Thread: Addons?

  1. #1


    Hi I am considering starting to play WoW again because I never experienced arena. I was curious what addons are recommended for arena players(if any?)


  2. #2
    gladius and losecontrol are pretty nice but honestly you can play with no addons and you won't be at a disadvantage
    Last edited by mmocdebd8642f3; 2011-05-30 at 03:24 PM.

  3. #3
    Gladius and some sort of addon to keep track of enemy CDs and interrupts. There aren't that many required really ;0

  4. #4
    Aloft, Tidy Plates or Name Plate Advanced for nameplates.
    PlateBuff for adding your Debuffs to said nameplates.
    Icicle tracks enemy CD above their nameplates.

    Gladius for enemy frames.
    X-Perl or Pitbull for unitframes.

    Bartender/Dominoes for action bars.
    Parrot or Mikscrollingcombattext for combat text.

    Dotimer, fortexorcist or SpellReminder for tracking dots, CD's etc...

    Those are my gotta haves I know I lean on addons too much but seriously if Blizzard spent more time and thought on their UI I wouldnt have to use half of them.

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