1. #1

    The best option: Stamina or dodge/parry?

    Hi there u all

    I´m trying to gear up and, comparing my stats to those of the guildy oficial tank, I found out that I had much higher parry-dodge rating than him, but less stamina so I wonder which is the best option, his or mine?

    As I cant link my char, its name is Tusko in C´thun Europe, guild Rosenrot.

    My points


    STR 3127
    AGI 259
    STA 7380
    HP: 146345

    MASTERY 15,35


    Armor 36070
    DODGE 13,54%
    PARRY 15,21%
    BLOCK 43,02%

    The official tank stats


    STR 3007
    AGI 274
    STA 8100
    HP: 158589

    MASTERY 16,79

    ARMOR 35012
    DODGE 11,69%
    PARRY 11,81%
    BLOCK 45,63%

  2. #2
    MASTERY is your most desired stat until your block capped, which wont be until the next tier is released (maybe). Your block chance needs to be higher, i would reforge the highest secondary stat on every piece of gear into mastery and/or focus on getting tank gear with base mastery stats. I am guessing your other guild tank did this, hence why his dodge/parry is lower and his block % is higher.

    Also when reforging try to equal out your dodge/parry a bit better, shoot for less than 1% difference if you can.
    Last edited by Ozy; 2011-02-07 at 06:27 PM.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    The important point in this guide is
    This “stamina sweet spot” will vary depending on what content you are currently tanking.
    But in reality you often don't have a choice ... the most items (same ilvl in slot) have an equal amount of stamina. Most slots that you can enchant with stamina enchants don't offer any other opportunities.

    The real decision that you can make is whether you want to put a stamina gem in a blue socket or not. And you can switch between stamina and avoidance trinkets.

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