1. #1

    Ret teir 10 bonus in 4.0.1

    Will the ret teir bonus be even worth it in the 4.0.1 patch due to the changes in divine storm and judgments? Would it be better to just replace it with other gear from ICC and not worry about teh set bonus?

  2. #2
    4/4 heroic t10 + fleshrending gauntlets > any off pieces still

    2pc t10 does +5% damage now anyway, not too bad

  3. #3
    Ya but in he next patch judgements won't do as much damage so is it realy worth it to get the 4 piece set?

  4. #4
    4 piece will be worth a lot less damage because seal damage has been halved, but it can crit and haste will make ticks faster so it won't be quite as drastic. The judgment change is a big nerf to the set bonus, though.

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