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    Cool [H] Non-typical 25m Guild LF ROGUES & HEALS

    Realm: Mal'Ganis - US, PvP
    Faction: Horde
    Guild Level: 25
    Guild Armory: us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/malganis/keine neuen/
    Guild Website: www.keineneuen.com

    Keine Neuen is a Level 25 Horde guild that was formed on Mal'Ganis server in September of 2007 as a progression guild focused on recruiting a mature and laid back raiding base. While progression and completion of all raiding content is the ultimate goal of the guild, a tension-free atmosphere is maintained at all times, and is just as important to the success of the guild. We value players who fit with this guild on a social level as well as on a raiding skill level. As a guild that is filled mostly with college students and working adults, we have a 21+ only policy. We do the best with the time we have, and this is a major part of our raiding philosophy - for us it's all about quality over quantity. We maintain a civil, respectful, mature, and bigotry-free environment, and we will not tolerate those who help create an antagonistic or negative atmosphere. If you like what you have read so far, we would like to hear from you.

    Recruitment Needs: (Exceptional apps will always be considered no matter what our immediate needs are)

    Death Knight: Low
    Druid: Moderate (Resto)
    Hunter: Low
    Mage: Low
    Paladin: Moderate (Holy or Ret)
    Priest: Moderate (Holy or Disc)
    Rogue: HIGH
    Shaman: Moderate (Resto or Enh)
    Warlock: Low
    Warrior: Low

    Raiding Schedule:

    Monday – Thursday: 8PM – 11PM CST

    Current Progression:

    Normal: 2/7

    Loot System:

    Public zero-sum DKP system (details: http://www.keineneuen.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=9)

    How To Apply:

    Please follow the link to our recruitment forum (http://www.keineneuen.com/viewforum.php?f=9) and post your application following the format in stickied “Application Information” post. WE ALWAYS READ EVERY SINGLE APP!!! Private applications can be emailed to keineneuen@gmail.com. If you would like to chat with an officer first, tell any of the above or /who keineneuen and ask to be pointed to an officer or a deputy.

    More About Keine Neuen:

    We have a tight core of players who have stuck with the guild throughout BC all the way into Cata, but we are also very welcoming to new recruits. We try our best to acclimate new players in a way that makes them feel that they have found a potential new raiding home, in a raiding environment that may not be typical to most raiding guilds. We all get along very well with each other. After all, raiding is far more enjoyable when the raid team is able to joke around together, focus together, wipe together, and scream over vent together when downing new bosses or completing new achievements.

    The ideal candidate will read the following and think "ZOMG…that sounds perfect!":

    • You are looking for a guild and raiding atmosphere that is the opposite of what one traditionally finds in 'Barrens Chat' and most other guilds.

    • Your main interests are PvE progress, the thrill of downing new bosses and hard modes, seeing new content, the enjoyment of working as part of a well-oiled raiding machine, and the temporary prestige that comes along with advancement. You don't raid just for loot or to gear yourself up for PvP.

    • You are planning on being around until you've beaten the current top-tier content in its entirety. You're not here to "see how this raiding thing is", or because you're suddenly bored with Arena. You consider yourself a long-term PvE raider.

    • You aren't fickle. We may not go as fast or slow as you'd like, or use the "perfect" raid makeup that you envision, and you are OK with this.

    • You realize that learning a boss encounter will involve learning and wiping.

    • You read up on encounters beforehand and enjoy going over strategy in advance.

    • Your gem choices and talent choices reflect your dedication to raid progression.

    • You are able to show up on time and stay for the whole raid.

    • You have excellent knowledge of your class and desired raid role.

    • You are attentive, situationally aware, and have good reaction time. This means you know how to move out of AoEs, switch targets fast, not explode in the raid, etc.

    • You really enjoy your class and desired raid role. For example, if you're a healer, you love to heal, and you are sure this is not going to change in the immediate future.

    • You are able to follow instructions.

    • You are willing to take constructive criticism (not abuse, we don't do abuse). You are also willing and able to learn from your mistakes.

    • You are able to use Ventrilo. You don't have to talk, only be able to hear.

    • You have a decent computer and stable Internet connection.
    Last edited by Deathnitte; 2011-07-11 at 03:13 AM.

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    Updated! Need more range!

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