1. #1

    is there a 'macros for dummies' type guide somewhere?

    i'm picking up my druid again and my hotbars are a mess. i need macros, and lots of them. i've looked through the site here but it's all over the place and if i need to check something i have to search through pages of stuff to find it. was wondering if the community knew of a compendium they could recommend. knowing my luck i'd get keylogged from the first page i pick from google
    somebody call for d doctor?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    seen the mmo stuff, was just searching wowpedia now. thanks none-the-less
    somebody call for d doctor?

  4. #4
    wowmacroswarcraft dot com

  5. #5
    These are some that I use for my mostly Bear, sometimes Cat, rarely Boomkin druid. Hopefully something useful will jump out at you, if you need something specifically let me know.

    /castsequence [noform:3]reset=10 Skull Bash(Bear Form),Bash;[form:3]Skull Bash
    #showtooltip [noform:3]Feral Charge;[form:3,combat][stealth]Feral Charge(Cat Form);[form:3,nocombat]Prowl
    /startattack [form:1]
    /cast [form:1]Enrage
    /cast [form:1]Feral Charge;[form:3,combat][stealth]Feral Charge(Cat Form);[form:3,nocombat]Prowl
    /targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
    /startattack [noform:5]
    /castsequence [form:3]reset=target/40 Faerie Fire (Feral),Rip,Rip,Rip,Rip,Rip,Rip,Rip,Rip
    /cast [form:1]Faerie Fire (Feral);[form:0/5]Faerie Fire
    /cast Innervate
    /use Endless Mana Potion
    /stopmacro [nogroup][spec:2][noraid]
    /p Innervated %t
    /targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
    /castsequence [nomod:shift]reset=target Lacerate,Lacerate,Lacerate,Pulverize
    /cast [mod:shift]Pulverize;[nomod:alt]Maul
    #showtooltip [noform:3]Mangle;[form:3]Mangle(Cat Form)
    /targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
    /cast [form:1]Mangle;[form:3]Mangle(Cat Form)
    /cast [combat]Lifeblood
    /use [combat]Endless Healing Potion
    /cast Mark of the Wild
    /cancelaura Enhanced Intellect
    /cancelaura Enhanced Agility
    /use Flask of Enhancement
    /targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
    /cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead,harm][]Moonfire
    /cast [nostance][stance:4][btn:2]!Travel Form;[stance:1]!Bear Form;[stance:2]!Aquatic Form;[stance:3]!Cat Form;[form:5,spec:2]!Moonkin Form;!Swift Flight Form
    #showtooltip Rake
    /targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
    /cast [mod]Ravage;Rake
    /cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead,harm][]Entangling Roots
    /targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
    /cast Shred
    /cast Tiger's Fury
    /run local c="Starfall";if GetSpellCooldown(c)==0 then PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\AlgalonTheObserver\\UR_Algalon_Adds01.wav") end;
    /use [spec:2]Starfall;Survival Instincts
    /use [spec:2]item:43570;item:43569
    /use Lifeblood
    /targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
    /startattack [form:1/3]
    /castsequence [form:1]Swipe(Bear Form),Thrash;Swipe
    /cast [mod:alt,form:1]Maul 
    /cast Growl
    /stopmacro [btn:2]
    /cast Faerie Fire (Feral)()
    #showtooltip Wrath
    /targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
    /use Endless Mana Potion
    /cast Wrath
    Last edited by lawomous; 2011-03-02 at 05:45 PM.

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

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