EST] 7/7 25man 2/7 HM 25 man
Recruitment is open for specific classes and roles (details below)
Guild: Inner
Realm: Elune Type: PVE Timezone: EST
Raid Times:
- Tuesday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm
- Wednesday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm
- Thursday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm

Cataclysm Progression:
7/7 25-man, 7/7 10-man Firelands 2/7 HM Firelands
8/13 Heroic 25man (pre-4.2)
WotLK Progression (pre-4.0.1):
- 11/12 Heroic Icecrown
- 4/5 Trial of the Grand Crusader
- 5/5 Trial of the Grand Crusader (10man): Tribute to Insanity
- 14/14 Ulduar, 8/9 Hard Modes (missing yogg+0)
- Sarth+3 (Pre-Ulduar)
TBC Progression: 5/5 Hyjal Summit, 9/9 Black Temple. Kalecgos 2% best attempt (pre 3.0.2).

About Inner Focus
Inner Focus is a progression raiding guild dedicated to experiencing all of the raid content World of Warcraft has to offer. While competing with similar-minded guilds on our server and around the world, we strive to accomplish our goals in a three-night schedule by embracing efficiency and optimizing our time spent raiding.

We raid three nights a week for a total commitment of 9 hours per week, listed above. Additionally, players are expected to accept up to 1 hour per week of "excess" raid time to reach a convenient stopping point (rarely utilized). Do not be fooled by our abbreviated schedule; we take raiding quite seriously.

For loot distribution, we use loot council. More details about loot can be found in our Raid Rules. We provide repairs via the guild bank during progression raiding and also keep a stockpile of consumables for members to use. We were the first guild on our server to have the Cataclysm fish feast and we provide multiple full flask cauldrons each raid.

A Brief Guild History. Inner Focus was formed shortly before the release of The Burning Crusade on December 31, 2006 by a group of players who had been raiding Molten Core and Blackwing Lair for a year or more. During The Burning Crusade, IF was among the top 10 raiding guilds on our server from Gruul through Black Temple. Tier 5 content was completed before the removal of the "Hand of A'dal" title and we finished tier 6 before patch 3.0.2 was released.

Recruitment Needs:
Hunter (low)
Restoration Shaman (high)
Restoration Druid (high)
Rogue (high)
Balance Druid (Medium)
Elemental Shaman (high)
Disc Priest (high)
Shadow Priest (high)
Warlock (low)
Mage (high)

- Any exceptional player (high)

About You
We are looking for highly ambitious, excited, skilled and competitive players who understand all aspects of their class. We value players who understand game mechanics, adapt to changes well and are able to analyze combat logs and web parses in order to improve their game play. Your gear needs to be raid-ready.

While we understand that few people are able to hold 100% attendance, by applying to our guild, you are agreeing to our schedule. If you're prone to going AFK frequently during raid hours or frequently will miss raids, you should reconsider joining our guild.

How to Apply
Please visit our website at for more information about our guild and visit our Recruitment section to read about how to apply. If you have any questions, please also feel free to contact Daggath, Zeuq or Coorspac in game. We look forward to hearing from you!