Hello everyone.

Sanity is a new-formed guild with a majority of players who comes from 100 EU ranked guilds, that has ben friend for a very long time (As well we've raided with each other in the passed)

After have in a no so succesfull start of Cataclysm our old guild was forced to disband.
the reason behind the disband was that our GM got engaged, and most players lost
their motivation to aim for the realm first kills due this. So we decided to disband.

Previous content from WOTLK and start of Cataclysm

OS10/25 +3 drakes (cleared and on farm)
EOE10/25 (Both achieves)
Naxxramas10/25 (All achieves)

Ulduar 10/25 (Almost every possible achiv and yogg+0 in both 10 and 25)

TOGC 10/25 (A Tribute to Insanity)

ICC 10/25 (Both cleared in heroic and on farm)

In the first week of cataclysm before we disbanded we had I think 8/13 bosses down in the first week of the release. just the week after before our GM disbanded and we were pushing the realm firsts at this point.

Which Brings us this point now, we're now opening our Recruitment once again! in order
to form a new 25m Guild. After raiding 10m for 4 weeks to check the content (2 progress nights with 2/7 Heroic, will prob end up with 4/7 HC in no time)

What we expect from you!
* Motivation and will with aims for realm first boss kills.
* Dedication and always showing a good will and patience.
*Always being there on time (if something would come up you need to contact us)
*Theory-crafting to the max so you can top-performance on your character
* and of course having a high-knowledge on your class.
*having a good and stable computer and Internet connection
* Being over 18 years old (or close)
*have a mature personality, you have to be able to take construct critisism in order to improve.

The classes we're in a HIGH need of right now:
2x - Rogues.
1x - Protection warrior.
2x - Holy/disc priest
x1 - Warlock (demo or affliction)
x1 - Hunter.

exceptional players can apply no matter what class.

Raid Schedule

Wednesday 19.00-23.00
Thursday 19.00-23.00
Monday 19.00-23.00
Tuesday 19.00-23.00 (PTR Raiding day)

Every raid day MAY be extended with another 30 minutes if we're close to something.

If you want to apply or if you have any questions regarding us, contact the officer core beneath this line.

Rivin, Mcbilly, Séazon, Alysi and Jamesthérev.