More Frequently Asked Questions about the New Upgrade System in Patch 10.1
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Q: This seems awfully complicated. Why can’t you just give us more Valor?

A: One of the philosophical underpinnings of this system is that we want to encourage players to challenge themselves when they want to improve their character’s power. Farming low-level keys is not challenging for most players who routinely time keys in the teens or higher. There are a lot of moving pieces to this system because it’s been engineered to handle all kinds of situations in an effort to more closely align “doing the optimal thing” with “doing the fun thing” while still keeping the base player experience simple. And some of the complication is there specifically to minimize the losses for making mistakes; we don’t want people punished for upgrading the “wrong” thing.

Kill stuff, get Flightstones. Kill hard stuff, get Crests too. Take Flightstones and Crests to item upgrade vendor. Item upgrade vendor tells you how much it’ll cost and upgrade the gear as long as you can afford it.

If you didn’t read the big post from last week at all, but you took an item to an upgrade vendor and read the tooltips for Crests and Flightstones, you’d get enough of the gist to use the system just fine.

Q: The article you wrote talks about how gear from Mythic raid bosses can be upgraded in the intro. Then it goes on to detail how gear can’t be upgraded once you get to Mythic raid level.

A: Yep. Sure does. That should have said “or a Heroic raid boss”. Oops.

Q: Does this system and its hardcaps mean that I have to get the same item again from every upgrade track? I need to farm my BiS trinket at Veteran, then again at Champion, then again at Hero?

A: While that’s certainly an option, it’s not required, no. Getting an item on the Veteran upgrade track means that item can be upgraded to Veteran 8/8, which is the same ilevel as Champion 4/8, which is only 4 item levels lower than Hero 1/5. If you upgrade your gear to Veteran 8/8, you’ll be more than ready to do content that drops Hero-track gear.

That said, this is a known concern and we’re looking at options. I can’t promise any specific results, because there are a lot of moving parts going on here, but this is under active investigation. We won’t be making any changes to address this concern in the very early weeks of the patch, but if it turns out that the data bear out this concern, we will step in. Thanks to player feedback, we have developed a contingency plan.

Is this “Chimes says don’t delete your trinkets from +2 keys!”? If you like. We’re being careful here with the rollout of this new system. It might mean that those items will still be useful later and it might not. This is not a promise at all, but if I were still a player on the other side of blue posts like this, reading those words a blue poster just typed, I would keep mine around just in case.

Q: Okay, but we don’t know where exactly Hero-track gear comes from. For that matter, we don’t know where each level of Shadowflame Crests will come from either. Can you clear that up?

A: Sure thing. In retrospect, that would have been good to include in the initial blog post. I omitted it because it seemed like the post was already longer than most players would want to read and I wanted to focus on the system itself. But yes, how players will get the items to interact with the system is worth specific inclusion, so here goes. Please keep in mind that these details, like just about everything else on the PTR, is subject to change. As a reminder: 15 fragments combine into a full Crest.

  • Whelpling’s Shadowflame Crests:
    • Outdoor content will have Whelpling’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments all over. World quests, random treasures, non-elite unique creatures, etc. And some sources that haven’t been revealed quite yet. There shouldn’t be any shortage of these Crests for folks who want to go collect them and this is the most likely situation in which players will hit the Crest acquisition cap.
    • Mythic Keystones up to +5 will drop Whelpling’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. There’s a significant bonus for timing the key; you get 5 fragments for completing, but 12 if you complete in time.
    • In Aberrus, Raid Finder will drop Whelpling’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Most bosses will drop 10 fragments, but end bosses will drop 15 (which can be made into a full crest immediately!).
  • Drake’s Shadowflame Crests:
    • Outdoor content will have a limited quantity of Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Elite unique creatures in the outdoor world will be the most common source, but the weekly wrapper and some scheduled content (somewhat analogous to Dragonflight launch’s Community Feast or Siege at Dragonbane Keep) will offer a healthy amount of them. These will be more limited in outdoor content than Whelpling’s Shadowflame Crests, but dedicated players will be able to collect multiple Drake crests per week.
    • Mythic Keystones from +6 up to +10 will drop Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. There’s still that significant bonus for timing the key; you get 5 fragments for completing, but 12 if you complete in time.
    • Normal Aberrus will drop Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Most bosses will drop 10 fragments, but end bosses will drop 15.
  • Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crests:
    • Mythic Keystones from +11 to +15 will drop Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Unsurprisingly for those people who read the earlier sections: there’s a significant bonus for timing the key; you get 5 fragments for completing, but 12 if you complete in time.
    • Heroic Aberrus will drop Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Most bosses will drop 10 fragments, but end bosses will drop 15.
  • Aspect’s Shadowflame Crests
    • Mythic Keystones from +16 on up will drop Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. And yes, there’s a significant bonus for timing the key; you get 5 fragments for completing, but 12 if you complete in time.
    • Mythic Aberrus will drop Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Most bosses will drop 10 fragments, but end bosses will drop 15.

For clarity on all of the above: these crests do not have a chance of dropping. They will drop every time. Crests acquisition is purely deterministic. (In some outdoor-content situations, there is quantity variance, but even in those circumstances they will always show up as long as you’re not at the acquisition cap.)

Please note that Shadowflame Crests are intentionally available at some key levels below the gear that would require them for early upgrades. For example, a +11 Mythic Keystone dungeon provides Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest fragments. This allows players at this level of play to upgrade their Champion-level gear (also earned from +11 Mythic Keystone dungeons) above the 4/8 level, and creates a reason to run this more challenging content above the +9 keys that also drop Champion-track gear.

  • Veteran-track gear
    • Available in limited quantity in outdoor content. Suffusion Camps and the weekly wrapper quest will offer gear on this track.
    • Gear on this track will drop from the end-of-run chest in Mythic Keystone dungeons up to +8.
    • Raid Finder Aberrus will drop gear on this track.
  • Champion-track gear
    • The new World Boss will drop gear on this track. Under limited circumstances, players will be able to get this level of gear from Suffusion Camp activities.
    • Gear on this track will drop from the end-of-run chest in Mythic Keystone dungeons from +9 up to +16.
    • The Great Vault will award gear on this track for Mythic Keystone dungeons up to +7.
    • Normal Aberrus will drop gear on this track. Very rare items from Raid Finder Aberrus end bosses will also be on this track.
  • Hero-track gear
    • Gear on this track will drop from the end-of-run chest in Mythic Keystone dungeons from +17 and up.
    • The Great Vault will award gear on this track for Mythic Keystone dungeons from +8 up to +15.
    • Heroic Aberrus will drop gear on this track. Very rare items from Normal Aberrus end bosses will also be on this track.
  • Mythic gear
    • The Great Vault will award gear above the upgrade system’s range for Mythic Keystone dungeons of +16 and higher.
    • Mythic Aberrus will drop gear above the upgrade system’s range. Very rare items from Heroic Aberrus end bosses will also be above that range.

Q: Why cap item upgrades at all?

A: Because this is a (nearly) universal system, it includes things like outdoor gear. We’re going from a world where the Valor system only lets people who play a lot of M+ upgrade their gear to a world where everyone gets to upgrade their gear, even folks who are focused on outdoor play. The challenge here is that we’re still creating specific gear ecosystems for competitive players. We don’t want to create a world in which players need to run off-season M0s to get their BiS gear. We don’t want players feeling like they need to watch world quests to find the trinket that they need for raiding. And we don’t want to create incentives for players optimizing for Mythic raids to spend extra time to do Normal raids in order to get their best items. We want players to get their best rewards when they’re challenging themselves, and we want to minimize the amount of farming easy-to-them content that you need to do.

Q: These item names–Flightstones, Shadowflame Crests–are really specific to Dragonflight. Why not give them names that would work for a more evergreen system?

A: Well, for starters, this system isn’t evergreen. This is a system specifically for 10.1 and Season Two. It’s certainly designed with the potential for it to be evergreen, but it’ll be evaluated over the course of the season. We can’t tell you whether it’ll be here in Season Three because we don’t know yet.

There is a tentative plan for naming these upgrade components going forward, though. If the system continues in Season Three, we’ll swap out “Shadowflame” for an adjective more appropriate to the theming of that season. So in Season Three you’d collect a Season Three version of Flightstones, plus Whelpling’s [NEW ADJECTIVE HERE] Crests, Drake’s [NEW ADJECTIVE HERE] Crests, etc. Each season would change the adjective on the crest. Each expansion would change the name of the levels of crest to something more appropriate to that expansion’s theme. And the name “Flightstone” would probably change to something thematically appropriate as well.

I want to stress that this is a tentative plan and could easily change. And that’s assuming we keep the system. Right now, speaking only for myself and not the rest of the development team, I think it’s very likely we keep it and make small iterative improvements. But I can also see a world where it’s not quite the improvement to gearing that we’re looking for and we either return to the previous system or try something new for Season Three. The simple truth is that none of us can see the future, but this is what we’re trying for Season Two.

Q: For Shadowflame Crests, are we limited to how many times we can get them or how many times we can use them?

A: The cap is on acquisition. Every time you would get a crest fragment, the game tracks how close you are to cap and only gives you enough to reach the cap. So if you’ve already earned 140 whelpling crest fragments in the first week, and you would get another 12 crest fragments for finishing a +2 Mythic Keystone in time. Because you’re 10 fragments away from the cap, you’ll only get those 10 fragments.

Once you have crest fragments, you can combine them into Crests freely. And once you have the Crests, you can spend them freely at item upgrade vendors. The cap increases by 150 fragments (10 crests) weekly.

The cap does not apply to rewards from one-time quests (you’ll always be able to get those, and they won’t count against future earnings either) or from downgrading your Crests with Vaskarn in Loamm.

It’s great to see so much discussion about this system and hearing what people are looking forward to and worried about. I’ve been watching a lot of videos and reading forum threads and commentary on a bunch of different websites. And I encourage y’all to keep discussing it. Thoughtful, critical, and constructive player feedback is catnip for game developers.

This article was originally published in forum thread: More Frequently Asked Questions about the New Upgrade System in Patch 10.1 started by Lumy View original post
Comments 37 Comments
  1. ONCHEhap's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy View Post
    Good. People who are only raiding should be able to upgrade their gear.

    Right now only people who are doing M+ and PvP are able to upgrade their gear with valor/honor.
    Even then, m+ will still remain the best way to get upgrades by far, as it always has, because m+ players start crying if they can't get infinite loot from week 1
  1. NineSpine's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bloodmoth13 View Post
    Everyone cares when it becomes optimal to do low level content to get high level gear. Players feeling "forced" to do "all" content to compete will get burned out pretty fast, or "there is no point pushing hard keys when I can get the best gear from world quests"
    Players will always shift to the path of least resistance to gear up, if you don't think there would be problems then you just don't understand gamer psychology or game design. Do you really want to play a game where the best geared players are the ones that no lifed farming boars?
    I always find it amusing when people who clearly haven't looked at a video game besides WoW in ten years try to lecture other people on game design. You are acting like WoW's rigidly tiered power inflation design is how every other game works, when in reality the norm is the complete opposite. WoW is the odd man out here.

    I no-life Destiny 2. That's my most hardcore game. Do you know how much it impacts me as a top 1% player that my wife who never does any difficult content has about the same item level as me? None. That's how much. In fact, she has some better equipment than I do, and it still impacts me in no way whatsoever. Why? Because I do the hardest content in the game because it is fun, not because I have some weird complex about having better gear than someone else.
  1. paxen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by NineSpine View Post
    I always find it amusing when people who clearly haven't looked at a video game besides WoW in ten years try to lecture other people on game design. You are acting like WoW's rigidly tiered power inflation design is how every other game works, when in reality the norm is the complete opposite. WoW is the odd man out here.

    I no-life Destiny 2. That's my most hardcore game. Do you know how much it impacts me as a top 1% player that my wife who never does any difficult content has about the same item level as me? None. That's how much. In fact, she has some better equipment than I do, and it still impacts me in no way whatsoever. Why? Because I do the hardest content in the game because it is fun, not because I have some weird complex about having better gear than someone else.
    The thing is that without the crest system and infinite upgrade track, you'd have top end raiders farming WQs and LFR for trinkets, then farming vast amounts of flightstones to max the ilvl. Most of them would hate it, but they'd still do it or lose their raid spot.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I my main gripe is that the cap for crest fragments is ridiculous. Sure, we can get all the crests we need in 6 weeks, get the 60 crests you'd theoretically need, that's timing 50 high end keys oO
  1. NineSpine's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paxen View Post
    The thing is that without the crest system and infinite upgrade track, you'd have top end raiders farming WQs and LFR for trinkets, then farming vast amounts of flightstones to max the ilvl. Most of them would hate it, but they'd still do it or lose their raid spot.
    Or they could... raid for flightstones.
  1. paxen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by NineSpine View Post
    Or they could... raid for flightstones.
    They'd get some from raid, sure, but after they'd raided all they raid they'd hit whatever content gave the most flightstones per hour. Like how people farm +2s for valor now.
  1. NineSpine's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paxen View Post
    They'd get some from raid, sure, but after they'd raided all they raid they'd hit whatever content gave the most flightstones per hour. Like how people farm +2s for valor now.
    Why wouldn’t the raids just cap you out for the week?
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by FuujCraft View Post
    Just give me

    Justice for M+
    Valor for Raids
    Honor for Unrated PvP
    Conquest for Rated PvP.

    MoP still had the best system imo
    Blizzard: We dislike having multiple currencies from different types of content because it is overwhelming and confusing to new or returning players.

    This guy: What about multiple currencies from different types of content that is overwhelming and confusing to new or returning players?
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by NineSpine View Post
    This system is just going to make boosts more desirable. If you are concerned about boosting, just get rid of this antiquated notion of stratifying gear.
    boosting is gonna happen regardless tho...a new raid existing makes boosts more desirable
  1. lordjust's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    valor simply doesn't have the restrictions this system has.

    If your only doing 'easy' content you can only upgrade your gear to X ilvl. Regardless of where that gear came from.
    If your doing moderately difficult content your limited to Y ilvl, ect.

    'just let everything give valor and let valor upgrade all gear' doesn't prevent someone only doing WQ's from upgrading to Heroic level gear.
    You could achieve a similar restriction with just valor, by limiting how far you can upgrade gear from different sources. WQ goes to +4, normal starts at +4 and goes to +8 and so on. If all you do are WQ you would still be stuck at normal gear at max.

    The new system is unnecessarily complicated. You get a new version of primal chaos and different version of crest fragments depending on the content you're doing (those fragments and finished crests as well as the new primal chaos stuff goes into your bag, so good by to some bag slots). You combine those two to create the actual crest which can be used at the item upgrade person in valdrakken to upgrade your gear or can be used by enchanters to create an enchanted crest which can be used to craft an item with higher ilvl. Why introduce a new version of primal chaos? Why make it fragments and crests? Ditch the new primal chaos stuff and ditch the crests and use fragments like valor at the upgrade person and use fragments like any other reagent for crafting. And make fragments a currency instead of a reagent. Bag space is already very limited and now they add crest fragements and crests for more difficulties.
  1. RahEndymion's Avatar
    This is US politics in a system. In the same way a bill to do X popular thing will have something wildly unpopular wrapped up in it's text.

    The nerf to the pace at which people gear through m+ will do nothing but destroy the higher key scene but that's buried in several walls of text to the point it looses it's clarity. The worst part is it doesn't seem to really serve a purpose?

    This is just taking things away from the player (you can already get 389 gear from weekly quests, 385 iirc from WQ etc) and giving it back at a lower relative ilvl and locking the increase behind two farmable currencies. That isn't a QoL fix and I find it bizarre that anyone thinks it is.

    As an example, what are the suggested pro's of this system that cannot be currently achieved:

    - Raid items can be upgraded for raiders
    - World items can be upgraded for non-raid/non-m+ players

    That's literally it. You can already get items from world content that scale with your item lvl to the exact same threshold that the new system offers. You will not be able to upgrade non raid and non mythic plus items beyond their current ceiling relative to the new item levels. For the world content players, all this does is enable them to farm mats and target specific world items to upgrade. Now that's not an issue but it's hardly something to celebrate. It's what you have now with a few more options and a bunch more steps but if you like it, more power to you.

    At the same time, m+ gets it's reward system reduced again. Now, you have to get the item you want on the upgrade track you want, which means farming +16 X on repeat and hoping for luck. But then, they've also reduced the currency per run / currency per item has been increased. Now, instead of 2-3. you're looking at 5-10 runs for one item upgrade.

    So, in order to get the gear you need, to do the content you want to do, you're waiting weeks. Either it's weeks to get the item you want, or weeks for them to release a fix so that the item in your bag that you got on day 3 can be upgraded.

    After 20, the rewards from keys stop scaling. What that means, by actual definition, is that anyone doing keys above 20 is doing that for the challenge alone. There is no other reward, you can do a 20 smbg and get your vault sorted in 15 mins, nobody's doing +22 AV for vault.

    The idea that people run the higher level m+ keys for gear is so backwards and the idea that anything more than an abject minority of players buy a 2400 rating is also backwards. The amount of runs required for 2400 is 15/16 at around +18 with no mishaps. That locks the majority of the player base below 411 from m+.

    On the other hand, people buy AOTC literally every day. People buy HC raid boosts literally every day. There will be no rating requirement to upgrade that gear.

    It just doesn't make sense honestly. It makes m+ gearing speed double at least, makes HC boosting the most efficient way to gear for any content, adds extra steps to world content gear that was already achievable and also makes it entirely possibly if not relatively certain that you will have to grind the same item twice in the same season.

    I get upgradable raid items, there was no reason to omit that in S1. Everything else seems like a really convoluted way to double the pace at which people gear without mentioning an intent to double the pace at which people gear.
  1. Gorsameth's Avatar
  1. Wangming's Avatar
    Fucking Finally!! My bigass wolf monster with treetrunk like arms and dagger sized claws can attack with hands! Took them long enough.
  1. Reive's Avatar
    So if you're a m+ player you have to farm the same pieces over and over (and also the currency) to get your best gear? LOL sounds awful
  1. NineSpine's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterymask View Post
    boosting is gonna happen regardless tho...a new raid existing makes boosts more desirable
    If you could get BiS gear just earning currency and upgrading whatever, the demand for boosts would plummet. Would it exist? Sure, but it would plummet.
  1. micwini's Avatar
    This system is unnecessarily complicated. It has 2 massive essays now and it's still unclear how it works in details until we actually start playing with it. I'm certain the system will be very intuitive in practise, but it's just an unnecessary change.
    Another example of blizzardo creating solutions to problems that players don't have. If people farming +2's for bonus valor is such a massive issue, there is a very easy fix: Award bonus valor relative to the key level
  1. Delekii's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paxen View Post
    The thing is that without the crest system and infinite upgrade track, you'd have top end raiders farming WQs and LFR for trinkets, then farming vast amounts of flightstones to max the ilvl. Most of them would hate it, but they'd still do it or lose their raid spot.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I my main gripe is that the cap for crest fragments is ridiculous. Sure, we can get all the crests we need in 6 weeks, get the 60 crests you'd theoretically need, that's timing 50 high end keys oO
    Time for top end raiders to stop fucking the game for everyone else.

    Stop stratifying gear for the sake of raider egos, stop making bad systems to disincentivize nolifers from nolifing.

    Frankly this system will be fine, but it's certainly not better than taking the current system, applying it globally, and scaling valor and cost by content level.

    If top end raiders choose to go farm bis trinkets from world quests, that's on them. Instead we have another 4 tier raid system except overlayed over the entire game to stop the miniscule number of people who mythic raid from getting pressure sores - it's simply not necessary.
  1. Redroniksre's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RahEndymion View Post
    This is US politics in a system. In the same way a bill to do X popular thing will have something wildly unpopular wrapped up in it's text.

    The nerf to the pace at which people gear through m+ will do nothing but destroy the higher key scene but that's buried in several walls of text to the point it looses it's clarity. The worst part is it doesn't seem to really serve a purpose?

    This is just taking things away from the player (you can already get 389 gear from weekly quests, 385 iirc from WQ etc) and giving it back at a lower relative ilvl and locking the increase behind two farmable currencies. That isn't a QoL fix and I find it bizarre that anyone thinks it is.
    This does basically screw with the M+ gearing scene but it is a bonus to everyone else. I don't know why they decided to give all the tiers new names instead of the Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic that we have been using for years. But this system essentially allows WQ players to get 4/8 Normal gear when their stuff is maxed. Stuff from the weekly (like the 4 m+ dungeons) will still be on the appropriate track, but you wont really be able to upgrade them unless you are doing that content.

    That said, if they balance fights around the raid having 8/8 maxed gear for that difficulty, then they are really just pushing the bar up along with the ilvl increase. Not to mention if you do all the content you will lose, what, 7/9 bag slots? (If mythic has an upgrade item)

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