Thread: Tol Barad?

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Tol Barad?

    I would like to know if there actually is going to be a change in the Tol Barad mechanics, I've read the Guide on the forum, problem is it's written by someone on the oposite faction on my server. And one person isnt enough to turn it around.

    I try to get people to do things right, but usually it's honor farming and running in circles, I don't know if it's my server or my faction but I hate that being not good at PvP limits my choises on PvE.

    So far i've looked up some Threads and posts and don't seem to find a single answer from blizzard anywhere, are they just ignoring it or is this working as intended?
    A preoccupation with the next world is a clear indication of an inability to cope credibly with this one.

  2. #2
    They seem to be ignoring it right now.

    It's very very biased towards the defending team, the only time it ever changes on my realm is when 6 people are in there at 4am and win at attacking. Once I've got my mounts I don't think I'll ever set foot in TB again anyway... I mean other than the free loot once a week.

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