1. #1

    LF addon with sound event when spell goes off cd

    Well the title says it all - more specifically looking for an addon that makes some sound alert for me when Tricks of the trade is off cooldown. (im using omnicc and pulse but I would love an audio warning)


  2. #2
    I think Power Auras might be able to do this, but I couldn't be sure. It definitely has audio options, so just set it for when it comes off cooldown and the power aura should work. In theory.

  3. #3
    Power Auras Classic can probably do this.
    You have about twenty sounds to choose from, or you can upload your own.

    I personally have a warning siren go off when my life total gets low,
    and a pinging sound when my mana gets low.

    Im pretty sure you can get it to play a sound when spell is off CD, but I'm at work and dont have access to my WOW computer.

  4. #4
    I use Power Auras for my ToTt, you can setup Powa for any spell usable action, debuff, buff etc you can think of. Really this should be a core addon for anyone looking to present specific information for their character.

    You can also look at Tricks or Treat on curse which will provide a audio warning for tricks, or just slightly before it comes off plus other more ToTt specific options.

  5. #5
    Create a power aura set to "action usable" then set it to a sound. That should do it for ya.

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