1. #1
    Field Marshal Pugsy's Avatar
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    How do i shot web?

    I need some warlock PvP info/help. I have never really done serious PvP, I've always done BGs when I was bored on my Shaman and I tried to get into arena on my Shaman. I like Arena but not playing on my Shaman. So for cata I'm pretty sure my warlock will be my main and I would like to focus on PvP in cata. So I need some info/help with spec choice/gear/gems/things to do/not to do, shit like that. Basically I'm a nub in PvP that wants to eventually see 2k endgame PvP.

    Any tips, tricks, articles, websites, helpful videos are much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Stood in the Fire Ravemstr's Avatar
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    Not here!
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
    Warlocks are hard.

  3. #3
    Field Marshal Pugsy's Avatar
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    Yeah I looked around there,not much new guy shit, sorta looking for entry level nub shit.

  4. #4
    Stood in the Fire Ravemstr's Avatar
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    Well... everything you need is there. You just have to read a lot of them(and read some between the lines). But you'll have to go through this(pretty much in this order):
    - get gear (relentless set with wrathfull off pieces)
    - decide on a comp - that decides your spec(or other way around)
    - get to know what all your abilities do
    - bind everything somewhere comfortable
    - start playing skirmishes
    - when you feel confident enough -> "Step into the arena" (you'll get the pun)

    - get good gear
    - learn to play
    - learn to CC
    - learn the class
    - win

    - die
    - let your healer die
    - die
    - let him open to dps
    - die
    - do stupid things
    - die

    First of all pick a spec and a comp - as those go hand in hand. Next ask for advice either here or on AJ. Only then will we be able to give you some tips, pointers or anything else.
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
    Warlocks are hard.

  5. #5
    Try this excellent forum post about how to battleground as a warlock. Getting a bit old now, but almost all of the advice is still excellent.


  6. #6
    High Overlord
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    Learn the abilities from the other classes. Makes it 10 times easier to adjust/adept.

  7. #7
    From a destro locks perspective.

    Rule #1 CC.
    Fear everything. Alot. When you hit DR, switch targets and fear bomb someone else. As a lock, your primary goal in PVP is crowd control. Easiest way is to have a fear macro that will cast fear on your focus target. This allows you to fear a secondary target while DPSing a primary target. I have a macro that, but I don't remember off the top of my head what it is, that will focus the target, and fear them at the same time. When you hit the button again, even if you are on another target, you'll cast fear on your focus. Shift clicking sets a new focus.

    Once you've mastered fearing, learn to love your succubus. No, not that way you pervs. You need to master seduction, again make a macro that will cast it on your focus target. Seduction is probably the most powerful CC spell a warlock has, because it lets us simultaneously CC one target, while either fearing or nuking a second target. This is because seduction is off our GCD (and on our pets gcd). It is important to know that fear and seduction share DRs.

    CoE melee kill targets, or classes with naturally high resistances. Always CoT healers, It's helpful on casters as well if you want to limit their damage output.

    Always lay a teleport. This is our "oh shit, i need to gtfo of here" button. I can't stress this enough, always lay a tele-pad down before you engage. I see so many locks forget this, and it's what kills them. It's also not a bad idea to macro your trinket to your port.

    Try to never let melee get in swinging range of you because a lot can, and will GCD you before your healer can get a heal off. Ideally, the best way to engage is to immolate, fear, wait until they trinket (most people will almost always pop their trinket right away) if they don't trinket, throw a few incinerates, then conflag when the fear breaks (which dazes them) CB, incin, incin, fear again, immolate if it's been dispelled, if not conflag if it's off CD. If conflag is still on CD, shadowfury, then nuke (and conflag as soon as its off CD). When they start to get close, cast fear, then teleport, and repeat. If they aren't dead at this point, wait until they get into melee range, and fire off a DC and run like hell.

    Another trick is to use DC a offensively, since most people are stupid, they will trinket out of DC, then you have full duration fears on them they can't trinket out of.

    A little secret about conflag. Priests and pallys know they can neuter a destro locks DPS by dispel spamming. However, because of server latency, there is ~500-1000ms delay before they can dispel immolate. If you have a dispel spamming opponent, as soon as you cast immolate, spam the fuck out of conflag. 90% of the time, this will land the conflag before they can dispel immolate as well as piss of their healer. I've watched many healers get cocky because they think they can dispel immolate and therefore render me ineffective. So while they are wasting time dispelling immolate, if you did it right, your conflag hit, AND gained backdraft. This is a deadly combination to a dispel happy healer, because they aren't expecting that extreme amount of burst you're about to dish out.

  8. #8
    Scarab Lord Nicola's Avatar
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    @scandore. First of all, he didn't say anything about being destro speced. I mus say, destro is a nice spec but the way u explain it just makes it suck.

    Fearing, really dont spam it unless u need it. sure u can fearspam some1 in bg but i rather think thats useless since u can just nuke em down if ur destro.

    About the succubus, really no1 ever uses a succubus since she sucks. sure u can seduce an oppenent but seduce has 3 weaknesses. it breaks on dammage, it breaks when ur succubus takes damage since its a channel spell and it shares a dr with fear. A felhunter is way better, not only u have a dispell but also u have a silence wich u gonna use a lot.

    About the curses. U ever heard about spellpen??? Why should u place a curse on some1 that increases ur dmg with like 13% wich results in about 3-4% bcs of resilience. Its way better to just place CoA or Cow or CoE.

    About melee hitting u, U ever heard about resilience and pvp spec??? get the destro dmg reducing talent ( if destro), soullink and about 1.2k resilience and u can stand in front of a warrior and laugh at him bcs u hardly take any dmg. Also, just to let u know, fear breaks very very easy, just ur immolate or corruption ticking can break it. Also, the time a melee actually runs to u is at like lvl 10, these days at lvl 80 u just get charged, stunned or a rogue pops his sprint or shadowstep to get close to u.

    bout deathcoil, using deathcoul offensive is a stupid as trying to cast soulfire on a rogue stunlocking u, its a defensive ability so use it defensive.

    Next, sure u get ur immolate dispelled but a healer really doesnt care if u actually manage to hit them with conflagrate, they just outheal or absorb it. About killing a healer with burst dmg, that can work on a pve geared healer but on a pvp geared healer, good luck with it. without good cc u cant kill a pvp geared healer unless they r just very bad.

    Last thing i have to say. Roll afliction, just spam dots and drain on anything that moves and soon or later it will die. Destro is for people that cant get past 1k rating

    EDIT: get tailoring and engineering as proffesions. the grenades and devices from engineering r just amazing while trapping some warrior or hunter in a net so u can stand close/far away from them without having em move makes it lots easier for u

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