1. #14541
    Tp is good yeah, but you rarely see someone using it properly, I doubt I would.

    TP is also good for ganking bot, for example, setting a ward in the brush or something like that, without the top enemy knowing you're TPing bot, you could get a kill.

    It's also like a TF ulti, it allows you to backdoor and get out fast or just backdoor using it, it's good especially if you use it to destroy a nexus.

    You can do a lot with TP, you just need to know how to use it well.

  2. #14542
    I always run teleport when I have a Top-champ that likes a philostone, such as cho'gath or Nasus. If so, I start with regrowth pendant and a potion. Once I have enough money for a Philo (which is not a lot of money) I go back to base, buy it and teleport back. After that you're basically unmovable out of lane. I especially like to do this with champs that may have a tough early game top.

    It's also nice for early game domination. If you can teleport back early for a doran's blade or whatever, you can win trades more easily (also because you can poke more, as you have regenerated your mana at some point while going back to base.

    Hope it makes sense. It's pure personal play style, so no idea if it's 'viable', but for me it works. Afterwards you can use teleport for ganking, dragoncontrol (teleport to dragonward when needed) and splitpushing.

  3. #14543
    Quote Originally Posted by Waervyn View Post
    I always run teleport when I have a Top-champ that likes a philostone, such as cho'gath or Nasus. If so, I start with regrowth pendant and a potion. Once I have enough money for a Philo (which is not a lot of money) I go back to base, buy it and teleport back. After that you're basically unmovable out of lane. I especially like to do this with champs that may have a tough early game top.

    It's also nice for early game domination. If you can teleport back early for a doran's blade or whatever, you can win trades more easily (also because you can poke more, as you have regenerated your mana at some point while going back to base.

    Hope it makes sense. It's pure personal play style, so no idea if it's 'viable', but for me it works. Afterwards you can use teleport for ganking, dragoncontrol (teleport to dragonward when needed) and splitpushing.
    Well, I agree with you on some aspects, but using TP to just have an advantage on your lane is kinda a waste of a TP. TP shouldn't be used for your own lane, unless you need to farm, but that rarely happens, also, basing and getting a doran's and TPing back to base won't give you much of an advantage towards your enemy, specially if he is playing a champion like Olaf, Riven, Malphite and so on.

  4. #14544
    Using it for your own lane is only something I would consider for Nasus, since he's the kinda guy you *NEED* to farm with, and a lot. All the time.

    Otherwise, I'd mainly consider Ignite or Exhaust if no one grabs it. Teleport is more for map control, and something I'd consider grabbing since I'm pretty confident in my top game. Which is why I asked, just to be sure.

    Though, all in all, I guess normals are free game anyway.

  5. #14545
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    Using it for your own lane is only something I would consider for Nasus, since he's the kinda guy you *NEED* to farm with, and a lot. All the time.

    Otherwise, I'd mainly consider Ignite or Exhaust if no one grabs it. Teleport is more for map control, and something I'd consider grabbing since I'm pretty confident in my top game. Which is why I asked, just to be sure.

    Though, all in all, I guess normals are free game anyway.
    TP is also good in a composition of poke(I think) and a split pushing team. So, normally, a team with Shen, Tf and global ults or people that can just backdoor and get out fast, TP is a good choice.

  6. #14546
    Picked TF, went against Xerath.
    Needless to say I got raped.

  7. #14547
    Quote Originally Posted by coolkingler1 View Post
    Picked TF, went against Xerath.
    Needless to say I got raped.
    Really? Tf isn't that bad against him, just don't try to W him, not even once and use Q as soon as you see him using his W(his recharge thing that makes him snared).

  8. #14548
    I like to think that teleport is mostly good on champions that either need a jungler for a kill top, or those who don't need ignite. If you want to farm and can't kill your opponent anyway due to mobility or whatnot (Chog, Nasus, to lesser extent Malphite), pick TP since Ignite probably won't help and a good TP bot to countergank can get you triple kills. Can you kill top/force/pressure with ignite (Riven, Lee, Jax), take ignite instead.

  9. #14549
    Well, screw it you know.

    I can't get around TF. he is simply wayyyy too squishy.

    I swear I don't even overextend and some Kha'Zix or Rengar jumps on me right away and I am bursted down in an instant.

    I just can't play with him, I tried and I tried last 3 days but...nope.

    There are some things some people can't do, playing TF is one of those things for me.
    Last edited by mmoc13485c3c3f; 2012-10-15 at 02:02 PM.

  10. #14550
    Try going Domi with him first. TF might be boring because all his damage comes, mainly, from his Q. I don't really know what to say that will help you, but just go play Domi's so you can get the hang on him then SR.

  11. #14551
    No, just no more.

    I can't stand his poop squishyness.

  12. #14552
    Quote Originally Posted by coolkingler1 View Post
    No, just no more.

    I can't stand his poop squishyness.
    Then you must really get angry when playing Teemo, if you do play him.

  13. #14553
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    Then you must really get angry when playing Teemo, if you do play him.
    Well, a little. But Teemo is doable.

  14. #14554
    Quote Originally Posted by coolkingler1 View Post
    Well, a little. But Teemo is doable.
    He's fun.

    But TF is fun for me.

  15. #14555
    I hit 30 a few days ago and I've noticed there seems to be a LOT more trolls now. Anyone else get this?

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  16. #14556
    Quote Originally Posted by Farolok View Post
    I hit 30 a few days ago and I've noticed there seems to be a LOT more trolls now. Anyone else get this?
    Not at all.

    I rarely see any trolls. SR has elo too, a hidden one, so it might be that all the people that constantly loose will end up in your games since you just went level 30.

  17. #14557
    Quote Originally Posted by Farolok View Post
    I hit 30 a few days ago and I've noticed there seems to be a LOT more trolls now. Anyone else get this?
    Yeah...that is lvl 30.

  18. #14558
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farolok View Post
    I hit 30 a few days ago and I've noticed there seems to be a LOT more trolls now. Anyone else get this?
    Hardly surprising. The level 30 population is far greater than that at, say, lvl 25-29. It's only logical there's more trolls at 30 as well.

  19. #14559
    Well it's getting really fucking annoying. Just joined a draft normal and had people in lobby that seemed somewhat decent. Got into game and Udyr jungle was either a troll or just a fucking moron. By the 17 minute mark, he hadn't ganked once in any lane. The enemy teams Maokai and Morgana were able to annihilate me at mid, resulting in Morgana being fed, and the WW at top was punished by Vlad and Maokai too. Bottom lane seemed to be doing okay, turret hugging the majority of the time.

    Eventually WW raged at Udyr, because by the 20 minute mark he was on 5 deaths, myself 6, and Udyr had done nothing to help us at all. Udyr: "Your fault u push lane noob"

    I'd kept a close eye on top lane before it, WW was pushed to his own turret for the majority of the time. One of the 6 deaths I conceded were when I pushed my lane which I will happily admit. But seriously, no ganks at all? Maokai, by 20 minutes, was on 19 assists and 1 kill, 0 deaths. I finished 1/7/4, WW 0/6/0, Udyr 0/7/1, and our bot lane was along the lines of AD 2/4/2 or something. Will it be like this a lot?

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  20. #14560
    Hey, sometimes it's not possible to gank.

    An advice, when you are laning, pretend you don't have a jungler, play safe, farm only, and do not push your lane.

    Also, when you get better you'll start playing with better players, just keep improving.

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