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    Angry Tired of not raiding? Read this! (Horde, Eonar US - EST Raiding)

    Hi! Are you tired of not raiding? Are you tired of only being able to putz along and hope hope HOPE to find a good pug group? Are you ready to raid, having geared yourself as much as you can without raiding? Well, we have a job for you!! Get off your bums and get over to our website!!


    See, we are a Horde Guild on the Eonar-US server. We raid Tuesday, Thursday, and now adding Saturday nights from 7:45pm EST to 11:00pm EST; later on Saturdays when attendance permits. We have one solid 10 man group, one 10 man group that is ready to start, and working on our third 10 man group! This leaves us with just a short period of gearing up via these raids before we start 25m raiding! (We have almost got 25m Magmaw, too!) We know that a LOT of guilds and a LOT of players are not happy with the current changes... Those of us that learned how to play again and want to do well are doing so, where the others just sit back and complain about how hard it is, even changing their specs or main toons to something that isn't as "hard".

    We are looking for all classes, so please do apply. However, we do have a specific need for a few more Tanks - mostly DK's and Druids, maybe a Paladin... and RAID healers. Yup! We had 2 Resto Druids quit because healing was "Too Hard Now".... So forget them; its time for their replacements. If you have half a clue, bring it to the table and we'll provide the other half!! Resto Druids and Holy Priests (sorry Disc's... you're not invited) are very high priority and a rarity nowadays, so come for some good raiding, great guild (Level 8 btw), and some new content progression.

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    bump bump bump

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