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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Daginni View Post
    We all see it every day. People doing something that just gets on your nerves or repulses you.

    For example here's mine. People who CANNOT get off their damn Cell Phone, especially when they will be ordering something, like food. They will ether Order food while Texting, or just simply stand there and finish their text message before making the order.
    My mom use to do this. It use to piss me off so bad, shed call me once she got to the window to order the food and would make the poor guy wait...

    Old people on the roads is a big issue with me. I get it, you're old, cant see very good and have a slow reaction time, take a bus/taxi dont get in front of me, do 20 under the speed limit and sit there when the light turns green...

    And the one thing that grosses me out more than anything, is when people dont clean the insides of their ears. They turn their head and you can just see piles of goopy ear way, get a q-tip you bum.

    [Banhammer, Kungen's Bane]

    1.60 sp mace
    150 str
    268 sta
    77 defense
    80 dodge
    93 parry
    "As you look upon the mace, you hear the whining of a thousand fanboys. Something deep with in your soul makes it impossible to think anything but 'lol.'"

  2. #62
    I know this is off topic but they will hit the ground at the same time unless acted upon by an outer force(air resite... No I'm kidding lol. Just kidding
    Religion is like a penis.
    It's fine to have one.
    It's fine to be proud of it.
    But please, don't whip it out in public and wave it around,
    And please, don't try to shove it down my children's throats.

  3. #63
    People who whine ALL THE TIME about how much their life sucks. Everyone already knows you're a self pitying loser, just STFU already!

  4. #64
    i hate when people sneeze or cough and dont look away or cover their mouth/nose.

    i hate when people think they know everything and when you try to tell them their wrong they rage about it.

    i hate people cant make up their mind on what they want at a fast food place.

    I hate people who pass their driving test but cant drive worth shit.

    I HATE COPS when they pull you over for speeding because you drive a sports car when the person in front of you was going faster in a piece of shit car.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Tumble View Post

    Old people on the roads is a big issue with me. I get it, you're old, cant see very good and have a slow reaction time, take a bus/taxi dont get in front of me, do 20 under the speed limit and sit there when the light turns green...
    I work at a nursing home and some of the people allowed to drive scare the shit out of me. I also hate driving around old people as well.

    And the one thing that grosses me out more than anything, is when people dont clean the insides of their ears. They turn their head and you can just see piles of goopy ear way, get a q-tip you bum.
    ii have to always have q-tips with me at all times, it bugs me, and isn't that bad, but if my ears, or even teeth for that matter, feel dirty in the slightest i need to clean them.
    If people criticized the Bible as much as they criticize WOW we'd all be atheists.

  6. #66
    Warchief Cherrysoul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinnyPete View Post
    Breathing on my neck.

    I hate that too, my partner is like what? I'm like RAAAAAAAAAAAAGE

    Also People who slurp Apples and chew with their mouth open.

    People who scrape the fork with there teeth, and people who put a knife in their mouth (shudder)

    People on Mobiles who talk 100 decibels louder than normal so everyone can hear there exciting convo.

    Teeth Grinding, (My 2.5yr old does this when he is frustrated , amongst other things) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

    Just a to name a few... i could go on and on really LOL

  7. #67
    One thing that really, really annoys me is people who try to lure you into asking them a question (this is using instant messengers, by the way). Instead of just coming to me to talk about something that's wrong, they'll be "*SIGH*" and "OH WOE IS ME" and other things until I finally break and go "What's wrong?" and then they go all "Oh nothing."

    Then why did you talk to me?

    Oh yeah, and when people feel the need to talk like William Shatner online.
    To elaborate: In, say, a chat or an IM, instead of simply filling out the entire chat box with what it is they want to say, they hit the enter key every 3-4 words.

    So their sentences
    come out
    really broken up
    and in separate lines
    giving me an IM chime
    every time they hit enter.

    This becomes 50x more annoying when I'm logged off of IMs, which forwards all IMs to my phone.
    Last edited by Pitchkart; 2011-02-28 at 06:59 AM.

  8. #68
    Warchief Cherrysoul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pitchkart View Post
    One thing that really, really annoys me is people who try to lure you into asking them a question (this is using instant messengers, by the way). Instead of just coming to me to talk about something that's wrong, they'll be "*SIGH*" and "OH WOE IS ME" and other things until I finally break and go "What's wrong?" and then they go all "Oh nothing."

    Then why did you talk to me?
    Yep that irritates me something chronic - i feel your pain

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Pitchkart View Post
    One thing that really, really annoys me is people who try to lure you into asking them a question (this is using instant messengers, by the way). Instead of just coming to me to talk about something that's wrong, they'll be "*SIGH*" and "OH WOE IS ME" and other things until I finally break and go "What's wrong?" and then they go all "Oh nothing."

    Then why did you talk to me?
    or to even add on to that, they will act that way solely to get you to ask them what's wrong and then lay their life story out and it's far too late to escape.
    If people criticized the Bible as much as they criticize WOW we'd all be atheists.

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerear19 View Post
    i hate when people sneeze or cough and dont look away or cover their mouth/nose.

    i hate when people think they know everything and when you try to tell them their wrong they rage about it.

    i hate people cant make up their mind on what they want at a fast food place.

    I hate people who pass their driving test but cant drive worth shit.

    I HATE COPS when they pull you over for speeding because you drive a sports car when the person in front of you was going faster in a piece of shit car.
    I believe the correct term is, Shitwagon
    Religion is like a penis.
    It's fine to have one.
    It's fine to be proud of it.
    But please, don't whip it out in public and wave it around,
    And please, don't try to shove it down my children's throats.

  11. #71
    Mechagnome Dembai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pocketzest View Post
    I believe the correct term is, Shitwagon
    We named ours so it seems more regal. I <3 our shitwagon. X3

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by FunFarm View Post
    When people discuss child birth at the dinner table.
    yeah, that's just downright disgusting.

  13. #73
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    I have a load of issues from work like dembai (btw I wanna hear more work stories!)

    I work at a nursing home. One peeve I have is when people start SCREAMING at me because I did not answer their light right away. I'm sorry but there are lots of people to take care of and I can only go so fast. If I'm taking too long then there was probably a lot of lights going off or an emergency occured that is a bit more important than you wanting a glass of water.

    Asking for medicine and then continuing to remind me every few minutes. On night shift we only have one nurse on the floor taking care of 45 people. Chances are that there is a line in front of you. Be patient.

    Administrations who need to realize that sometimes things happen that can't be controlled. An employee just got fired two days ago because she got into a car accident. Knowing she was on her last strike for attendance, she managed to get a ride and was simply tardy. But that's not good enough. She has picture proof on facebook. That car was completely totaled but they didn't care about the excuse.. she was fired anyway. Poor girl.
    I am a filthy casual!

  14. #74
    Lets see, the list is so long for me, any repetative noises from upstairs or downstairs, when my sister laughs uncontrollably at the most stupid things, people who fart or burp and think its funny, people who take food from my plate without asking, people who ask to have a sip of my soda. I'm no germaphobe whatsoever, but it is still pretty nasty. When people take my seat in class, knowing its my seat, thinking its funny, when its really not. I get mad at stupid things.

  15. #75
    High Overlord Serane's Avatar
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    I agree with almost everything in this thread... chewing with your mouth open, yep. feeling the need to burp/fart VERY OBVIOUSLY in public, oh god yes. people who can't drive.... don't get me started....
    for me one of the worst things is.....


    dear lord.. it's so....just...ewww. I mean.. if they don't flush in public, what goes on in their bathroom? if I happen to have to pee while in wal mart or somewhere (which is bad enough...) I really don't wanna see what you did in the bathroom before I got there...

    another thing I've noticed I really hate since being a tutor for the college I'm at is people who don't show up at a scheduled time and don't tell you. according to my tutoring "rules" I'm supposed to wait 10 mins for them after our scheduled time (which we set up amongst our selves) and then I leave and mark them as no-show. I understand people have some issues and might be late so I usually give them 15-20 mins. but this one guy I had... supposed to meet at 9am, my first class is at 10.30, so I was there a full hour and a half early for this guy, and he wouldn't show up or tell me he wasn't going to be there so I got to sit there.. with nothing to do.. for an hour and a half..
    needless to say I got tired of it and told the financial aid people and they took his tutor away and put him up for review.
    Last edited by Serane; 2011-02-28 at 07:23 AM. Reason: me no no no grammer

  16. #76
    People who talk softly (almost as if whispering, from the back of their throat) as a means to act as if they are reasonable and not looking for a fight, while at the mean time they are being passive agressive and always trying to get their way.

    People who fake laugh at their own jokes to get approval or to accentuate that you are making a joke and not being serious in case you didn't notice (i must admit i have done this as well).

    Blatant hypocrisy. Selfrightiously calling out people as liars or abusive because of some typical behavior, while that's a somewhat masked description of your own behavior.

    Edit: People that don't close the toilet's door while doing their business when their are visiting at my place because they feel so at home.
    Last edited by mmoc5c75d7619a; 2011-02-28 at 07:47 AM.

  17. #77
    When you are going to pick someone up ( lets say to go to a movie or something ), Your short on time and they simply cant get there ass moving, they dont start to get ready before they hear the car outside ( Thats when they are supposed to be ready and stand waiting at the door ), they forget there jacket, running back inside.... they forget there wallet, running back in to get that one... stuff like that pisses me off so badly

  18. #78
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenfinn View Post
    I hate it when people dont know when to shut up. They just keep saying meaningless stuff even when there is nothing to say.

    Seriously, l2read the moment.
    I an guilty of this one so often it's not even funny.

  19. #79
    Breathing over vent

  20. #80
    Dreadlord BM-Hunter's Avatar
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    Wherever there are gnomes that havent been eaten yet.
    4. That one guy who makes tired cliches at work. "Got a case of the Mondays?" "TGIF amirite?"
    3. Woo Girls/Holler know who i mean....the group of morons at near every bar who just WILL NOT SHUT UP AND SCREAM AT EVERY MINISCULE EVENT. 'OMG MY SONG! WOOOO!' 'I ORDERED US SHOTS! YYYYEEEAAAH!'
    2. People who inject - 'like', 'umm' or 'f#@*ing' between every other word in a sentence.
    1. People who talk text-speak in real life. "LOL you are funny."
    Last edited by BM-Hunter; 2011-02-28 at 09:41 AM.
    <Insert something witty and humorous here>

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