Knights of Tranquility was formed in August 2005 on the Silver Hand server, with the belief that raiding should be a positive, fun and friendly social experience. Our guild caters to older people with limited time to play, but who want to down content with other skilled and fun-loving people. The majority of our raiders have been together for a long time and the social aspects of raiding are as important to us as progression. As of 2007 we are now on the Scryers server.

Our approach to raid is that we are always respectful of our members, and our member's time. Our members often have responsibilities that limit the amount of time they have to play, so we make the best use of that time by starting raids promptly, and limiting the number of interruptions in raids. Each raid team member understands that raiding is a challenging activity that requires preparation and research before each raid, and that during raids, we need to give our full attention and effort to make the raid successful. However, we never resort to insults or name-calling as a means of correcting mistakes. We resolve raid issues in a positive, constructive manner.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 7:30-10:30 p.m. PST.

Guild highlights:
* We have an older, calmer, player base, so our guild chat won't hurt your eyes, and our
Mumble won't hurt your ears. Our guild members are respectful and easy to get along with.

* Our raiding is limited to nine hours per week, so you'll have plenty of time for RL activities. Our guild has been raiding since Molten Core was progression content, so we're a well-established raiding guild.

* We need people for full-time raiding positions, so you'll be right in the action every night.

* We're a small tight knit guild (about 40 total active players, including non-raiders), so you won't get lost in the crowd.

Guild level:

Pre 4.2 progression:
12/12 normals
1/13 heroics


Currently recruiting to fill a healer spot, a couple DPS spots, and a tank spot. All classes/specs welcome to apply, but we are in especially in need of:

Discipline priest
Elemental shaman
Pally tank with DPS offspec


* Applicants should be in a mix of properly itemized PvE gear (roughly item level 359 or better)
* Must have Mumble installed and be able to listen on Mumble.
* Should be able to attend at least 2 of the 3 nights stated, for the full length of time.

Please fill out an application at our website at
Please click the "Apply to the guild" link in the upper right corner.

Any in-game questions should be directed to Keim or Renwald on the Scryers server.