Thread: Unholy DK 101

  1. #1

    Unholy DK 101

    So...DK is really the only class that I haven't tried. I've decided that I'm going to play one. Basically, I'll just be PvPing through the upper-tier brackets. While I have a good idea about the playstyle of pretty much every class, I have to say I'm basically clueless with the DK. I'm not so ignorant about how to handle specific classes. I know how and when to use big cooldowns like AMS, Deathgrip, IF, etc.

    My question has more to do with basic rotations. I'd like to know how to get the most damage out of plate fights, how to most effectively burst, how/when to use AoE, and when to use some situational abilities.

    1) In a non-burst fight (against a paladin/warrior/DK, for instance) what rotation should I be using? Do I pack him up w/ diseases before I scourge strike? or just start hitting him with it?

    2) In burst fights, does my rotation change?

    3) what's the most effective method of dealing with 3-4 enemies in melee range of me? What AoE abilities should I be using?

    4) In the middle of a fight, at what priority do I use abilities like bone shield and corpse explosion?

  2. #2
    1) Non-burst but high dps, diseases are a must, of you're a bad DK

    2)idk personally.

    3)diseases on every enemy, dnd, BB, profit.

    4) bone shield up always, don't get hit. Don't spec into corpse explosion, there are better things.

  3. #3
    i should clarify. this is for PvP, purely.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Joesgetndown View Post
    1) Don't spec into corpse explosion, there are better things.
    Really depends on what you doing, as for arena I would honestly say its vital, its puts out so much damage if you time it right, with a leap into gnaw into chains with an explode, can catch a paladin off guard an they wont be quick enough to bubble.

  5. #5

    I don't pvp on my dk, so I have no idea, you can safely disregard my previous post unless somehow pvp is the same as pve haha.
    Last edited by Joesgetndown; 2010-08-24 at 08:30 AM.

  6. #6
    ce is a must for dk pvp it is the only real big burst they get against non mages.

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