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  1. #641
    Quote Originally Posted by Xaru View Post
    Hi. I'm not actually a warrior. I'm making this post because I'm unsure what to think of my guild's warrior recruit. I tried to pick through a fury guide and compare it to his performance in WOL, but without prior knowledge it's getting me nowhere. I know the OP of this thread says I need to have a basic understanding, but I'm hoping someone can just check out these WOL to see how he's doing generally: is he a good pick who just needs more gear to be competitive or is he underperforming? That question I cannot give the answer to. Help!

    His name is Seckze. Here's his armory:

    And here's my guild's WOL page. He'll appear in a variety of this weekend's and last weekend's boss fights. I simply notice he is far below the rogue (or really any dps) for most of the fights. Then again, his gear, especially his weapons, are also worse and I'm unsure how much that should matter.

    Please help! And thank you for your efforts.

    He's a bit low compared to what his gear is at, but from the looks of armory he hasn't done most of those fights before so chances are he doesn't know when to and when not to use his cooldowns to get the most out of everything. The rouge very significantly outgears him though and tbh I'd say your rogue is actually underperforming a bit on f.ex. megaera. I'd expect that warrior to rise over the next 2 weeks, especially if he gets a bit lucky and gets new weapons. I'd recommend you evaluate him a bit over the time to come though as a sample of one week is a bit slim to work with for evaluation.

  2. #642
    This is a recent Twin consort fight. My SIM dps is higher and I went Fabled + Talisman. The other warrior went Fabled + Twins. Not sure if it is random but I was leading in all aspects such as number of melee hits on boss and executes. Nonetheless, the number of raging blow procs that he had (+ raging blow crits) appears to be the turning point.

    How much should we trust Simcraft? Tempted to switch to Fabled + Twins for next week raid..

  3. #643
    The Lightbringer Darkfriend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by senturion View Post
    This is a recent Twin consort fight. My SIM dps is higher and I went Fabled + Talisman. The other warrior went Fabled + Twins. Not sure if it is random but I was leading in all aspects such as number of melee hits on boss and executes. Nonetheless, the number of raging blow procs that he had (+ raging blow crits) appears to be the turning point.

    How much should we trust Simcraft? Tempted to switch to Fabled + Twins for next week raid..
    Sim-C's end DPS numbers are not completely accurate. E.G if it shows you doing 137k that number isn't accurate. The stat weights, as well as the DPS difference between two sims (E.G simming once, changing gear, and resimming) is accurate for our purposes.

    Anyway, feather+gaze is better so IDK why you wouldn't be using it anyway.

  4. #644
    SimC version 520-2 has gaze at 30% uptime while SimC 520-6 has gaze at 40% (which most of my logs also have). Might just be an outdated version cause like darkfriend said feather+gaze is better.

  5. #645
    Yes... I was using SimC version 520-2. Now that I've downloaded 520-7, my SIM for Feather + Gaze is the highest.

    Thanks for the help!
    Last edited by senturion; 2013-04-16 at 12:49 PM.

  6. #646
    Hello, I am having some DPS issues with my warrior as well. I do okay dps, but I could be doing a lot better.

    Char Overview

    Armory: us battle net/wow/en/character/stormrage/Alexkal/simple

    Simcraft Patchwerk- 100182 DPS
    Simcraft LightMovement- 95210 DPS
    Simcraft HeavyMovement- 64422 DPS
    Raid Dummy (All buffs, no food/flasks, (Str pot used)/execute)-54803

    My Problem
    IN LFR, I tend to be near the top for DPS and damage done. Yet when i start doing 10 man normals, my DPS is near the bottom, and I have gotten kicked for it many times. I have tried reading and re-reading guides, mixing up my rotation, so on and so forth to try to get my dps higher, to no avail. I know I am doing something wrong somewhere, I am just a tad lost to where though.


    1.Prepot,shout, charge
    4.Reck/BB/BR/SB Macro ( have BB and BR on my hotbar so I can cast them individually while Recklessness and SB are on CD)
    5.HS+RB dump( if RB hasn't proced, WS (if proced) or BT)
    6.HT or HL if no procs and BT is on CD.

    General Rotation
    1.BT on CD
    2.RB on proc or wait for CS
    4. HS+RB/WS
    5.HS or HL
    6. DR or Ht if evereything else is on CD

    1.CS+BB+Reck+SB if on CD
    3.BT or shout, or DR to build up rage


    1.BT for more rage
    2. WW on CD, Cleave if 2-3 adds
    3. if RB procs, WWx2 then RB.

    Logs or something

    Sadly I'm not in a guild ( or havent been in a guild that does WoL for a long time, so I have no logs. The best I could do is a Recount print out though.

    I should note though on MSV (LFR) I always seem to get lower DPS, while on ToT (LFR) I seem to get higher results on average.

  7. #647
    The Lightbringer Darkfriend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexkal View Post
    Hello, I am having some DPS issues with my warrior as well. I do okay dps, but I could be doing a lot better.

    Char Overview

    Armory: us battle net/wow/en/character/stormrage/Alexkal/simple

    Simcraft Patchwerk- 100182 DPS
    Simcraft LightMovement- 95210 DPS
    Simcraft HeavyMovement- 64422 DPS
    Raid Dummy (All buffs, no food/flasks, (Str pot used)/execute)-54803

    My Problem
    IN LFR, I tend to be near the top for DPS and damage done. Yet when i start doing 10 man normals, my DPS is near the bottom, and I have gotten kicked for it many times. I have tried reading and re-reading guides, mixing up my rotation, so on and so forth to try to get my dps higher, to no avail. I know I am doing something wrong somewhere, I am just a tad lost to where though.


    1.Prepot,shout, charge
    4.Reck/BB/BR/SB Macro ( have BB and BR on my hotbar so I can cast them individually while Recklessness and SB are on CD)
    5.HS+RB dump( if RB hasn't proced, WS (if proced) or BT)
    6.HT or HL if no procs and BT is on CD.

    General Rotation
    1.BT on CD
    2.RB on proc or wait for CS
    4. HS+RB/WS
    5.HS or HL
    6. DR or Ht if evereything else is on CD

    1.CS+BB+Reck+SB if on CD
    3.BT or shout, or DR to build up rage


    1.BT for more rage
    2. WW on CD, Cleave if 2-3 adds
    3. if RB procs, WWx2 then RB.

    Logs or something

    Sadly I'm not in a guild ( or havent been in a guild that does WoL for a long time, so I have no logs. The best I could do is a Recount print out though.

    I should note though on MSV (LFR) I always seem to get lower DPS, while on ToT (LFR) I seem to get higher results on average.
    Read over the past 3 pages or so of this thread, there is a better opener posted. If you still need help shoot me a PM and we can chat on mumble/skype.

  8. #648
    Hi! My fury warrior’s name is Ruffychoo. Apparently because this is my first time posting I can't post links. How annoying.

    Here’s my armory link:
    (Search Ruffychoo on Sargeras US)

    In the past I have excelled in LFR and 10 mans. I recently joined a 25 man guild and am always in the bottom end of the spectrum in regards to DPS. Sometimes I am below or just above the tanks. I have talked to the GM of the guild and he has told me my DPS is fine and that the other DPS parse high in WOL and are far above average. They are also more geared than me, but I still have the sense that I am underperforming or could be doing something better to boost my DPS to where it should be.

    I have a couple of logs for your viewing pleasure…

    This is from Sunday when the guild was doing clean up. This is my first time with a few of the fights:
    (Search Divine Vigilance on Sargeras. Log is for Sunday)

    This is from Tuesday when we were doing heroic attempts:
    (Search Divine Vigilance on Sargeras. This was Tuesday)

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
    Last edited by ruffychoo; 2013-04-25 at 02:27 PM.

  9. #649
    Quote Originally Posted by ruffychoo View Post
    Hi! My fury warrior’s name is Ruffychoo. Apparently because this is my first time posting I can't post links. How annoying.

    Here’s my armory link:
    (Search Ruffychoo on Sargeras US)

    In the past I have excelled in LFR and 10 mans. I recently joined a 25 man guild and am always in the bottom end of the spectrum in regards to DPS. Sometimes I am below or just above the tanks. I have talked to the GM of the guild and he has told me my DPS is fine and that the other DPS parse high in WOL and are far above average. They are also more geared than me, but I still have the sense that I am underperforming or could be doing something better to boost my DPS to where it should be.

    I have a couple of logs for your viewing pleasure…

    This is from Sunday when the guild was doing clean up. This is my first time with a few of the fights:
    (Search Divine Vigilance on Sargeras. Log is for Sunday)

    This is from Tuesday when we were doing heroic attempts:
    (Search Divine Vigilance on Sargeras. This was Tuesday)

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
    As I am terrible at reading logs I can't help fully on that part, I can however say that having herbalism/mining is a pretty heavy dps loss as a fury warrior. I'd change those to something geared more towards damage. I also saw on your megaera fight that you'd only crit 4/25 executes so I'm guessing you might not be fully lining cds there or just are severly unlucky at times.

  10. #650
    Thanks for response! I know I need to fix professions... in process of leveling alt with herring so I can go bs then go engineering. I can't read logs either but I don't know why I did 4/25 crits on execute. A bit baffling ...

  11. #651
    You don't hit your bloodthirst button often enough. On Durumu during a 5.5 minutes fight you hit your Bloodthirst less often than our fury warrior during a sub 4 minutes fight. This results in less enrage uptime, less rage to work with... etc. And if i look at other single target fights i see the same problem occuring over an over. If you work on that your dps should skyrocket (15-20% increase easily).

    I don't see a real problem with underperforming professions, but you should use what you got. There's no excuse for not a single pop of Lifeblood over both nights, it's still a decent cooldown (1500 dps for your gear) over nothing

  12. #652
    Ahhh I thought I have been hitting BT whenever it came off of cd but I guess not..... grrr okay well that is a good starting point and have no excuse for lifeblood not being used other then I thought it was more a pvp thing and I didn't want it to effecting mogu potion cd.

  13. #653
    I know that i'm not performing nearly as well as I should be in my gear and was wondering if someone would take a look at logs and enlighten me as to what I'm missing or what I should change.

    General Guild Logs:
    worldoflogs(dot) com/guilds/111096/

    From last night:
    worldoflogs(dot) com/reports/rt-nx53a4a5yaluwexj/

    us.battle(dot) net/wow/en/character/arthas/Aiyanna/simple

    I just seem to be doing low, low dps on fights (nearly all) for the gear that I have, and since my guild is pushing heroics I feel that I should perform much better.

    Any help is appreciated.

    (not allowed to post links *sigh*)
    Last edited by Aiyanna; 2013-04-25 at 07:53 PM.

  14. #654

    I'm in need of some help here. My DPS isn't absolutely terrible, but it's not the best either. Recently I've come to notice that, for the most part, I'm closer to the bottom half of my raids meters. Sometimes I will be near the top, but for the most part I'm close to last, or even the last, in the case of Council of Elders 10 man normal, which I don't understand since it's a cleave fight.

    I've followed many guides to gem/enchant and reforge my gear, and I've gotten my rotation through those guides and a little bit of asking around as well. But recently, that is just not cutting it. As far as I can tell I am playing the best way I can, and cannot see anyway to do it better.

    Here is my armory. Please tell me why you think I am often towards the middle or bottom of the meters. There must be something glaring, because it can't just be one enchant or gem that I might be missing.

    Rotation/priority list for single target:

    CS - and prioritize unloading the most damage into that when it's up

    MS, OP, OP, SLAM, HS thrown in at the same time as either one of those spells if I have enough rage.

    Below 25%, Have rage pooled, cd's and execute. If not enough rage then CS, MS, OP.

    As for cleave, I just keep up SS.
    Last edited by mmoc6dd45b8008; 2013-04-25 at 11:36 PM.

  15. #655
    Glyph thunderclap & rude interruption. Check other targets for active deep wound stacks (tidyplates, focus target, whatever) and go ham with shockwave (3 targets -> 20s cd). No reason to bother with single target stuff to much like trying to squeeze in to many abilities, you simply don't have the rage for multiple slams in a row or HS. Our strength is multiple targets.

  16. #656
    Sarithus its hard to tell without logs or what tactic you use on Council. You sim as 108k and should be able to do 110-120k on council. Rude interruption is a nice glyph for this fight I would take sweeping strikes over the tc glyph. I'm sitting on sul the whole time while the other 4 dps deal with marli/kazrajin empowerements.

    Priority MS>CS(if 0.6 sec or less left on the CS debuff)>using the right amount of OP>slam and when kazrajin charges by throw in a thunderclap. Pooling rage is more for fury, as arms you just want to use all gcds but stopping with HS if you get close to 20% is good, since you're using SS you barely use HS. During CS you got 2 options either use 3xOP and have 0.6 sec left to get the last ability into CS or use 2xOP and have 0.1 sec left to get the last ability into CS, I find the 3xOP option more reliable. The 12 sec duration of bloodbath/reck is ideal for 4xOP. To make sure you can do 3xOP during CS use MS-OP-slam-OP-MS instead of MS-2xOP-slam-MS, that way you have 1 tfb stack if CS procs right before MS.

    Enchant your bracers and maybe look into your reforges you're a little more above the hit/expertise cap then needed.

    Just had a quick look at your logs. Why aren't you stacking skull banner and recklessness? The other dps will also appreciate skull banner more when they pop their cds not 20 secs later. You don't seem to use BT on cd once every 6.6-6.8 sec on tortos/mageara instead of every ~5 sec, almost no aoe on the 2nd set of bats on tortos. Stack cds together instead of reck+bb and then 20 secs later banner+potion just use them all together.
    Last edited by bigbad; 2013-04-26 at 11:50 AM.

  17. #657
    Check out the 4 piece bonus. And i'm generally saving my second potion for the final execute phase, just to push it a little faster and potentially boost the execute numbers, which would increase my dps, more than using it for a reck or skull banner im not sure. Thank you for bringing BT to light though, i'll pay more attention to that.

  18. #658
    Quote Originally Posted by Aiyanna View Post
    Check out the 4 piece bonus. And i'm generally saving my second potion for the final execute phase, just to push it a little faster and potentially boost the execute numbers, which would increase my dps, more than using it for a reck or skull banner im not sure. Thank you for bringing BT to light though, i'll pay more attention to that.
    Why would you not want to stack reck with banner with 4pc t15.

  19. #659
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalmah View Post
    Why would you not want to stack reck with banner with 4pc t15.
    100% crit on execute makes for fun times tbh.

    Also, any of the gurus here want to look through my last ToT and give any pointers to improve it'd be appreciated.

    Ignore the Jin'rokh fight, I was afk for it.

  20. #660
    Hello fellow Warriors.

    It's my first post here, and from what I've read so far - I won't be able to provide you with direct links

    So, this - would be my char, a big fat panda with very poor DPS. - the most recent log from my guild raiding ToT , and some 5.1 raids farming.

    As far as I'm concerned my gear should allow me to do more DPS than I'm doing right now. I've read plenty of forums regarding fury warriors, and this thread is my last chance of getting something done.

    So my fights look like this:

    The opener with a prepot + shout followed by a charge, using Bloodbath with the gloves enchant from Engi (both on one macro), then CS , BT (if I don't get an enrage proc i pop berserker rage), then I hit the Skull Banner with Recklessness, DR, Raging Blow, HS ( if I need to dump some rage)

    The normal rotation in order of my priority would be using BT each 4,5secs for those Enrage chances and rage generation, then Raging Blows if I get enraged, then Wild Strikes on procs ( I use WS without procs as a filler between BTs).

    And this is the part where it gets messy. After a nice burst after the opener I fall dramaticly in the meters. Really dunno why, I'm using BB+gloves each 1min cd, Recklessness each 1,5min (thanks to the bonus) and still no results. I tend to dump rage via HS in the 6sec CS debuff window. Rarely using HS without the CS debuff (I want to save as much rage as possible to spam HS in those 6secs).

    As I get closer to Execute phase I try to save as much rage as possible to begin the burst with a CS and Executes.
    For this I save my CDs (Recklessnes + banner, BB + gloves, Berserker Rage if not proced by BT or CS).

    For AOE I try to use Whirlwind (with the Raging Blow glyph) with BB when possible, DR , Bladestorm on some fights.
    Single target usage of BT for the Rage.

    I guess that would be all in terms of describing my playstyle. If you were kind enough to point something I'm doing wrong, or certain areas on which I could improve, I would be most grateful.

    Kind regards,

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