1. #1

    Need Tank volunteers for a test please

    Hey chaps,

    I'm something of a regular poster over on the warrior forum and I'm pretty fond of dragging apart WoL reports to figure out exactly what's going on during encounters.

    Now, there has been a fair bit of unsubstantiated debate recently over 'which tank is best' etc. and my honest belief is that actually all 4 are pretty close.

    So, I'm looking to conduct something of a quick study using WoL to break down the logs of a cross section of tanks on the same bosses and hopefully in similar gear so that we can have a proper look at what is happening with each tanking class, where they sit in relation to each other and maybe where any particularly weak areas may be.

    I am NOT looking to create an 'oh my god warriors pwn!!oneone!!' thread. If warrior comes out worst then so be it, this is about fact rather than any sort of dramatisation. Indeed I'm not looking to create a 'this tank is best' thread. I just think it might be nice if we were working with a solid set of baseline data rather than borked simulations and lots of supposition.

    What I need therefore are a handfull of volunteers from each of the 4 tanks classes with the following requirements;

    You must be able to point me at WoL logs for your raids.
    You must be able to provide logs from the Valiona encounter and Maloriak encounter (Halfus has too many variables and Magmaw and omnitron are gimmicky)
    You must be the one tanking the boss

    I'm assuming any tanks raiding those bosses will be in similar gear, but I will be summarising each tanks raw defensive stats anyway so we can make some allowances.

    If you're interested, either provide a link to your armoury and WoL page here, or just throw it over to me on PM. I'm happy to disguise people's names for the sake of protecting the innocent if you're worried about forum abuse!



    Armory Link
    Life's like a salmon swimming upstream - Hard work, and sometimes you get eaten by bears.

  2. #2
    Are you looking for who can take the most damage or the best tank? From what I seem to remember each tank has something good and unique.
    - Warriors are the best solo tanks.
    - Paladins are the best AoE tanks.
    - Druids are the best damage absorbers.
    - Death Knights have the best cooldowns and some good tricks.

  3. #3
    Feel free to check up on Filthy Few only atramedes log up atm, but I'll do my best to record all our boss kills this reset

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