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  1. #61
    I got removed from an SFK group for being too bossy.
    I was explaining the interrupt order for the first boss.
    Then i got a guild and no longer give a shit.
    Tauren > you

  2. #62
    Only one really stands out for me... A while ago I came into an in-progress heroic Halls of Reflection as DPS. They were in the middle of a spirit wave, so the door at the entrance was locked and I couldn't come in to help, and I'm stuck outside unable to do anything. They wipe, and shortly after, without a word, I get kicked.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Faisal View Post
    got kicked for telling an elemental shaman to not use flametongue totem :<

    yes, he did have Totemic Wrath...
    It is possible that he was afraid of breaking CC with his searing or magma totem...flametongue would be better than broken CC.

  4. #64
    Be very very suspicious of all 4/5 guild run pugs - I'm a tank - got kicked in HoO just before 4th boss I think - no reason given, one second i was there the next gone - now being a tank I can get a group in literally 5 seconds but I wanted to know the reason - never been kicked before - logged over to their server and the guys just wanted to get their tank in after all the bosses he didn't need.......charming....

    /Ignored them - means I'll never see their sorry hides again and I'll make sure I never group with 4/5 guidies again.

    Boring post but hey - thought I'd share :P

  5. #65
    Stood in the Fire Krayzz's Avatar
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    I have not been kicked because I'm not retarded. I'm polite and give suggestions, not tell people what to do. Also I know how to MC properly, therefore they love me.

  6. #66
    This was after the Shattering patch, but just before Cataclysm was released. Queuing on my level 78 hunter, get Halls of Stone. We kill the Maiden and the agi cloak drops. Great! I think. The DK needs and wins it. *sigh* Rather politely I ask him if he realises that agi only gives him a little bit of crit now and really isn't very good for a plate class. He links his current cloak as justification (mine isn't much better). At this point the healer starts trolling "CLEARLY FOR HUNTER IMO', so I let it drop commenting that I'll probably get something better on my first Cataclysm quest. Then the healer says: "Somebody kick that dwarf." I'm confused for a moment because we're just about to start the Brann event, but I figure it out pretty quickly when the loading screen appears. :P

  7. #67
    Havent been kicked in cata yet, because i tank, mark, being polite and trying to be funny when explaining tacticks and most of the times i get guildies/firends to help with their queues. I have been kicked in wotlk for being an @hole to ninjapulling dps after i had rouphs night in lfd(deserved imo).

    Now something opposite thought relevant to this thread. Me and 3 guildies, go for VP, and we pug a healer. The dps warrior started behaving a bit cocky to the healer and after a ninja pull a group and dies and thrash talk the healer. Also at stars, he dies due to the healer not keeping up, thought we made it. Then he tries to votekick him and to his big surprice the vote failed. We explained at him the situation (being a bit harsh on him ofc). So not every 3-4 guild runs are douchebags and votekicks because they can
    English is not my native language and i type fast. So bare with my typos, like "jsut".

  8. #68
    I was kicked for "not having any tank gear." Regular Vortex Pinnacle, no troubles with any trash, standing at the first boss and the healer says, "Kagonos, you have no tank gear." I said, "Thanks for knowing how bear tanks work, but actually I do." I was kicked at that point. So i made a little Kagonos on his server to point out just how stupid he is for knowing everything about every class in the game, but somehow got it wrong. At least my queue was instant and I was probably done with my new dungeon before they found a replacement...

  9. #69
    Elemental Lord
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    Worst kick I saw?

    The healer Needed on Garfrosts dagger...the Surgeons Needle.

    Got kicked for being a ninja.


  10. #70
    i was in a reg BRC and we had this ret pally that qued as tank(with no tank spec) i was 85 and healing. I only went there for easy Xmas hat run and with 2 guildies so i figured it would be fine healing him...But he was bad didn't know how to pull didn't use Righteous Defense. After a wipe or 2 I said to him...I'm sorry your bad i'm going to have to kick you. then right before I click I get booted. I said in dudes why you kick me..they say oh man we thought that was for kicking him. so they left too. lol..He was bad but if his intent was to make them kick me thinking it was him.....bravo.

    moral: never tell someone your going to kick them.

  11. #71
    I was almost booted out once, I was tanking Heroic Gundrak with my almost new 80 DK (I think it was my 2nd or 3rd Heroic tanking)

    and a mage and a chicken druid died because of the poison nova from Slad'ran.

    The druid was a gentleman and apologied for dying.

    The mage started to say that it was my fault, and tried to votekick me... (I don't know the exact term used for voting to kick someone from group, so I'm making that term up) the others voted no, so he left the group xD, during the rest of the instance nobody except me died (I died for a dot right after killing the mob, also they called me so tanking with one hand I made some mistakes xD)

  12. #72
    I've never been kicked, but I do usually run groups of at least 3-4 guildies and we're constantly on 'kick cooldown'. There is so many baddies in the game right now it's not even funny. Players who don't realize you have to CC in order to clear trash in Cat heroics. Healers who have done no research on their class since Cat, refuse to do anything but spam flash heal, and go OOM on every pull. Some players I'm sure have been booted without good cause, but the amount of players who just can't do enough dps, don't listen, stand in things they shouldn't, refuse to CC, and go OOM on a pull where the tank barely gets hit is ridiculous. These kicks will continue to happen until people realize this isn't WOTLK anymore and actually learn to play their class. I just wish Blizzard would remove the cooldown off of the "Kick" option, cause a lot of times you're just trading a baddie for a worsie.

  13. #73
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolzraptor View Post
    Hmm, I've never ever been kicked, ever.. Not sure why you would get kicked in the first place, unless youre actually doing something wrong or are behaving like a dickhead.

    Really odd topic, but okay apparently people get randomly kicked somehow.
    As for me I've been kicked for asking what I should know about a boss since I had never done it before, it was the day of the release of Cataclysm...
    Last edited by Mijen; 2010-12-16 at 07:08 PM.
    Vol'jin says: And when tha time comes dat ya failure is complete and ya "power" is meaningless, I will be dere to end ya rule, swiftly and silently.
    Vol'jin says: Ya will spend ya reign glancin' over ya shoulda and fearin' tha shadows, for when tha time comes and ya blood be slowly drainin' out, ya will know exactly who fired da arrow dat pierced ya heart.

  14. #74
    "okay I've never done this fight on heroic, can you explain what's different?"
    *dies to 2 seconds of GIANT FIRE BREATH*
    "Newb healer, Stop standing in the fire"

    ..attempt 2..
    *dodges fire*
    *Gets picked up, dies due to only keeping hp at around ~50%*
    "Newb healer/kick"
    /sigh.. I still don't know all the mechanics of that fight. Grim Batol 2nd boss btw.

    WTB people explaining fights when your healer asks! ; ;.

  15. #75
    The Patient Raxxius's Avatar
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    Here, not there.
    Quote Originally Posted by letstalklikepirates View Post
    I've seen people kicked for stupid reasons such as

    "Is a republican"

    "Is a democrat"

    In the kick description box, and people who were not in the same guild as the guy who initiated the kick just instinctively clicked yes. I've had tanks kicked just before they pulled the final boss.

    Damn republicans.
    i have seen some pretty humorious kick text, "is a woman" was one, "is a DK" another, and many more which were pretty funny to be honest, but stupid reasons for kicking someone

  16. #76
    Raged so hard the other day. I told a tank I was going to CC moon and I actually marked it and stuff. He goes "K". I cc the mob and seconds later he fucking charges the sheeped mob. We wipe. He says "shit mage". I get kicked. What a fucking joke.

  17. #77
    BRC 1st boss. I'm dpsing and a friend of mine is healing. The bear tank dies and we end up wiping. After we run back the healer (pally) says to the tank "you're getting hit like a baby being beat with bricks." After a few seconds the bear replies "whoops I was in kitty spec I forgot to switch."

    The bear was kicked shortly after, reason being... "He touched me inappropriately" Probably the most humorous kick of a group member I've encountered.

  18. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Dambala View Post
    I shit you not this is a 100% true story.

    I got into stonecore on my 83 prot pally with 4 other players from the same guild.

    I got kicked after Slab because I was doing 55% of the total groups damage and the mage started complaining that I was in "dps" gear and I wouldn't be doing so much damage if I was in proper tank gear. I'm a pally tank in ilevel310 gear (pretty damn good for a leel 83) and got kicked for out shining thier terrible guild.

    Thank god I got into a new group before they found a new tank I'm betting...
    I've left groups for them voting to kick tanks for this, both as DPS and Heals. Idiots don't understand the new dynamic, especially when DPS are focus-firing one at a time while Tanks are AOE damaging everything in site constantly, both through activated powers and passive (shield spikes, buffs that deal retribution damage, etc).
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  19. #79
    Deadmines normal, Worgen rogue

    In the middle of typing my trademarked ''/wave'' greeting, i get merrily kicked out of the group. Leader was on the same server so i went and politely asked wtf is your problem. ''furfag'' and ignore was the answer.

    Oh and did i mention he was also a worgen AND a druid...

  20. #80
    So I was levelin a shadow priest and i had just gotten to Outlands. qued for random and got ramparts. we roll thru the first boss and all mobs like they aren't anything and I'm top dps for most fights minus big aoe pulls(cuz spriests don't get their big aoe till lvl 74). we've had this ret pally in the group not doing a damn thing the entire instance except looting stuff. Group stops right before we get to second boss and healer says "Who isn't dps'ing?" I was about to say pally when the healer, using /say, says "Colmeran ". (my priests name) I respond "Yes?" and i get kicked from group. If any of the dumbasses would have had meters up they would have seen that I was top dps and the pally wasn't doing anything.

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