Looking for: 4 gnome rogues, 1 human mage, 1 dwarf warrior, 1 night elf hunter, 2 human warriors

I will play a Night Elf Priest

I would like to quest all together, and do dungeons only twice each. We will set aside specific times to play, like raid times except starting on Day 1. Those times will be 730-1030pm PST, Sunday-Thursday. Any other times are to do as you please on another character. Our guild will consist of only our 10 characters. Anything else you play will be elsewhere.

No BoA. Let's progress through content as a group. Looking for players who typically devote a lot of time to their character. Not looking for extreme roleplay, but it's not entirely a joke. Must have some respect for the homage we are paying. In all of this, some of you will die. That's the reality with just one healer. I would like to see how far we can get with a little perseverance.

I am looking for an exact composition. I will be looking for a Raid Leader, if the need arises. The responsibility of being a GM and Raid Leader is not something I am interested in.

Here are the character slots that are open:

Gnome Rogue - Male (Inscription) (no others) - Combat
Gnome Rogue - Male (Herbalism) (no others) - Assassination
Gnome Rogue - Male (Skinning) (Cooking) - Subletly
Gnome Rogue - Male (Leatherworking) - Combat
Human Mage - Male (Engineering) - Arcane
Human Warrior - Male (Blacksmithing) - Protection
Human Warrior - Male (Jewelcrafting) - Arms
Dwarf Warrior - Male (Mining) (Fishing) - Fury
Night Elf Hunter - Male (Alchemy) - Marksman
Night Elf Priest - Female (Tailoring) - Discipline (TAKEN) (ALATARA)

Name your character the first "random role" name that is accepted by the server.

Please note the professions are a such for the express purposes of the guild, and this project.

We will meet Tuesday August 9th at 700pm PST on UTHER (US) in Teldrassil. By this point, everyone needs to have pre-leveled to level 10. As soon as you ding level 10, please clear your quest log and make your way to Teldrassil. The closer we all are in level, the better the experience will be.

We will be following a specific line of quests as we make our way to 85. I realize that coming to Teldrassil (take the boat to Rutheran from Stormwind, run through the portal into or fly up to Darnassus, and then run along the road until you reach the starting area).

Apply in this thread. I will update accordingly.