1. #1

    Incription - Looking for a helpful AddOn

    Hello there,
    I want to make some gold with inscription, but I cant find an Addon suited for my needs.

    I'd like to see which existing glyphs are not listed on the AH at all,
    which of the glyphs I can craft and currently have the mats for are giving the most profit,
    and which glyphs I should farm for (meaning which glyphs sell for the highest price and are listed on the AH at least).

    I find those above mentioned things take way too much time to look after without an add-on.

  2. #2
    TSM (TradeSkillMaster) Is what I see most Glyphers use.

    Takes some setup, im sure theres a guide for it somewhere.

  3. #3
    I tried it just two hours or so ago, but I have multiple problems with it.

    First, some modules are not running with 4.3 yet, for example the Add-On showed me that all my Incription craftings are worth 0 copper when looking into the Profession window (I guess it should show the actual value after scanning the AH.

    Second, I'm using the german WoW client, and TradeSkillMaster is only halfway logalized,
    nearly everything looks like a crazy gibberish mashed up of english and german.

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