1. #1

    Destro glyphs and the Legendary

    As of now, the best glyphs for Destro are Conflag, Immo, and Imp, and will remain to be in 4.2. However, given that pet classes (aka warlocks) will higher a higher chance to proc the effect from the legendary staff, we can assume that pet attacks will not proc the effect. In theory then, it may be a better dps increase to drop GoImp for GoIncinerate once a destro lock has the legendary. I say this because incinerate is a very large portion of our damage, and I would think that having the extra damage on something that can proc the staff's effect would be more beneficial than increasing damage on something that will go unaffected by it.

    This is, of course, all theoretical until proc % numbers can be tested for destro. Again, it's only a possibility, and only once using the legendary staff, but I think it would be worth looking into once we are able to test the numbers.

  2. #2
    Isn't it better to get the glyph of Chaos Bolt (if that one still exists)?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Aturbus View Post
    Isn't it better to get the glyph of Chaos Bolt (if that one still exists)?
    I think its 1 less second cooldown, and it hardly does more DPET that incinerate, so definitely not

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Dastey View Post
    I think its 1 less second cooldown, and it hardly does more DPET that incinerate, so definitely not
    This. The 4th place glyph for destro is Incin, I'm just now sure of by how much, or if the proc chance from the staff would offset the different between that and glyph of imp.

  5. #5
    Isn't GoImp by far Destro's best choice? Let's say, for example, GoImp provides 200 dps increase now, and GoIncinerate provides 100 dps now. GoImp will not change with the patch, but GoIncinerate will go up by the proc percentage of the staff. Let's say it has a 10% chance to proc, the dps increase GoIncinerate provides goes up by 10 dps to 110. The staff would need to have 100% chance to proc to make them even in this scenario.

    Basically, if the following is true:

    GoImpDPS < (1 + StaffProcRate) * GoIncinerateDPS

    then switching glyphs will yield a dps increase. Otherwise it is a dps loss.

  6. #6
    Right, and I understand that. I'm just saying that depending on the proc rate it's a possibility. I'm not sure offhand what the dps difference is to be honest, but if we knew that we could calculate what the rate would have to be in order for Incin to come out ahead, and if it's something ridiculous then it's probably a safe bet to stick with imp.

  7. #7
    imp does quiet alot of dps around 5k i think so no i doubt glyph of inci will overtake it

  8. #8
    We'll just have to wait and see. There's not enough info out about the proc for anyone to get 100% realistic results in SimC yet.

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