1. #1

    Ragnaros HC - 41% trick

    We were trying to do the 41% trick on ragnaros but it was not working well for us, the maximum we could do was 1% more of damage in the boss

    I think we could push to 2% more, but it happens that Ragnaros starts to cast world in flames and apparently he doesn’t finish with the hammer, so we get little time to DPS and with a lot of movement.

    If we dont wait at 41% we get to 37%, if we wait we get to 36%

    I think that its worth to stop the DPS in 42% but keeping a eye in the world of flames timer, our last try that we did the boss changed phase with half a second to cast world in flames

    My questions are, how the mechanicks work? maybe we are not understanding it well
    And, are we doing the 41% trick right way? All what is ask is maybe more tips and better understanding of whats happening

  2. #2
    The trick is all in timing. Before the 3rd set of molten elementas spawn on the raid. Rag should be at 44% and everyone should stop and just let dots and tank swings going. Aoe the adds ( some will hit the boss) and after that just slowly build dps and as soon WIF is cast, you start pushing hard and can get rag to 36%. Sometimes is random, or we get bad WiF's and transition with 38%. But thats what we do.

    To be really honest, it is ok and is worth pushing for 1 meteor in p3, you will get it eventually and will make the fight miles easier. But for a first kill your guilld will have to learn it with 2 meteors because 95% of the times in a guild at that point in progression will get 2 meteors. When we first killed it, we did get 1 meteor 1 pull before, but w ended doing it with 2. This is in 25 man heroic, 10 man could be different.
    Tiandar --------- retired
    US Executus <Static> 13/13h , 7/7H, 6/8 H (25 man)

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