I've tried searching for this a couple different ways but can't seem to find a sure answer. Does the dungeon finder favor certain specs (while leveling) or is it based purely on current queue need? Is there any community knowledge of queue mechanics?

This arises because I don't remember my dk (tank) having to wait for queues (except a few weird levels) but every time I put my druid (bear/tree) in the queue, it offers me healing. Actually ... I've put my druid in as "tank only" a few times and not had to wait more than a few seconds. So does it favor druids as healers? Or is there a minor imbalance in the queues? A handful more tanks than healers, so I can't tell the difference in times with my human senses but still tilts the board towards healing for me? (I don't mind healing. But I really love bearing.)

The situation is further confused in my mind because in BRD range (where my enhance/resto shammy is at the moment) I have about a 75% chance of getting picked as dps instead of heals. It _might_ be partially explainable by the influx of dks at 58, except that I see more warriors than dks on my tree/bear.

Any thoughts? Thanks.