1. #1

  2. #2
    Please quit already, we don't need your kind here on the forums. You'll be back in a month anyway.

  3. #3
    In denial?
    At least I'm not.

  4. #4
    I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by this, so I'm calling this one a troll.

  5. #5
    I'm actually having fun having to use my brain again. Believe it or not, heroics aren't supposed to take 45 minutes if you know what you're doing. They only take long because you're not putting forth any effort. Furthermore, coming here and linking a comic that shows your thoughts serves no purpose since this isn't a wow anti-fan site.

  6. #6
    Trying to find the funny...
    Check out my expansion concept, World of Warcraft: Whispers of Madness
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Brittle Bones now has a 50% chance to turn the target into a purple-wearing supervillain.

  7. #7
    cleared all the heroics within the first week, now it is just a chore to do one a day for my daily valors.. boring

    wasnt trying to accomplish anything though, someone just linked it to me and i found it rather funny because its true, so i thought i would share.

    your problem if you found it offensive/troll material
    not mine

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Facerockker View Post
    Trying to find the funny...
    This. This comic (specifically this one, haven't ever read the others) is stupid, what hell is supposed to be so funny?
    "I can't seem to find anything funny about paying $15 a month to do two dailies per day."

    There's a shitload of things to do this expansion.

    ---------- Post added 2011-01-29 at 01:02 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by yoshiakii View Post
    cleared all the heroics within the first week, now it is just a chore to do one a day for my daily valors.. boring
    Because the idiots have all dinged 85 now. Try running with a guild, group up on vent and have some fun.
    It's only as boring as you make it.

  9. #9
    The $15 a month "joke" needs to stop, cause if you were to do anything else even on a weekly basis, you would spend FAR more.

  10. #10
    wow vent was never fun since 2005
    every discussion that relates to wow is boring, like the majority of topics on this forum. now also including this one.
    face the facts, the majority of wow people are infact boring people.

  11. #11
    Opinions are nice.

  12. #12
    yes but spending far more on activities that get you physically involved with others and out of the house is acceptable.
    paying $15 to sit in your bedroom alone, infront of your computer is a major difference you know?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Doom Walker View Post
    This. This comic (specifically this one, haven't ever read the others) is stupid, what hell is supposed to be so funny?
    "I can't seem to find anything funny about paying $15 a month to do two dailies per day."

    There's a shitload of things to do this expansion.

    ---------- Post added 2011-01-29 at 01:02 AM ----------

    Because the idiots have all dinged 85 now. Try running with a guild, group up on vent and have some fun.
    It's only as boring as you make it.
    this. I don't get it. I mean, 2 dailies? What dailies are those? Why is he only doing 2? Why is he not gearing to raid? Why is he not raiding? Why is he not pvping? Why is he not farming? Why is he not talking to his friends? I'm so confused!

    Care to link your armory yoshiakii? Just want to check to see if you really did do every heroic the week that cata launched.

    btw - If you have been doing the random dailies, you would have been capped quite a while ago. I smell something fishy.

  14. #14
    not to mention whiny, take you for example
    "Why do all supposed 'centrists' just sound like right wingers?"

    "Also, can I just say that I think AOC would absolutely fucking annihilate Greene if Greene ever dared take an actual swing at her?" -- The state of the MMO-C circlejerk.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by yoshiakii View Post
    In denial?
    At least I'm not.
    You're posting on a WoW forum about quitting WoW.

    Who's in denial here?

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