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  1. #1

    PVP Class - for starters

    OK. I decided to play ONE class in PVP, and try to master it, instead of playing 4-5 classes and doing mediocre at all of them.

    Here are my top choices and why.

    Melee - Ive never played a melee in pvp.
    Warrior - They seem like they don't have to worry to much about CCing stuff. They can go in and wreck face. This seems pretty fun to me. I love their charges and stuns.
    DK - I like how they have melee and magic, and i think death grip is a sweet as hell spell.

    Hunter - i always hear hunters have 100s of keybinds, which seems to probably be difficult for starting out. but i love their style.
    Warlock - affliction seems very fun. lots of dots. fears and teleports. but... id be worried i would have to CC a ton in arena, which is prob what i need to get use to.
    mage - same as lock kind of, worried about having to CC a ton. but i love their busrt, blinks, freezing...

    As a new pvper, out of those classes, which do you suggest?

  2. #2
    any plate melee class.
    Battlemaster Ralamus (retired rogue)

  3. #3
    It doesn't matter what you play. As soon as you master one, you can do almost just as well on all other classes. Just pick one, find a team and work your way up the ladder. I assure you, if you can get 2k on one class, you can get 1.8k on any class. Same for 2.2k, 2.6k, Glad, etc.

  4. #4
    Death Knight. Takes no skill to play yet you can counter any class. If you're skilled, you'll just faceroll through everyone.

  5. #5
    You should go Frost DK

    Really Amazing how many HORRIBLE DKS you meet between 2k and 2,2k.
    I mean seriously they tunnel you all day and they never actually get a single interrupt on you all game.
    HORRIBLE PLAYERS FREE 2,2k its ridiculous.

    Got 2,2k on my twink shaman today and faced DK Meele Cleave DK just did 3 times the dmg of my lock who was free casting all game. During that game we killed DK and won its so retarded. He just Pops AMS randomly still negating all pressure on him (and allowing us to kill him since he pop while his healer was not cc't and later when he was CC'T he still had it on CD)

    It really doesn't matter as Frost DK
    Your Enemy Team needs to know how to counter you in order to win you just need to do DMG
    NS/FS and HB are the only attacks you need. Diseases don't really matter as Frost. You apply slow automaticlly so you don't even need to chains often.
    Rest of it is CD Management and some Stuff you can do with skill. (you don't need skill though your DMG carries you)

    But yeah you can just tunnel heal all game and win your way up to 2,2k rating if you are able to press 3 buttons (NS, HB and FS) no need to kick if you run meele cleave as ret/dk can kill things in 6 sec. with Cds. up and can global 50k+ dmg per second.

  6. #6
    Pretty much what everyone else has said. Plate DPS is really easy to play and quite effective in the hands of even the worst players out there. They are designed almost completely as a high-damage, high-mobility tunnelvision class. You really can't go wrong with a warrior or dk.

    Hunters don't have an exceptional number of abilities compared to other classes. It may be more necessary to use all your spells when compared to the warrior with ten abilities bound, but all classes have roughly similar ability pools. Since people will try to tell you otherwise, hunters are indeed a viable PvP class. Some of their mechanics are a little awkward though (precision with traps or disengage), so hunters probably have one of the longer learning curves to them.

    The problem with warlocks isn't that you have to CC a lot, it's that you need your teammates to CC a lot. If you don't have a good rogue or mage on your team, you're going to get chewed up pretty bad by most melee. This puts warlocks in a situation where they're probably the strongest arena class there is, but only in the hands of the best players. At low-end play, it might be fairly frustrating.

    Mages are a pretty good choice too. There's really nothing bad to say about them. In the environments where they're at their weakest, they're still a top class, and there are several situations wherein they're completely overpowered. A mage would probably have a higher learning curve than a warrior or dk, but would still be much easier to pick up than a hunter or warlock.

  7. #7
    death knight or rogue.. rogues a bit harder then death knight but dont go war, it takes skill now adays.. mage is harder cuz of the CCs and kiting melee esp dk etc

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Yoonalol View Post
    but dont go war, it takes skill now adays..
    You forgot to add "/sarcasm".

    Quote Originally Posted by Yoonalol View Post
    mage is harder cuz of the CCs and kiting melee esp dk etc

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Mithgroth View Post
    You forgot to add "/sarcasm".

    Cause , you know , free wrathful gear / pre-cata patch that last 2 weeks is some serious business and shows how mages are like 9 months later and 1 expansion later .

    OT : Go warrior . You only need to know when to fear and when to go defensive .

  10. #10
    go with what you like and just learn the ins and outs of that class. learn all the little things and tricks it takes to climb the ladders in arena or rbgs.
    Last edited by VÎzio; 2011-08-01 at 06:43 AM.

  11. #11
    DK for sure.
    Frost DK or Blood DK seems good for starters .They are Easy to play , hard to kill. If u are skilled , u could put other classes down easily except Frost Mage .

  12. #12
    Death Knight, I can't tell you how many time I out play them, Fake every kick, Force their Grip before I portal, etc, I still die.

    Even as a warrior Force grip before I charge / leap to main target, CoIce is a root then snare, so annoying.

    Death Knight is a truly strong class they always will be.

    *Shades and damn it feels good to be a gangsta backgroup music*


  13. #13
    I'd say roll a Death Knight because the average player can get 2k with that class.

  14. #14
    It always depends on what playstile you like.

    with warrior you can become an unstoppable killing machine if you have the right timing

    Dk cant say much about it never played it at end lvl

    Hunter is very easy in battlegrounds but you have to be really good for higher rating arena (and yes there are alot of keybinds)

    Warlock has a lot of keybinds too and I really love the playstyle you can do good in arenas as affli when youre not that good and do great when you are good

    Mage for arenas you kind of have to go frost (if you dont have a frostmage partner then fire is awesome =D ) I´m Playing mage for pvp atm and I gotta say there is no more fun class in PvP then a firemage and frost is okay, too. Also Mage can team up with a lot of other classes so you have a good variety of teams you can play with

  15. #15
    For PvP fun:

    Melee: Blood Death Knight. As alliance i would pick dwarf for awesomness, the ultimate warriorroflstomper.

    Ranged: As ranged, i would actually go chakra holy dps priest. Troll with big (MOOOOOON!) tusks or gnome with big pink beard.

    Its enjoyable to be good at a spec and race noone plays. You feel unique and its rewarding when you succeed somehow lol.

    And now for the serious arena:

    As meleer, i would pick arms warrior. Human or orc.

    As ranged, i would pick shadow priest. Human or undead.

  16. #16
    I rolled a Frost DK for the sole purpose of PvPing. So far I love it. Seems its easy to get into and if you have any skill at all, you will own.

  17. #17
    Shadow Priest, VT, and SWP everyone, and then fear any melee that gets in on you, and if you're taking heavy damage, or know you're going to, hit dispersion. You also get a 5 second silence and a disarm.

  18. #18
    DK has an easy entry level, which would be recommended for a new PvPer.
    Id avoid rogues, mages and locks as they are a heavy support CC class, meaning youd have to track CC and support your teammates. Something not ideal for entry level PvP.

    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    Shadow Priest, VT, and SWP everyone, and then fear any melee that gets in on you, and if you're taking heavy damage, or know you're going to, hit dispersion. You also get a 5 second silence and a disarm.
    ... no.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Kriptoe View Post
    OK. I decided to play ONE class in PVP, and try to master it, instead of playing 4-5 classes and doing mediocre at all of them.

    Here are my top choices and why.

    Melee - Ive never played a melee in pvp.
    Warrior - They seem like they don't have to worry to much about CCing stuff. They can go in and wreck face. This seems pretty fun to me. I love their charges and stuns.
    DK - I like how they have melee and magic, and i think death grip is a sweet as hell spell.

    Hunter - i always hear hunters have 100s of keybinds, which seems to probably be difficult for starting out. but i love their style.
    Warlock - affliction seems very fun. lots of dots. fears and teleports. but... id be worried i would have to CC a ton in arena, which is prob what i need to get use to.
    mage - same as lock kind of, worried about having to CC a ton. but i love their busrt, blinks, freezing...

    As a new pvper, out of those classes, which do you suggest?
    Plate melee ofc. Good base survivalbility... you don't mess up too much for your friends if you use cooldowns wrong. If you play TSG it's pretty much what will we kill and attack and hit with your weap as much as you can. Ofc you can be skilled and use tacts and cooldowns too, but if you play as I mentioned first you will win quite a bit anyway

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by JustinLee View Post
    DK for sure.
    Frost DK or Blood DK seems good for starters .They are Easy to play , hard to kill. If u are skilled , u could put other classes down easily except Frost Mage .
    You'd have to be an incredibly bad Death Knight to not be able to dominate a caster of any kind, Frost mage or otherwise.

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