1. #1

    Death Knight or Paladin?

    I'm coming back to the game after taking nearly a half year break. I'm starting fresh and need help deciding which class to play. I'd like the following in the class:

    1. Good at soloing. Besides instances I'll be leveling up on my own so I'd like to be able to do group quests on my own etc. I'll have dual spec whenever it becomes available and pick up a tanking tree as a sub spec to my dps leveling spec.

    2. Good at PvP, MAINLY battlegrounds but maybe a few arenas here and there. I'm not a big fan of arenas but I do enjoy battlegrounds. I'd also like to be able to do alright in 1v1 (the less HARD counters the better). I don't have any intention of healing, just DPS.

    3. Good DPS and decent AoE tanking. I'll do some raids later on but likely just as DPS. I'd like to play a class that has good AoE threat that doesn't require intense concentration, but isn't exactly faceroll.

    4. In addition to #1, I enjoy going back to old content and farming set pieces, mounts.. etc. Which class has it easier when it comes down to that? I hear good things about Prot and Blood. I'm assuming Blood is faster?

    The main thing I want in my new character is the ability to tank and dps. I've never been much for healing. Druid and Warrior do not appeal to me and Paladin/DK both seem to have their pros and cons. If anyone who has played both recently can comment, I'd really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Data Monster Simca's Avatar
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    Nov 2008
    FL, United States
    As mentioned in 13.6.2 of the Forum Guidelines, this kind of thread is prohibited. Feel free to ask individual questions on class forums, but the answers you're going to receive if you mention the opposite class at all are very biased (see above, no offense Migari, just saying if you asked that in the DK forum, people would say the opposite: "lolol DKs are terrible, go Ret, our class is a roller coaster"). That's just what people come to the forums to do.

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