1. #1

    need keybinding help

    Hi, my question is simple. How can i use space as a modifier insted of shift. My keybinds are like "q e r f v c 1 2 3 4 5 6 and shift+q, shift+e...". Using shift is realy uncomfortable so I want to use space but wow doesnt allows it. Is there any addon that allows me to do that?

  2. #2
    How would you jump? :S

    But I realy don't think space can be binded as a modifier. All I found be a quick search is nameplate modifiers :P

  3. #3
    I totally support binding space to anything but jump. However, I know of no way to use it as a modifier. Sorry...

    I've tried this before with no success. Hope you have better luck than me.

  4. #4
    Can't use anything apart from alt/ctrl/shift as a modifier key. It's hardcoded into the WoW engine (unless your keyboard allows re-mapping of keys).

  5. #5
    Meh you just have to get used to your little finger always touching shift :/

  6. #6
    If you REALLY want to you can remap the space bar key in the windows registry to whatever you'd like when you play, and then map it back when you're done. You could even write a batch file that would do the remapping and launch WoW at the same time, and Another batch file to set things back again. Just remember that you can trash your computer, meaning you would have to reinstall windows and possibly loose all your data, if you mess up the registry. (or so I've heard)

    You can also get a USB keypad that allows you to assign any key-binding, create macros etc. I have a razor and it really helps.

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