Considering Some Semi-Weekly World Quests Becoming Daily
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
With scheduled weekly maintenance tomorrow, we’re making a change that we’ve seen a lot of feedback from players about.

  • Many World Quests associated with the Valdrakken Accord, Iskaara Tuskarr, and Dragonscale Expedition factions will now reset daily (was semi-weekly).

The Maruuk Centaur, who have regular hunts and a nomadic camp full of periodic quests, will continue to offer their World Quests on a semi-weekly cadence.

Updated 6:20 p.m. PST

Upon further review and consideration, we’ve decided to drop this change at this time.

All along, our goal has been to avoid making World Quests feel mandatory, while still offering them as a worthwhile option for players who are looking for things to do on a given day.

Following your feedback here and our own internal discussions, we’re going to try to find other ways to accomplish that without impacting crafting too much or generating a great deal of concern for those who don’t already have a daily routine or want a daily routine.

Thank you.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Some Semi-Weekly World Quests Becoming Daily started by Lumy View original post
Comments 147 Comments
  1. Kallisto's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    You're not wrong.

    The solution, I suppose, is to find something people WANT that isn't just power. WoW really needs some kind of parallel horizontal progression system, but at this point, I'm not sure it's something we'll ever get. Maybe the game is too old, and they're not willing to make that bet for uncertain returns. Who knows.

    It's not easy to find something people care about other than power. If it was, we'd have it.
    I mean it's not that blizzard hasn't tried either. Challenge modes, brawling arena, mage tower to name a few. Problem is that general interaction between them and the playerbase has never been great and they all gave cosmetic rewards.

    The closest to a high level seemed to be mage tower 2 patches after it came out. When everyone was Antorus geared and the bosses basically fell over themselves. (or when the imp mother boss was bugged she would die in 3 hits)

    Then when the tower came back and was easier than on release the hate for it returned just like how it was hated and considered elitist content back during its initial release halfway between nighthold and ToS releases.
  1. Unlimited Power's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    No, game is ruined by no-life players, who want to have 8hr work shift in game every day, otherwise they have nothing to and quit. Back in WotLK, when game was on it's peak, I was able to log in to do LFD in order to farm my weekly cap and all other time could be dedicated to pugging raids. And it was great. Zero FOMO.
    How are world quests different from daily quests in that regard? If you don't do your Sons of Hodir dailies, you won't have access to the best shoulder enchant in the game. At least the only thing renown offers is some gear that is easily outclassed by raid drops/m+ and possibly some profession stuff. The shoulder enchant was relevant for the entirety of WotLK.

    Who said anything about changing the availability of world quests anyway? If new world quests are added to the map every day but they still only disappear after half a week, you can continue to do the twicem weekly just as you've been doing. Only difference is there'll be more available to do.
  1. Coldkil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulggun View Post
    Wow, ppl actually enjoy the fact they can pay to play less. Wild.
    I am not playing less. I don't want the game to come back to a state where if i don't log my main every day and do the listed tasks i am falling behind.

    I am fine and i love the fact that i am "done" with my main and i can play alts, or do other optional content without feeling i am losing time.

    Right now the game is fine as it is, it took three expansions to reach this point, would be stupid for them to throw everything away for no reason other than "nolifers have nothing to do" which is a) false and b) not their problem.

    Edit: if it was sarcasm, i didn't getbit and it's my fault.
  1. Maljinwo's Avatar
    If you feel a game is "forcing" you to play it everyday, then you need to take a step back and think about what you are doing with your life
  1. WowIsDead64's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Maljinwo View Post
    If you feel a game is "forcing" you to play it everyday, then you need to take a step back and think about what you are doing with your life
    That's why I no longer play endgame content. It's based on FOMO by design. And I just hate, when game forces me to log in and complete mandatory checklist. Sometimes I get tired during work days and want to play something more chilling and relaxing. And it's weekends, when I can dedicate whole day to grinding something. Sometimes I just want to play some specific content, because my dopamine tells me, that I want it. Do you know, how it happens? You log in and think, what you want to do now. And your brain says to you, that you want to level your alt. So, for me it would be much better, if all content would be at least weekly. At least casual content.

    This game is job simulator. It's designed around "You do, what you have to, not what you want" paradigm.
  1. Coldkil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Maljinwo View Post
    If you feel a game is "forcing" you to play it everyday, then you need to take a step back and think about what you are doing with your life
    Well, it's what happened from Legion onwards and personally i stopped playing in both it and BFA, and in SL the whole playerbase crumbled.

    This is just an excise coming from people who actually expect WoW to give them infinite amount of hours of gameplay everyday. It's not me the one with a problem.
  1. lordjust's Avatar
    I'm torn between having wq reset daily or bi-weekly. On the one hand with them being bi-weekly, I have time to level my alts but on the other hand, there's no meaningful content left for my main. All I'm doing is do the daily fishing quest, the two warmode wq and make my round to kill the "super" rares that can drop minor upgrades for me.

    They have to add something for people who want to play their main daily. If they don't want gear rewards, fine don't add wq or whatever that reward gear. If they don't want rep rewards, I'm fine with that too. I'm OK if they add like daily climbing quests that only reward dragonisle supplies or daily races or something else that only gives supplies or items needed to buy the cosmetic rewards from the factions.
  1. Alayea's Avatar
    A second update on the subject:

    Originally Posted by Kaivax (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Upon further review and consideration, we’ve decided to drop this change at this time.

    All along, our goal has been to avoid making World Quests feel mandatory, while still offering them as a worthwhile option for players who are looking for things to do on a given day.

    Following your feedback here and our own internal discussions, we’re going to try to find other ways to accomplish that without impacting crafting too much or generating a great deal of concern for those who don’t already have a daily routine or want a daily routine.

    Thank you.
  1. Zulggun's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Coldkil View Post
    I am not playing less. I don't want the game to come back to a state where if i don't log my main every day and do the listed tasks i am falling behind.

    I am fine and i love the fact that i am "done" with my main and i can play alts, or do other optional content without feeling i am losing time.

    Right now the game is fine as it is, it took three expansions to reach this point, would be stupid for them to throw everything away for no reason other than "nolifers have nothing to do" which is a) false and b) not their problem.

    Edit: if it was sarcasm, i didn't getbit and it's my fault.
    Falling behind in what? There is no player power attached to these world quests. All it it is cosmetics and some gear you gonna quickly replace when m+ comes out. They are not mandatory at all, but should be avaiable often so ppl who want to do them can do them.
    And as some other user said, if you feel forced it's an you problem, especially now.
  1. Biomega's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    I mean it's not that blizzard hasn't tried either. Challenge modes, brawling arena, mage tower to name a few. Problem is that general interaction between them and the playerbase has never been great and they all gave cosmetic rewards.

    The closest to a high level seemed to be mage tower 2 patches after it came out. When everyone was Antorus geared and the bosses basically fell over themselves. (or when the imp mother boss was bugged she would die in 3 hits)

    Then when the tower came back and was easier than on release the hate for it returned just like how it was hated and considered elitist content back during its initial release halfway between nighthold and ToS releases.
    Previous attempts were VERY bare-bones in terms of reward structure, though. Their solution to non-power rewards seems to be "xmog or mount", and a lot of the time those aren't even particularly good ones - because of course they don't want to piss people off by locking highly attractive cosmetics behind actual challenges, that the Johnny Randos of the world would struggle with.

    That being said, I'm not saying cosmetics can't work, either. It just needs to be more involved, more fleshed out, more... systematized. Something to give a sense of progression that isn't just tied to gear. Heck they could make entire talent trees around a QoL/cosmetic-based, account-wide progression system. Tie in your entire character roster by rewarding you for having class/race variety, whatever. Possibilities are endless.

    But that's expensive, and at this point dungeons and raids are THE feature of WoW, and the thing it does better than any other MMO on the market. It's no surprise they'd just go all-in on that, and leave the ancillary stuff to games whose engines are better equipped to handle that kind of stuff, like FFXIV or GW2, which have all the housing and whatnot that would be too complicated to graft onto WoW's stone-age tech architecture.
  1. Gaidax's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Janitor View Post
    While that is true, I doubt the solution here is to make you grind boring chores every day for weeks..
    What you mean like hunts/soup/keep/dirt?

    Because right now you need to grind the shit out of these to even see the campaign story progression that is fully renown locked.

    People still don't realize it. It's pretty much worse than weekly gate, because there at least you did not need to do almost shit to progress campaign. Now you need to go farm 1k piles of dirt and 1k jaradin mobs to even see next step in campaign. But sure WQs are bad, amirite?
  1. exochaft's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by leviathonlx View Post
    I definitely fear DF going the WoD route of having nothing to do outside raids, PvP, and M+ and I do feel getting the rep too quickly was the real reason to go back on this change given the nerfs to other ways to get rep. It’s really going to come down to how well they do the patch cycle as the other things like dragon riding don’t have much in the way of replayability. Right now this feels like the knee jerk reaction Blizzard had in WoD due to people complaining about MoP dailies.
    This has been a constant issue for a while now: a lack of parallel progression outside of power gains (or even just another progression activity in general) that's innately part of the game, not just a patch/expansion feature that goes away. Even after all these years since classic, pretty much the only thing that's been added after nearly two decades as a permanent addition end-game activity that gets constant updates is M+ and WQs. I suppose pet battles are also a thing, but Blizz barely touches the system and tends to just add new pets with no new content, so it basically is a collector's activity that's been around since classic at this point. Mage Tower is supposed to be a semi-permanent feature, but we don't have anything yet beyond "Hey, we brought it back when we were panicking to keep people playing and require stop-gap content."

    What I fear is that Blizz is going to revert to what they always do, and that's just add busywork or waste people's time in an attempt to have players feel like they're doing something meaningful. One can make the case that the point of a game is to waste your time, but a good game will have it so the players feel like it was worth it or fun... not constantly feel like you're going to fall behind or are playing wrong if you don't do everything. I think the fundamental issue is that Blizz has an extremely hard time with the concept of giving players breathing room to not play their game, unlike back in its early days when you could reach certain points where you could either stop playing or take breaks without feeling like you're missing out. All this is one of the aspects of their design philosophy (among many) that I feel should change, as their solution is almost always to stretch content out as thin as possible instead of create new/different content that has good replay value.

    I probably should't have to say this, but don't underestimate the psychological power of FOMO. While it's easy to brush it off as individual responsibility (which it is), it should also be the responsibility of Blizz to not intentionally leverage it because you know you can rely on loyal 'addicts' to always respond to FOMO. It's like blaming drug addicts for their addiction while giving a pass to the dealers/distributors for taking advantage of the drug addicts. It's these sorts of moral positions I'd like to see Blizz address instead of their standard pandering they tend to engage in.
  1. Lordofbelbol's Avatar
    it's amazing how almost 80% of people who are happy with the revert mentioned alts

    maybe use your brain and realize not everyone enjoy alts xD
    altoholics mehh
  1. mrgreenthump's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lordofbelbol View Post
    it's amazing how almost 80% of people who are happy with the revert mentioned alts

    maybe use your brain and realize not everyone enjoy alts xD
    altoholics mehh
    If I did want to play more I could on my main. Just is that the increases are quite small at this point. I got around 50 hours on my main and around 25-30 hours on leveling/playing alts on top of that. I could've farmed Sabelion/Wrathion rep, that's almost equal to the amount I've put to my alts, but honestly even the cloak will get replaced by heroic raid loot. But yeah I haven't even touched PvP outside of bloody coins and I've managed to put down 80ish hours in a week. And you want more? Ok. Granted those WQs would've given like 30 mins more to do tops as they are really quick to do with them tuning world content so low this time around.

    For me it feels like those complaining there is nothing to do is on Blizzard not communicating it well enough.
  1. thilicen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulggun View Post
    Wow, ppl actually enjoy the fact they can pay to play less. Wild.
    Not everyone devotes their entire existence to one single game.
  1. Grimbold21's Avatar
    "there is nothing to do in game"

    That's a You problem.

    This is just the same take from the "dragon riding shouldn't be available at the start because I've explored everything now" guy.

    "I've done all m0s and wqs. The game has nothing to do"

    Yep, definitely a you problem
  1. DarkAmbient's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    No, game is ruined by no-life players, who want to have 8hr work shift in game every day, otherwise they have nothing to and quit. Back in WotLK, when game was on it's peak, I was able to log in to do LFD in order to farm my weekly cap and all other time could be dedicated to pugging raids. And it was great. Zero FOMO.
    Wrath had dozens of dailies. Sounds like you either have bad memory or you've developed a problem with self control since then.
  1. Goatfish's Avatar
    The only good thing about this change is it makes it easy to see who is worth blacklisting on any forum discussing this. If anyone says they don't want to be "forced" to play, you know they are being dishonest and lack personal responsibility. Maybe we should just petition Bliz to implement a strict 4 hour playtime cut off where it just locks you out of your account for 12 hours if you play too much. I mean god forbid someone no life farms and gets higher renown than you for basically zero player power.

    I just can't believe we've finally reached a point where people are requesting less content, and those people are winning. Imagine if a single player RPG blocked your story progression and only gave you the option of grinding random battles. Then again this should be expected considering the blatant push in the storyline for "diversity", "equity", and "inclusion", as well as the actions taken by Blizz leading up to this point. It was only a matter of time for tall poppy syndrome to hit.
  1. DarkAmbient's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Goatfish View Post
    The only good thing about this change is it makes it easy to see who is worth blacklisting on any forum discussing this. If anyone says they don't want to be "forced" to play, you know they are being dishonest and lack personal responsibility. Maybe we should just petition Bliz to implement a strict 4 hour playtime cut off where it just locks you out of your account for 12 hours if you play too much. I mean god forbid someone no life farms and gets higher renown than you for basically zero player power.

    I just can't believe we've finally reached a point where people are requesting less content, and those people are winning. Imagine if a single player RPG blocked your story progression and only gave you the option of grinding random battles. Then again this should be expected considering the blatant push in the storyline for "diversity", "equity", and "inclusion", as well as the actions taken by Blizz leading up to this point. It was only a matter of time for tall poppy syndrome to hit.
    I am seeing people argue unironically that having less content is good because it lets them play other games or tend to real life matters. That is the voice of addiction and Blizzard shouldn't be neutering their content for them.
  1. Nymrohd's Avatar
    Give us more content just don't reset it daily. Space it out throughout the week but still have it last 3+ days.

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