for me to prove a point. I won't say he obliterated me, but he humiliated me. Rank1 frost bolts. Low-rank Cone of Cold. Wanding. Getting lucky with glyph of frost ward and reflecting two chains in-a-row.
    Then he came back as arcane. And used Slow. And ice lance. And fire blast. Alone. I mean. I was so frustrated I couldn't even celebrate his obvious skilladvantage, which I usually can.

    Anyway. I don't play that character anymore. I won't say it's unrelated. I know play a shaman, a class with no glaring counter-class. (*cough* rogue, or anything with an MS or interrupt, but especially rogues *cough*)

  13. #33
    One day I had to face myself AND WHOOPDI fucking do not possible to kill Q_Q

  14. #34
    It was pretty late one night and I was flying over wintergrasp and saw some warrior there killing some elementals. His hp wasnt that high so I assumed that he would be an easy take town for a pretty decently geared frost mage as me. So I swoop in and press the featherfall button...

    It was at exactly this point I realised that I was logged on to my shaman, and landed in a big SPLASH right next to the warrior who turned arround and did a nice little "rofl" on me.

    Yep I kicked my own ass there, but I dont think Ive ever been as embarrassed. :P

  15. #35
    If I duel anyone in full wrathful, FYI I'm ele

    Awesome sig by Nifzilla!

  16. #36
    I've never had my ass kicked at this game. and I am a rogue. holy pallys are easy for my. just like prot and retribution pallys
    If your raid is bad, bind your Hyperspeed Accelerator to hearthstone!

  17. #37
    On my furious geared ele shaman.

    "Hah, some pve mage, time to kick his ass"

    *12k Fireball, instant 11k pyroblast*

    I would hate pve heroes so much, if I wasn't one on my Boomkin.

  18. #38
    Dunno how many people this has happened too but I'll tell it anyway. Random Arathi Basin. We ride merrily out the gates and the Horde are all over us like a cheap suit. I mean I've been beaten 2000-0 before but in this case not a single one of us managed to score even a single kill on ANY of the horde let alone cap any flags, I mean like freakin nothin' man. Whole horde team with 0 deaths down the board. A complete whitewash in the most extreme sense.

  19. #39
    3's one boomkin one resto druid and one enhancement shamy, trees, wolves, and heroism i died in 3 seconds. Over after that

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by imashaman93 View Post
    I've never had my ass kicked at this game. and I am a rogue. holy pallys are easy for my. just like prot and retribution pallys
    Then you haven't faced me yet

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