1. #1

    JP after you reach cap

    So I can't find any information on this... forgive me if it was posted elsewhere.

    I know that before blizzard patched in the new JP system, if you had enough emblems you could get over the 4k JP cap, and old emblems converted into gold. Now that the system is already introduced, if I farm for JP and reach the cap, will the excess JP be converted into gold or will they just vanish?

  2. #2
    I believe they Vanish. My druid's capped at 4k and I don't believe I've getting any benefit from Heroics now.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    When you reach cap of 4000 Justice Points, you won't be available to get more of them untill you spend some of them 1 is enough : D When you JPs goes under 4000 you can get them again. When patch was applied to live your all frosts and triumphs were converted into JPs and if you had enough of them you could get as much JPs as they were worth of, but you couldn't receive anymore before you spend them under 4000. Same is for honor, you can't get more than 4000.

  5. #5
    Ahh... thank you.

    I was hoping they would convert to gold and it would be an easy way to farm as a tank before cata >.<

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