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  1. #261
    Stood in the Fire shockerxl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quaztro View Post
    Ignore SilkforCadle? Rofl, he's the only one stating actual facts while you nubs are just roflstomping this post with your opinion because you like that specific (not warrior) tanking class.
    And therefor he obviously roflstomped you.
    I enjoyed reading this.
    uh oh everyone back off he said roflstomp he must know what he is talking about and will take everyone to school....i find that term about as appealing as someone telling me they "aint gonna do nothing".gg

    The riptide is free..but the GWH? Thats gonna cost you..

  2. #262
    holding aggro, keeping yourself alive is indeed not the hardest job with a paladin, but the fun starts when you start to help others as that is where a paladin shines, a well placed divine guardian can save your raid as is the same with all the 'hands' paladins have.

  3. #263
    Quote Originally Posted by Synthets View Post
    needs a poll - paladins,most faceroll tank the last 2 expansions.

    ---------- Post added 2011-05-03 at 04:09 PM ----------

    That goes for ALL tanks. Try again.
    Fixed that for you. Also, it's pretty common knowledge Paladins have the easiest job when it comes to opening burst threat and AoE tanking.

  4. #264
    After patch 4.1 Bears have been buffed when it comes to AoE (Cats too) and Savage Defense has been altered a bit. I'm not gonna go into an argument about the best tanking class, since I think that will depend on the player behind the class, the raid setup (mostly for 10 mans) and on the specific boss encounters.

    All I can say, is that if you wanna spend the time learning how Bear tanks works, they are great at many things. Single target threat: Pop Berserk and Mangle spam, AoE: Thrash, Swipe and Demo Roar will now hold the mobs on you, knowing exactly when to pop out of Bear form to bres during a boss encounte without dying is epic, Innervating on when offtanking and or go into Cat form to push the extra dps.

    On top of that Stampeding Roar has been buffed to increase both range and the time it lasts and the speed has been increased. Stampeding Roar is now a great tool to use on many encounters, where before it was somewhat useless.

    I've played both Warrior and DK tank as well and from my PoV, the Bear is harder to master in all aspects. Although I haven't tanked on anything but the Bear in Cata.

    Tl;dr: All tanks have their niche, their strengths and flaws. Pick what ever you think you enjoy more.

  5. #265
    I saw some many post with warriors charging in to get aggro from mobs but i would say i some situation u gona pull more mobs who are near them
    Paladins have this awesome spell called Righteous defense which pulls aggro from player . We got some Avenger shield i call it Flying shield .
    with inqusition poped you Aoe threat and your dps just goes sky high .

    Using raid wall and other cd's are very nice with WOG healing comes handy though timer is set 20 second now .

    single target i find all tanks to be same but as many healers say it's fun to heal prot pala's as damage spikes are low .

    With equal skills and gear i will say Prot pala > Warrior > DK/ Druid .

  6. #266
    I think Warrior > Pal > Druid > Dk right now.

  7. #267
    for me it comes down to: who is better at single target and who is better at multiple target. Its all about survival. Pally and war tanks are ahead in AE tanking cuz of their shield. and dks and druids single target cuz of self-healing, CDs (dk) and avoidance (druids).

    Dont get me wrong im talking only survivabilty NOT threat. thats entirely another matter.

  8. #268
    Playing a Pala, Boring! Warriors is where it`s at.

  9. #269
    DK > Paladin > Warrior > Druid imo

    DK's self healing, blood shields, and multiple cooldowns trumps all for survivability. You can sit tanks of equal gear down getting hit by the same type of boss (or any creature really) and dks will always take less damage in equal gear assuming they are gemmed/specced/played properly. Ultimate solo tanks and easiest tanks to keep alive.

    Paladins have the "easiest" time with AOE threat and can apply their 20% attack speed debuff and 10% damage dealt debuff automatically with no effort or thought making them the best tank for new players but also quite effective. Lay on hands, the divine shield that can remove nearly any debuff in game, ability to cleanse yourself and others, make yourself or others immune to snares/roots for limited bursts on a relatively short cooldown, etc. Pallies have a very strong set of utilities. Paladins also have a unique advantage in spell interrupts as they can interrupt with their holy shield, rebuke, and for mobs that aren't immune to stun they can hammer of justice as well.

    Warriors are basically like paladins but without the reliable means of healing themselves or others, without lay on hands, a debuff remover ability, and other such things. However spell reflect is pretty amazing on the few encounters it actually works on (not many). Another advantage to warriors is their AOE stun via shockwave which can reduce the damage they take on trash pulls a good bit and also serves as a multitarget interrupt. Can also be useful for chogal as it breaks the worship on everyone at once and has a short duration and cooldown.

    Druids just... Well... They are trying their best, much like runty. There are some decent druid tanks out there but druid tanks are just in a bad state at the moment and need some serious beefing. You can get away with having a druid main tank in your raids but switching to any other tank, especially a DK, you would be doing a lot better and your healers would love you for it. It's not their fault, blizz just didn't give bears enough love.

  10. #270
    Quote Originally Posted by Dasani View Post
    DK > Paladin > Warrior > Druid imo

    DK's self healing, blood shields, and multiple cooldowns trumps all for survivability. You can sit tanks of equal gear down getting hit by the same type of boss (or any creature really) and dks will always take less damage in equal gear assuming they are gemmed/specced/played properly. Ultimate solo tanks and easiest tanks to keep alive.

    Paladins have the "easiest" time with AOE threat and can apply their 20% attack speed debuff and 10% damage dealt debuff automatically with no effort or thought making them the best tank for new players but also quite effective. Lay on hands, the divine shield that can remove nearly any debuff in game, ability to cleanse yourself and others, make yourself or others immune to snares/roots for limited bursts on a relatively short cooldown, etc. Pallies have a very strong set of utilities. Paladins also have a unique advantage in spell interrupts as they can interrupt with their holy shield, rebuke, and for mobs that aren't immune to stun they can hammer of justice as well.

    Warriors are basically like paladins but without the reliable means of healing themselves or others, without lay on hands, a debuff remover ability, and other such things. However spell reflect is pretty amazing on the few encounters it actually works on (not many). Another advantage to warriors is their AOE stun via shockwave which can reduce the damage they take on trash pulls a good bit and also serves as a multitarget interrupt. Can also be useful for chogal as it breaks the worship on everyone at once and has a short duration and cooldown.

    Druids just... Well... They are trying their best, much like runty. There are some decent druid tanks out there but druid tanks are just in a bad state at the moment and need some serious beefing. You can get away with having a druid main tank in your raids but switching to any other tank, especially a DK, you would be doing a lot better and your healers would love you for it. It's not their fault, blizz just didn't give bears enough love.
    But then again when DKs DO take damage they take it in huge spikes, which makes for a very unreliable tank IMO. Shield tanks are way way easier to keep up. I even preffer druids over DKs.

    Last edited by mmoc409bdafe4d; 2011-05-09 at 04:08 AM.

  11. #271
    Look @ my Sig and you see my toons in order of preference.

    I play a DK Tank/DPS , Shaman Heals/DPS, Druid Heals/Heals, and played a paladin.

    After Leveling and gearing 2 healers, I have had every single tank type, and every single intelligence and skill level over the course of 85 levels. DKs are far far far and away the best tanks in 5 Mans, and Normal Mode Raids. I can't vouch of HM Raids. But DKs can self sustain while I heal the rest of the group, dks can wrangle casters more efficiently than any class. DKs can interupt and silence, there AOE tanking is superb.

    And finally with a dedicated tanking spec, and thanks to mastery, we take possibly the least damage, and have the best self healing.

    On the other hand, dks probably have the highest skill cap and learning curve aside from warriors. And are generally speaking, more often played by rtards than any other tank class.

  12. #272
    I'm a tree. If I were to build my perfect raid comp, using one of every class, the 2 tanks would be a DK and a Pally.

    The druid would be healing (me, of course) and the warrior would be DPS.

    Edit: This is not because bears or warrior tanks are not viable, they clearly are, I would just choose the DK and Pally, given perfect circumstances.
    Last edited by Dariela; 2011-05-09 at 04:32 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by xxAkirhaxx View Post
    Blizzard is a conglomerate that through lower sub numbers has raised revenue. They're not stupid, they're just not catering to you.
    Yes yes, I know, the sky just bonked you on the head, casuals are taking over the government, and some baddie just got a raid drop... I think you'll live.

  13. #273
    Quote Originally Posted by Playintrafic View Post
    Look @ my Sig and you see my toons in order of preference.

    I play a DK Tank/DPS , Shaman Heals/DPS, Druid Heals/Heals, and played a paladin.

    After Leveling and gearing 2 healers, I have had every single tank type, and every single intelligence and skill level over the course of 85 levels. DKs are far far far and away the best tanks in 5 Mans, and Normal Mode Raids. I can't vouch of HM Raids. But DKs can self sustain while I heal the rest of the group, dks can wrangle casters more efficiently than any class. DKs can interupt and silence, there AOE tanking is superb.

    And finally with a dedicated tanking spec, and thanks to mastery, we take possibly the least damage, and have the best self healing.

    On the other hand, dks probably have the highest skill cap and learning curve aside from warriors. And are generally speaking, more often played by rtards than any other tank class.
    While you are correct in that dks usually take the least damage of the tanks in a raid, I'd like to point out as before that when they do take damage, it's in clunky spikes which feels very uncomfortable, here's an example:

    Warrior taking hits: 10k, 12k, 6k, 15k, 10k, 9k, 14k, 12k, 8k, 12k, 10k etc
    Dk taking hits: 3k, 4k, 3k, 4k, 5k, 36k, 50k, 45k, 3k, 5k etc

    this is nowhere near accurate or anything, but that's generally how it looks like.

    And of course, I'm talking about raids, in 5 mans tanks with equal skills are equally good.
    Last edited by mmoc409bdafe4d; 2011-05-09 at 04:30 AM.

  14. #274
    I'd like to point out the statement DK's take less damage than other takes is absolutely incorrect, they take more damage than other tanks. They can heal some of it back, but that doesn't mean they didn't take it. If they have 20k hp then take a 35k hit, they can't death strike heal themselves from -15k up to 10k. That, and the fact that their incoming damage is very spikey it leads to healers having to use inefficient spells in times of high spike damage which hurts the healers mana pool.

    The future isn't looking to bright either, due to mastery not having DR paladins and warriors are going to be nearing or reaching that glorious level of "Unhittable" which will leave DKs in the dust. Why would you have a tank take 100% damage and heal 20% of it back, when you could have a tank simply not take that 100% damage in the first place? There's only two ways I see solving this, one would be changing how blood functions...which sounds like a hassle, or have the bosses scale offensively as they were said to defensively. When blizzard said new raid tiers will require more hit rating to hit a boss, make it function the same on incoming damage...the boss has a higher level of avoidance ignore to prevent "Unhittable" domination. The problem with the latter is that DKs will still eat the same avoidance reduction as well.

    This is all coming from a Blood DK main perspective by the way.

  15. #275
    It depends entirely on what you are doing and your group size.

    If you meant straight-up boss sponging in heroic 25m, druids are taking the least damage right now and have very forgiving damage spikes. As a bonus you also do enough damage to sometimes beat the lower-end DPS. We also have viable AOE tanking after 4.1, but still nothing as easy as a Paladin's hammer-and-AFK tanking.

    Recruiting all casters
    9 hours/week

  16. #276
    Quote Originally Posted by Proberly View Post
    While you are correct in that dks usually take the least damage of the tanks in a raid, I'd like to point out as before that when they do take damage, it's in clunky spikes which feels very uncomfortable, here's an example:

    Warrior taking hits: 10k, 12k, 6k, 15k, 10k, 9k, 14k, 12k, 8k, 12k, 10k etc
    Dk taking hits: 3k, 4k, 3k, 4k, 5k, 36k, 50k, 45k, 3k, 5k etc

    this is nowhere near accurate or anything, but that's generally how it looks like.

    And of course, I'm talking about raids, in 5 mans tanks with equal skills are equally good.

    In my expierance, dks require less healer interaction than any of the other 3 tanking classes. If your healing a DK you need to remember that we are gonna be cranking out some serious self heals, and as a dk tank, when I do take a big hit, I don't wait for Inc heals, I start pounding my macro Vampiric -> Lichbourne -> Death Coils. Once I dump my rp I burn my runes as quickly as possible and dump some more rp.

    The good DK Tanks I heal require very very little healing on bosses in 5 mans. And generally never have use a CD on them, I do struggle a lot more on paladins, and warriors than I do DK or bears, which are supposed to be gimped because they don't wear shields. IMO Sword and Board has been falling behind for quite a while especially in progression. I've been blood tanking since 3.1 and nearly allways progression tanked. And would switch to DPS once the paladin had better gear than me.

  17. #277

  18. #278
    I have Paladin and Warrior toons. I love the initial threat of paladins and the CDs. With On-Use trinkets I have 5 personal CD and one raid wide. Although the WoG nerf hit paladins VERY bad. Recently I have wiped in places were before I would have just healed DPS or *healers* and saved the day.

    In the warrior, I LOVE the mobility. Charge/intercept is just imba. Spell Reflect is a unique ability too. It is fun to play warrior, more than paladin at least.

  19. #279
    Quote Originally Posted by Playintrafic View Post
    In my expierance, dks require less healer interaction than any of the other 3 tanking classes. If your healing a DK you need to remember that we are gonna be cranking out some serious self heals, and as a dk tank, when I do take a big hit, I don't wait for Inc heals, I start pounding my macro Vampiric -> Lichbourne -> Death Coils. Once I dump my rp I burn my runes as quickly as possible and dump some more rp.

    The good DK Tanks I heal require very very little healing on bosses in 5 mans. And generally never have use a CD on them, I do struggle a lot more on paladins, and warriors than I do DK or bears, which are supposed to be gimped because they don't wear shields. IMO Sword and Board has been falling behind for quite a while especially in progression. I've been blood tanking since 3.1 and nearly allways progression tanked. And would switch to DPS once the paladin had better gear than me.
    I am not talking about 5 mans tho.. (the BEST tanking class in Cata should not be measured by 5 mans either)

    And I'm not saying you cant raid with a DK, we did our 10 man hc progression with a dk and a feral tank, however if a tank would die due to heavy burst damage it would always be the DK due to not dodging or parrying any of it. When those big hits come it's always better with a mitigation tank Imo, or even a druid who has a high dodge chanse.

    Can take chimaeron hc for example. During feud, our dk tank would be gibbed on many occasion when taking 2 full double attacks because he very rarely avoided them. A warrior and a pally would at least have mitigated the damage with some blocking, but the dk can only heal himself, which is worthless in a situation where he won't be alive to do so (his shields weren't strong enough to save him from 300k+ burst damage either so). Our druid almost always dodged at least 1 of the double attacks and very very rarely died. In p2 the dk would also go down quick where later when we got a prot warrior, he would survive for quite some time, and our druid too. Heck the only way for us to do it was to chain all our cds on the DK.

    For heavy spike damage DKs fall behind the other tanks by miles.

    We actually made many jokes about our DK and told him to reroll a better tanking class, lul
    Last edited by mmoc409bdafe4d; 2011-05-09 at 07:42 AM.

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