1. #1

    How do you find your transfer server?


    I've been playing WoW since November 2008 and enjoy it thoroughly. I have a max level priest, paladin, and DK. I currently play on the Nazgrel server. The server is classified as "new players" and is very lacking is progression and just overall quality of people. Everyone goes around telling each other how bad they are and how much better they are than them... but the server as a whole has 2-3 guilds that are even clearing Firelands bosses.

    I want out... yesterday.

    I have no other friends that play WoW outside of Nazgrel and I have never played on another server.

    So my question to you, fellow forum-goers, is what is your method of picking a server when you want to transfer? Do you roll a low level toon and level it up to check it out? Do you make a DK to check it out? or do you jump in head first paying the fee and hoping for the best? Out of all the servers is it just a coin toss? Help me out here.

  2. #2
    It sounds like you are looking for PVE progression, so....


    Pick a realm, find and app to a guild on said realm, then transfer once you are accepted.

  3. #3
    I started to play on almost locked realm, because I had friends there, friends come and gone, but I loved the realm and all my Alliance characters are in Sylvanas EU, but then the problem comes I want Horde, so I look for classified "high" realm, then I go to forums, wowcesus(really not the best way to judge realm), Then I create a character in realm, check AH in ally and horde side, talk to some players, look up leveling/raid/pvp guilds ask about the status of realm, thats it...
    Quote Originally Posted by SourceOfInfection View Post
    Now instead of being pissed off at four people at a time, I can be pissed off at TWENTY FOUR people at a time. That's called efficiency, my little enchiladas.

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