1. #1

    (Shadow) Problem in duels...

    Guys I have a problem and I seek your wisdom. I consider myself a very good player (both in pvp and pve) and obviously, I have good gear. But recently i've been having a lot of troubles in duels... like versus frost mages, shammys, even god damn warlocks.

    I don't know what happened it seems like all of the sudden everyone got op... and i'm not even talking about deathknights... But this is not a QQ thread and I want to know if you guys could please check my armory to see if I have anything "wrong"... and by the way do you guys know anyone like the warrior "swifty" that does some tutorials or something. Even if it's not in video format i just want to learn how to pwn again =(

    PS: In duels I am never use mindspike + mindblast am I doing it wrong? Because I usually just get interrupted and if I get a fear or a silence it's a lot of loss damage right (Because I don't have the dot's up)?.

    Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/grim-batol/harukaa/simple

    hanks guys =)

  2. #2
    I wouldn't worry about duels so much. They're in no way a testament to skill, just a who can burst who faster kinda thing. I would suggest to not be afraid to use everything if winning the duel means a lot.

  3. #3
    Haven't really dueled in a long time, but if you're losing to an enhance, remember to silence. Other than that, should prolly get the hit cap and some penetration.

  4. #4
    frost mages are just op give it up.

    ehancement shamans u just have to kite and juke.

    demo and destro are beat able but aff should win because he can just spam drain life thats it.
    You're right except for 2 things.

    1. My name is spelt "God" not "Loucious-sama".
    2. I'm not a man, because man is inherently flawed. I am in fact a being so far beyond your comprehension that archaic constraints like flesh, blood, time and consequently, gender, have no meaning to me.

  5. #5
    And what should I do against rogues? I'm having some problems with them also.
    Thanks for the answers =)

  6. #6
    Get hit capped first.

    Locks - Fear on opener if he trinkets then fear ward and put full dots up then mf/mb until the pet is back, silence him and juke cs. Fear the pet on cd and rinse and repeat until he's dead.

    Mages - You'll need to kill him before his third deep, trinket the first and disperse the second, use fiend and trickets w/ dots. Make sure you dispel his nova's off yourself instantly to avoid shatter damage.


    Rogues - It's going to be a really long fight, disperse the shadowdance and try to disarm the next. Heal in fears and always keep a few dots up, once cloak and trinket are down try fear w/ wings + trinket with ms->ms->mb then dot and repeat.
    Last edited by mmoc9c70e15a5f; 2011-07-31 at 12:53 PM.

  7. #7
    Yea now that i've geard up as disc ive been trying out shadow and dueling and BGs are tough sometimes. I feel like i hardly do any damage with dots. It seems that ms>ms>ms>mb is the way to go. Maybe flay at the start to get AA up. Being spell locked really sucks.

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