Thread: Addon request.

  1. #1

    Addon request.

    Hello, yesterday when I was healing Alysrazor some of the raid members kept being out of range and I was woundering if there was an addon that would display an arrow pointing you in their direction when you targeted them. This would make it alot easier to get them within range, because you wouldn't have to study the minimap the way you have to do now. If there is no such addon, would it be possible to make or would it be against blizzard rules?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    I think there's a Tom-Tom plugin/addon that works with it, that has the arrow point to your current player target.

    Yep, there is:
    Tom Tom:
    Tom Tom Target Arrow:

    TT Target Arrow hasn't been updated in a while, but should still work.

    Also, Vuhdo has that functionality built in out of the box.

  3. #3

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