1. #1

    do holy paladins have mobility issues?

    when it comes to heroic healing there is heavy aoe and 'dont stand in the fire' moments and instant heals are light. Is casting heals an issue?

  2. #2
    In PvE I would say not really, as for PvP it's a huge issue atm. Would love it if Speed of Light allowed us to cast while moving during the speed buff, but meh.

  3. #3
    I don't personally believe that we have trouble with mobility.

    Considering our infusion of light is making FoL instant cast again, come 4.2, and it currently makes us cast DL faster than a flash of light, we have fairly good mobility.

    The speed of light buff just makes it easier, if we need to get out of something fast.

  4. #4
    personally I don't think we have mobility issues. Now on the other hand maybe a bit easy to keep out of a fight and to top that off we don't have anything we could do before hand to help during the lockdown

  5. #5
    I don't PvE, but as far as PvP goes avoiding CC (of which mobility is a pretty big part) is the biggest problem a holy paladin has right now.

  6. #6
    Mobility is by far our biggest issue at the moment cause when we are moving we are pretty much useless. Ascendant Council ph2 is the best way to see that. Trying to get your buff may be making you not casting anything but holy shock for 5-7 seconds. It's not a game breaking issue in PVE but there are times where we fall short or lose our target due to heavy moving.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by fierceangel View Post
    In PvE I would say not really, as for PvP it's a huge issue atm. Would love it if Speed of Light allowed us to cast while moving during the speed buff, but meh.
    Yep, But with next patch we will once again be able to use instant flash of light if we crit with holy light, that combined with trying to have 3 holy power at all times (for emergency) is going to help alot with pvp, Also in pvp next patch I will reforge all crit instead of spirit. 3v3 rarely last over 2minutes if you know what you're doing so. for 2k-2.3k rating that is, above that and you have to mix it.

    Atleast for me with 3.8k resi as holy i have no problems with staying alive if i can safe cast, next patch with better WoG, instant FoL and more movement? not even going to be an issue. Not going to be overpowered but it's going to bring us back up to shaman, druid and priest healing above 2.2k rating 3v3.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by fierceangel View Post
    In PvE I would say not really, as for PvP it's a huge issue atm. Would love it if Speed of Light allowed us to cast while moving during the speed buff, but meh.
    Blizzard, hire this man. WOG buff will help in PVP a lot in addition to that, and Divine Protection will give Speed of Light too. But we will still be awful in comparison to the 4 other healing specs.
    Last edited by Obsession; 2011-05-30 at 01:41 AM.

  9. #9
    Its not bad at all in heroics.

    Our 2 aoe heals are so OP In 5 man content its ridiculous. Combined with one of our bread and butter heals being instant, and the other being GCD speed with right procs, I never have a problem keeping people healed during movement.

    I can say that my paladin is better in 5 mans than my druid whose main heals are instant cast but burst adressing heals suck. HT is really all my druid has because I am normally using SM on Cooldown.

  10. #10
    Heroics as in 5 mans or raids?
    Yeah, we have problems if we try and heal while moving, in 5 mans there should be little to no problem if people move out of dumb stuff. when moving for heroic mode raids I don't have too much trouble, as we usually have enough time to hard cast a DL or two before moving, which is generally enough. This with shock and glory(or LoD) is enough with moving in most fights.

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