1. #1

    Level 85 PvP Shadow Priest

    So, what's the deal? Are we forced to run either with 1) a mind spike based spec and lose half of our cool mechanic such as mastery (assuming mastery is cool, which it isn't really), shadowy apparitions, dark eva/archangel as well as sustained dps or 2) a dot based spec and lose the other half of our cool mechanic such as mind melt, paralysis and half of the mastery bonus? Option 2 is also extremely mana inefficient, forcing you to run with inner will (which is kinda cool anyway) and mental agility to avoid running out of mana after just 1 inc. Not that your mana will last much longer, unless you put in glyph of dispersion and spirit tap, too. Is this how blizzard intend for us to play our class?
    I might agree that spriests were a bit over the top in pvp post 4.0.1 in wotlk, and now things are more balanced between different classes, but this isn't about balancing at all. It's about fun. I don't find it enjoyable to be forced to play with only half of my tools because of poor design. Don't say things will get better with gear, because they won't.

  2. #2
    You seem to be looking at the glass half empty.

    Instead of only having one mechanic we have a couple. For different siuations.

    Trash and low health mobs. Mind Spike spam. PvP focus fire burst Mind Spike.

    Bosses Dots. Give the healer something to think about dot up some targets to start the PvP going.

    You can't just say ohhh cool look I stack this and then spam mindflay and win. Different situations will call for different abilities and they gave us the tools for the different situations we may find ourself in.

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