1. #1

    3200 spellpower proc

    Didn't notice Incanter's Absorption was 20% until recently when i got bored with Invocation. Wrath it was nice with discipline priests and allowed a triple pot scenario with an absorb pot. Nowadays its only mage ward and mana shield (which im assuming isn't dmg per mana efficient). Assuming both are popped together, thats about 16,000 dmg absorbed and 3200 spell power for 10 seconds. However that 3200 sp is gonna cost about 10,400 mana. Ward alone is more mana forgiving about 1600 spellpower for only 2800 mana. Has any1 been using this consistently, possibly anticipating raid dmg before a burn phase. Keep in mind its 2 gcds, so that impacts dps. Curious to see if ppl use this as a situational dps increase or if the mana cost is just to high.

  2. #2
    It is worth using sometimes, and dont forget that it also helps your healers, but maybe only mageward as it is way more mana conservative, dont forget you help healers too, not only your damage.

  3. #3
    The math was done on Mage Ward, it's not beneficial for on-use demand, IA lasts for only 8 seconds and the GCD you'd have to use for it will be too wasteful, someone calculated based on SP contribution to AB that you would need to cast ~10 four stack ABs with the spell power buff to make up for the GCD loss.

    It's only real useful when on the move and you know elemental damage is incoming, or during the 5 sec countdown before pull when you know an attack is coming with elemental damage (like Ragnaros).

    Mana shield is also overall very worthless and not worth the GCD along with costing a crapload of mana, the only usefulness I find with it is while popping it in conjuction with AP (glyph causes it to be 0 GCD), and it has to be the final burn phase when the boss is about to die, because at that point the mana lost won't matter.

    It all comes down to GCD really, if Mage Ward is off the GCD it would be amazing.

    It is worth using sometimes, and dont forget that it also helps your healers, but maybe only mageward as it is way more mana conservative, dont forget you help healers too, not only your damage.
    The amount of "help" these two abilities do as far as damage prevention goes is very minuscule for the majority of boss abilities.
    Last edited by Matik; 2011-08-10 at 11:58 PM.

  4. #4
    Love the responses, really helped clarify somethings in my mind. But i still cant help but feel i still have 2 situationally usless talents. Whats decent besides Arcane Explosion which is just Rag and Ryolith? and Invocation (haven't interrupted since Nef). Is incanter's the best spot for those two talent pts?

  5. #5
    currently my guild progressing Ragnaros heroic, after many wipes i figured something that the both shields are stacking spell power, for example using mage ward and mana shield before the pull by doing that im not gonna waste GCD, in addition after we pull and boss cast on me [Wrath of Ragnaros], ill get shit loads of absorb, and getting atleast 4.500 spellpower,

  6. #6
    Well, personally i run with this spec, and i got both in my spec. I find Neather Vortex useless, so that free's up two points.

    I personally use Mage Ward/Mana Shield to absorb known damage on fights where i know healers struggle, otherwise i only use it if i have to soak stuff (Beth HC or Raggy Traps) and while moving.
    "If everything is under control, you are going too slow."
    - Mario Andretti

  7. #7
    The shield absorbs are a big help to your healers and having the extra spellpower never hurts. Just make sure not to waste a GCD and only use it when you know it will help.

  8. #8
    Keyboard Turner
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    Use it. Pad your meter every Heroic Lord pull. Toss it up pre-pull and stick your little toes in the red stuff.

  9. #9
    Dreadlord JP1o's Avatar
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    The GCD of Mana Shield is completely avoidable, Arcane power Glyphed, use Mana shield on a burn phase if your mana permits it and you have Intellect procs up, as for mage ward, Worth using tbh, especially on fights like Rag HC when traps and seeds are exploding.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Pj4ever View Post
    Well, personally i run with this spec, and i got both in my spec. I find Neather Vortex useless, so that free's up two points.

    I personally use Mage Ward/Mana Shield to absorb known damage on fights where i know healers struggle, otherwise i only use it if i have to soak stuff (Beth HC or Raggy Traps) and while moving.
    Don't you need NV for TtW to funciton successfully? If you are one of a few dps attacking something, you will rely on that AB to apply the slow to allow your TtW to function and give you the 6% sp increase. Or are you solely relying on other raid members to apply the snare?

  11. #11
    On some pulls like alyz heroic if your on the ground you can do:
    -Prepot -> mageward->mana shield -> pop cd's -> ask your rogue for trix

    Ive gotten really good initial crits at 180.000+ dmg and then i just keep going with the adds and i evocate during firestorm. Im always the top dps down there, arcane is pretty broken :P . Also we did sinestra tonight and i got some nasty IA combos using mana shield glyph and flameward getting to over 5k+ sp and reaching 190k+ crits, i would have pulled a rank 1 if it wasn't that i got targeted by orbs during p3 .. ended really close.
    Tiandar --------- retired
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  12. #12
    mana shield doesnt cost mana.. only when it procs.. its nice since it lasts a min ill usually apply it just before a boss fight. incase i get hit or time when i get hit during a burn phase to boost dps even further.. always know

    and no for TTW to apply any slow from anything will count as increased dmg.. be it thunderclap, Judgements, infected wounds,, etc.

    nethervortex is quite useless imo.. i had a single point in there and simply casting AB twice will apply it. but if i really needed a slow i could just cast slow.. im considering dropping NV altogether.

  13. #13
    i use them both consistently, and here's the nasty bit : i'm arcane yet when i use them throughout a fight , it : 1) helpf the group loads, and i get better burn phases

    and yes even mana shield , our small 10 man has very few options on who can hold on to the shards of torment on baleroc, sure i of mana and dps for me as it wastes a lot , but 2 shields used per shard ( pre-shield + 1 ~ 8-9 stacks ) keeps me alive and get's me ~ 5k spellpower to use after

    so sure , mana shield , i don't actually recommend , but mage ward is more than worth if you anticipate , ( stomps on ryo, as an example and so much more ) wastes some mana ? sure , but raids are a group effort , NOT who is top pewpew ( i'm top anyways :P )

  14. #14
    I noticed when I was doing Beth'tilac that you can actually stack the Spellpower buff. (I'll need to look into it some more to confirm, but i'm pretty sure about what I was seeing).

    Basically I put a Mana Shield up before the pull, then she starts peeing Lava down on everyone. This procs IA and gives a spellpower buff.

    Wait a few seconds, throw up a Mage Ward - the duration of the buff is refreshed and the new Spellpower granted by IA is added on.

    Wait a few seconds, throw up a second Mana Shield - again, the duration is refreshed and the new Spellpower granted by IA is added on.

    Ends up resulting in anything up to 8-9k spellpower, and it's longer than 10 seconds since anytime there's reliable damage like this you can cast 2 or 3 ABs inbetween each shield, with a final huge spellpower boost for 10 seconds.

    The 3 gcds may or may not outweigh the large amount of spellpower you can stack, but i'm not sure. It's also quite situational in that you need reliable, constant damage going out, like in Beth'tilac, Rhyolith Phase 2 and Alysrazor.

  15. #15
    Bloodsail Admiral Saegno's Avatar
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    ^Grats on domo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lohe View Post
    If you're semi-hardcore or semi-casual what's the other half? To me, they're both the same thing.
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