<Exile> is one of the top ranked end-game progression raiding guild on the US-Blade's Edge Server. It has been in existence for about a 5 months and has climbed to #3 on Server for 25's. It's core members are what’s left of Subversion, which was the top Guild on the Blade's Edge server through Ulduar getting server first through most of WotLK until its re-roll in the middle of ICC. Since that time we have rebuilt our guild and are now preparing for our final push in ICC. Our current goals are to finish out ICC strong and prepare for cataclysm. We are looking for exceptional players who have successful experience with ICC Hardmodes

Our goal is to create a great community and fellowship for the members of the guild AND to create a Team of Raiders dedicated to the pursuit of Excellence and End game Progression. MMORPG's are more than just video games. They are certainly a source of entertainment, adventure and escape/relaxation; however, they are also a social community of friends and most importantly to us, a competitive arena in which to test your skills, wit and patience. With that in mind, Exile's mission is to provide a community framework in which to members can participate in achieving these goals. We say participation because you will personally get out of the guild what you put into it.

In the tradition of our former guild Subversion we have continued a call that began sometime ago, "To push the envelope and be at the forefront of cutting edge content" but do so in such a way that there is still room for friendship and and willingness help those that might need it to move forward. It is a spirit of giving, respect and adventure that we seek. It is this mindset that we deal with our fellow members and those outside our guild.

We are not an "elite only" guild that goes at 1000% at all times. We have room within our guild for those who wish to step back or take a break from the competitive and demanding raiding role(s). We are tolerant and patient with new players and try to help them learn the game and their character but we also expect them to make an effort to do those same things. The result of this is a better guild and a better server community for all to enjoy. This is what it means to be an Exile.

Current Progression:
Progression Team
12/12 ICC 25 Normal
8/12 ICC 25 (Heroic)

Team 2 (Casuals/ALTs/Trials
1/12 ICC 25 (Heroic)

25 man Raid Times
Progression Team
Tues - 5pm to 9pm (8 to 12 EST)
Wed - 5pm to 9pm (8 to 12 EST)
Thur - 5pm to 9pm (8 to 12 EST)

Team 2 (Casual/ALT/Trials)
Sunday - 5pm to 9pm (8 to 12 EST)

More info can be found at our <Exile> website
Home : Exile - US - Blade's Edge - World of Warcraft - Guild Launch Guild Hosting

Current Needs
Fire Mage
Elemental Shaman - EXTREMELY HIGH NEED
Shadow Priest
Death Knight Tank ( Must be Exceptional)

Low need:

Everything else


If you feel you are an outstanding player and would be an asset to our guild but your class is not listed above, please still feel free to submit an application. We are always open to reviewing any player regardless of class if they possess the drive, dedication, and skill that we desire.

What we are looking for


NDSS (Not Dying to Stupid Shit) - Dying to fire, Getting hit by ghosts, Dropping Ice blocks in raid, kiting oozes in circles, standing in defiles, have a desperate need to see your toon at all times, cant get out of Blistering Colds, Unable to LoS shit.... etc... That kind of shit just isnt cool... If you have your NDSS Certificate we are definitely interested in having you join us. We are trying to fill some spots so we don't have to take any Non NDSS Certified Players... so any anti-stupidity is welcome

Stable Internet Connection & Computer - If you DC a lot or your computer crashes in critical fights you may not be a good fit here.

Dedication - I am 40 years old. I don't have parents telling me to log off and i don't get grounded (well occasionally i am asked to sleep on the couch). Showing up on time and doing your homework are just as important as playing. We do explain new content but we also assume that the players have done their homework and aren't walking in blind.

Ideal Player Type

We are looking for exceptional people who are great players. Mature, highly competitive, thoughtful people who have a innate curiosity about their class, its mechanics and how to beat the game.

Team work:
WoW raiding is about teamwork and getting 25 people all working together. Its what separates the good guilds from the bad. That being said we feel its important to remember especially during progression everyone learns their role/recognizes the mechanics at a different pace so it helps to be humble enough to ask for help when you need it and patient enough to explain and help others when they need it. There are no stupid questions or answers. What is stupid is making the same mistake over and over or NOT knowing a fight before you go into it...

PVE Progression should be your priority. It should be what you build your toon around and you should have significant raiding experience in pre ICC Instances with Hard-modes being a big plus.

You should enjoy playing the game and participate in being a part of the guild. Don't show up only on raid nights and then log off after. It wouldn't hurt to be planning on playing through cataclysm.


Please apply at our website: