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  1. #321
    Well everyone know it by now but Blizzard puts absolutely no time in making sets becuase transmogrifying is on it's way...

  2. #322

  3. #323

  4. #324
    So far the Rogue and Mage tier 13 are to me the most dissappointing from what has been shown of the tier 13 sets. Especially after they did a very good job on the Rogue tier 12 imho.

  5. #325
    Not bad. I like more t2, t5 and t12 but this isn't bad at all. I expect the heroic tier to be black/grey like someone in posts before has edited it.

    That looked really awesome
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

  6. #326
    I just lost hope for the Hunter tier; actually, I didn't have much hope to begin with.

  7. #327
    at least the helm doesn't look that bad in this set. Looking back at the helms in late wrath/ early cata just boggles my mind. WTF were their artists thinking.

  8. #328
    another awful set, keep it up blizzard

  9. #329
    Yeaaa..Death Knights will be the last ones, so everyone's gonna get buttheart cos of our epicness tier

  10. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by wMw View Post
    Yeaaa..Death Knights will be the last ones, so everyone's gonna get buttheart cos of our epicness tier
    Just keep telling that to yourself. ^^

    People saying B11s or the set look "gay", I'd really like an explenation of what and why it looks "gay".
    If it was pink, flashy or even cute, I could maybe understand it but right now it just doesnt look that good. (as does the Warlock T13)

    By the way, why does nobody seem to like T9(Alliance) or T12 for rogues.
    I thought they look quite awesome.

  11. #331
    At least Gotham City will be safe again!

    ---------- Post added 2011-09-21 at 07:15 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by wMw View Post
    Yeaaa..Death Knights will be the last ones, so everyone's gonna get buttheart cos of our epicness tier
    Because they put the team on it last. 5minute job, i'm pretty sure it will be something pink. Fits them.
    It's like we are all Red Jelly Beans in a Jar full of various colors. Every now and then they reach in and get a Red Jelly Bean.
    We know we are in there, we can see the color, we just can't do anything to speed up our being taken out of the jar -- Jelly Beans can't speak.

  12. #332
    I hope they would have gone farther with that batman style spiked gloves and black colour! Na na na na na na nana!

  13. #333
    Quote Originally Posted by alteam View Post
    so bad! Everything is "normal" and then comes the shoulders..
    I must agree. I don't hate the set completely, but just the shoulders. Then again I've hated most shoulder armor post-TBC. I mean, why do rogues have to have flashy armor? They're supposed to be stealthy, can't really creep trough the shadows if you have something burning/shining on. That's why I like the pre-WotLK rogue armors way more. But well, guess there's stuff to collect for the transmutation heh.

    btw... think this armor might look good with T6 shoulders hehe

  14. #334
    Why does the helm and the "Bat" theme remind me of Batman for some reason? >_>

  15. #335
    Batman or not! If they want the rogues to be Batman they damn hell can promise me to put in the Batmobiel for WOW aswell!

  16. #336
    hope they make it black and not the brown dirt, then its at least acceptable, but ye it does look like a blue set gear, of all creature rogues got bats, last tier was hawk, maybe we can fly with this tier sicne they always seem to link is with creature that use the moment of suprice to take down its prey, or if they based it of batman maybe we get the batmobile as mount else i think they should have put our tier after the hellspawn armor wich has a big cape shrouding us, i mean cant really hide in the dark when yout shoulders light up venom and your tier is brown, atleast i'll run around with tier 12 and the cursed sight of sargeras or the last season wotlk head as thats is the most awesome head blizz ever gave rogues. this tier is by me rated the second worst only tier 11 is worse, that tier 12 is among the best sets, but look at all the old sets, they are all very dark or red, and fits the class good, but this just tells something about the tier designers, alot of the worst sets have been in cata, and it sure suck, its reason they trew in the transmogrif, now we are forced to transmogrif the tier
    Last edited by Nosferato; 2011-09-21 at 08:51 AM.

  17. #337
    Im not a rogue, but this set doesnt look that bad compared to some of the other rogue sets.

    TBH most of the rogue sets look like they have just stepped out of a DC comic book..

  18. #338
    Quote Originally Posted by Tooldealer View Post
    I just lost hope for the Hunter tier; actually, I didn't have much hope to begin with.
    I feel the same for priests. Especially when you can call the last two tier sets "Toilet Bowl Shoulders" and "Basketball Hoop Head".

  19. #339
    Last edited by The King in Yellow; 2011-09-21 at 10:31 AM.

  20. #340
    @ EldradThat's a brilliant colour combination! I like it way better than the original. Let's hope we can get at least one model which looks like this.Why have they not added the right head piece on the tier 7.5 pic? They have forgotten to replace the tier 7 with the tier 7.5 mask...Just look at my avatar for comparison.

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