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Dev Watercooler -- Critical Hits (And Misses)
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
‘Dev Watercooler’ is a blog series that provides an inside look into the thoughts and discussions happening within the World of Warcraft development team. In our first entry, Lead Systems Designer Greg "Ghostctrawler" Street laid down a few ground rules:

  • No promises.
  • Don’t read too much between the lines.
  • No whining about the choice of topics we cover.

Critical History Lesson

In the original combat rules of World of Warcraft, melee classes could get 200% crits while casters could only get 150% crits. This was back when all the designers presumably played rogues instead of mages, which according to the forums is what we all play now (which makes our dungeon testing interesting, I gotta tell you.)

Over time, we added talents to allow various casters to get 200% crits as well. Warlocks “could” spend 5 points on the Ruin talent, for example, which you pretty much had to do to be a good warlock. As part of the Cataclysm talent tree evolutions we decided all DPS specs should be able to get 200% crits without investing talent points. There are still some inconsistencies though. Death knights can get 200% crits with both their melee and spell effects, while Assassination rogues get 200% crits with their physical attacks but only 150% crits with their poisons. Healers have always gotten 150% crits, both with their damage-dealing spells and with heals.

The overall design could be described as one that is simple to learn but complex to master. Or put another way, you know most of what you need to know if you’re told that crits do more damage. How much extra damage they do is one of those nuances that more experienced players learn over time and one of the things that makes classes feel different.

Or does it?

You could argue that we’re just keeping old rules that don’t really benefit the game. Is it very interesting that rogue poisons or Enhancement Lightning Bolts don’t have big crits? Does it make you feel different when you pick those classes or specs? Does it feel rewarding when you learn those subtle distinctions? I’d posit perhaps not. Homogenization is something we fight against all the time and one of the primary reasons that we don’t make class A’s ability work just like class B’s ability.

Homogenization -- A Dirty Word

If I can be snarky for a moment, players tend to beat the “homogenization!” drum too emphatically when they are losing something that is overpowered, and like to mock it as “flavor!” when we refuse to give them a cool ability that another class has.

Too much homogenization is a bad thing, no question. But do weird crit rules really fall into that category? There is a difference between being complex (which adds depth) and being complicated (which might just add confusion). We’d rather spend our “complexity points” on things that are really meaningful differences. Pick Assassination because you like daggers or poisons or maybe Rupture, not because you like small crits.

There are balance issues to consider too. Assassination rogues are never going to value crit as much as other characters are as long as some of their crits are smaller. We ran into the same issue with the damage-over-time-based specs when their dots couldn’t crit.

Healers Love Big Numbers Too

It can be an issue for healing as well. In Lich King, critical heals were virtually wasted because much of the time they were going to be overhealing. In Cataclysm, where healer mana matters more and even big heals can’t trivially top someone off, crits are more valuable. But they aren’t valuable enough. Getting 10% haste allows you to get a heal to a target 10% faster. Getting 10% crit allows you to heal a target 5% more. Is it any wonder that crit tends to get devalued for most healers? Resto shaman like it, but look at how many talents they have that make crits better for them. We’re strongly considering just letting all heals crit for double, just like most attacks. We don’t think this would have huge PvE consequences. Healers will heal for a little more, but even if they choose to start stacking crit, they’re going to do that at the expense of Haste, Mastery or Spirit. It could have bigger PvP consequences. Most PvP healers don’t have crit chances beyond say 10% or so, so they aren’t going to crit often.

We’ve been considering whether healing is too strong in PvP anyway. You may have noticed that we made the tooltips for Mortal Strike and equivalent debuffs intentionally vague for 4.1. As I write this, those debuffs are still at 10% healing, but we’re concerned that healing is too hard to counter and we might change that number. Changing it back to 50% would probably lead to the Mortal Strike debuff being mandatory for Arena comps again, but we never got much of a chance to see its effects at say 20%. A 20% Mortal Strike debuff could easily counter any excessive healing caused by 200% crits.

Changes Ahead?a

Letting rogues and Enhancement shaman get 200% crits with non-physical damage would be a larger change, and not the kind of thing we would do mid-expansion. But it’s definitely something we’re considering for the future. That would only leave the damage spells cast by healers at the 150% crit range. We think we could make those full 200% crits as well. If we want to make sure the DPS specs still do a lot more damage, we have the knobs to do that. For example, we could buff passives such as Moonfury (the damage bonus for Balance druids) or Shadow Power (the damage bonus for Shadow priests) to make sure their spells still landed a lot harder than the healing specs did, even if the healers got big crits.

If we made all those changes, then any crit in the game would be at 200%. It would be a very simple rule, and I’d argue any loss of class distinction is more than made up for by the positive balance ramifications. As always with this blog series, this is just speculation. You’re more likely to see 200% healing crits sooner, but even that isn’t something we’ve fully embraced yet. It’s just the kind of thing we discuss when hanging out at the bar... er, I mean watercooler.

Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street is the lead systems designer for World of Warcraft. He crits on a 19 or 20.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Dev Watercooler -- Critical Hits (And Misses) started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 146 Comments
  1. Callace's Avatar
    Why do people think Mages are so hot in PvE? They're in the bottom half in raid statistics. I have a Mage along with several other toons, and I actually have been playing it less because his DPS is lower. Or is this just a PvP argument overwhelming the sum-total of the class?
  1. loop not defined's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Snes View Post
    Your post implied that his opinon didn't matter to anyone except him; so which opinions do matter then? And the fact that you got defensive over being called out as a Blizzard devotee doesn't really change my stance either.

    Funny how you mention egotism and make failed attempts to belittle the intellects of other people.

    Edit: The reason people are getting bored of the game lies on the basis that negative criticism isn't acceptable. It just gets filtered and corrupted to paint a pretty picture.
    Read his post. He made a clear, universal statement on what is not fun. Guess what? That's bullshit, no matter how you cut it.

    Negative criticism is perfectly acceptable. Just stop being stupid about it. If someone makes sweeping judgements and tries to pretend they speak on anybody's behalf but their own, I'm going to call them out on their bullshit. Stop hiding behind this "blizzard devotee" crap and actually argue over the goddamned point.
  1. lilbuddhaman's Avatar
    So, I quit wow at the end of BC as a feral druid (resto in vanilla), hardcore raider, Top 100 US blah blah blah, returned midway through Lich King to raid with my RL brother as a mage, quit after we killed Lich King Regular (and we had done nearly every achievement available before it, aside from a perfect Trial run 25). I didn't like when they nerfed the most perfectly balanced fight in the game (Kael), nor when they removed keying from BC, and I didn't like much of anything in Lich King save for a few fights. The actual Lich King Raid was crap, an empty rushed Black Temple ripoff with skulls on everything...


    I still check out the updates about the game on this site, and all I can wonder is "what in the hell are they doing with this game?" It seems like on a weekly basis classes are getting major coefficients bounced around, damage scaling changed huge numbers on a whim, and batshit insane stuff like druids losing root break. All I can wonder is, how can anyone NOT say that this game is a broken mess, and that the devs truly have no clue what is going on ? If it wasn't clear from Lich King, all the real assets of blizz are being put into Titan or whatever its called... What % of art assets are still being recycled ? Better yet, what assets are even new ? Every mob I see in screenshots is just an old mob with feathers/fire/recolor added. Set pieces went to shit a LONG time ago. (With the exception of warlocks and warriors who for the most part get a "good" set).

    And the whole homogenization thing ? Please. To any PvE player, you basically have the choice of 4 different mechanics/rotations, sprinkled between all the classes/specs. It feels the same, it plays the same, its just blah. And for PvP, I dunno, never got into it, but it always felt like RPS...

    As far as "some rogues might like to apply poisons for their damage". These are also the people that don't raid, don't know/care about what does the most damage, etc. They're casuals.

    well, no one will likely read this but its been a while since I checked on this game. (and damnit I really wanted FF14 to not suck, maybe the PS3 release will breath new life into the game). Anyone have any info/details on Rift's "endgame"?
  1. mtawney1313's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lilbuddhaman View Post
    Anyone have any info/details on Rift's "endgame"
    Haven't made it to endgame yet but just the levelling aspect of Rift was enough to make me quit Wow
  1. CrenVerdis's Avatar
    Just a sidenote...
    Please don't take the slippery slope to premium accounts. I don't like it when I have to read "via curse premium". That makes me nervous.

    Also please don't ban me because I don't like the company that pays checks and servers. Information have to be free and chances as equal as possible!
  1. tusker's Avatar
    Does anyone else feel like all the banter over balancing classes, pvp vs. pve -- all the banter over "this blue said this and that, etc"... none of that matters if you're able to play the game with friends, or in a guild with friends, and you raid (or maybe run heroics) and enjoy it? My guild (my friends) are 5/12 HC and I've never had more fun raiding (i'm a healer, btw). It's at least as good as I remember in parts of Vanilla and BC.
  1. mmoc4924c6743e's Avatar
    ITT: People expecting GC to outright say "We think crits are a problem for [Your Class Here]. We are going to buff [Your class here]. You sure deserve it."

    This isn't about you fishing for buffs. It's an insight into the design and design problems of a game like World of Warcraft. It's about what a designer must consider. NOT some list of planned changes for YOUR class.
  1. Calibar's Avatar
    Honestly when I chose to play a warrior I never once in my mind thought, oh I can crit more than most other people and what not, hell I didn't know what crit was. I chose to play a warrior because 1 he wears plate, 2 no spells and 3 he had a sword and shield(changed now)

    I didn't even know there were differences in crit damage until now. So it really doesn't bother me in the least.
  1. Dalanos's Avatar
    So basically I need to stack the fuck out of crit on my warrior to atleast seem like a threat to healers since they won't be buffing MS. Got it. Because i'm sick of trying to "keep the healer busy" while my team tries to kill the efc and have the healer stand there and /laugh and /no at me while keeping everyone alive.
  1. v1ze's Avatar
    "No whining about the choice of topics we cover."

    ...and then Blizz fires back at the community.

    "This was back when all the designers presumably played rogues instead of mages, which according to the forums is what we all play now (which makes our dungeon testing interesting, I gotta tell you.)"

    Dear Blizz,

    ugh, I realize Blizz is cynical now but you're still the developers. You aren't required to act like bitches, it's on your own accord.
  1. Steampunk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mtawney1313 View Post
    Haven't made it to endgame yet but just the levelling aspect of Rift was enough to make me quit Wow

    I'm pretty disappointed here. Seeing "Dev Watercooler" garbage like this just reminds me that Ghostcrawler is a terrible choice for Lead Designer. I'm not allowed to complain about the topics he writes about, yet this jerk's able to talk trash about me as a player?

    Screw that noise. I won't be coming back to WoW until his ego gets gut-checked.
  1. Xayla's Avatar
    Is this guy on fucking dope or what.... the shit he says over the course of time doesn't even add up.
    More burst damage.. yeah that's the plan.

    The game wasn't this fucking broken until he decided to start "fixing" it.
  1. zakbel's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xayla View Post
    Is this guy on fucking dope or what.... the shit he says over the course of time doesn't even add up.
    More burst damage.. yeah that's the plan.

    The game wasn't this fucking broken until he decided to start "fixing" it.
    Yup, lets go back to vanilla. I can 1 shot ppl on my enhance shaman with Hearld of Woe. While i try to heal 30 dps in said enhance spec, thansk to no dual spec. Oh, not to mention the fact that you NEED 39 other ppl on at one time just to raid.

    Yup the game was perfect at release. World PVP only, no rewards for doing it. No end game raiding unless you were the 5% of the server population that passed the application process to get into a raid guild. Only 1 class could tank, hybrid heal/dps were expected to be healing only in raids, but their raid gear spread out their stats as if they were suppose to be doing both at the same time.

    Yup.... perfect..
  1. mmocb8551489e4's Avatar
    You idiots realize he isn't the one making all the changes?
    If you don't like the game, or used to but dislike where it's headed, why are you still here mocking the devs?
  1. Beachcomber's Avatar
    back when all the designers presumably played rogues instead of mages, which according to the forums is what we all play now
    He jokes, but there is a deep feeling of resentment amongst the player base for the pvp imbalances which continue to proliferate in this game.

    Right now, there is an unreasonably high frost mage representation and with good reason. They have a number of tools to lock down the opponent...too many tools. Then when you expect some significant nerfs to abilities like Deep Freeze, they instead get buffs to Ice Lance and Frostbolt which will make their shatter combos hit that much harder.

    Is Ghostcrawler incompetent? Tough to say. You can add numbers all day long and miss out on some critical numbers, like class/spec representation in arena and battlegrounds. You can also miss out on spell/counterspell issues, like paladin bubbles, ice block, instant cast heals. The list goes on.
  1. slosh's Avatar
    I can't for the life of me figure out why healers are complaining about the possibility of crit healing for 200%.

    I cast a heal. I know how much it heals for. I judge which heal to cast based on that information. Down 30k+? Big slow heal incoming ...


    Seriously, where's the logic in that? You were going to cast the spell anyway, right? What so now that you get more healing than you expected, suddenly you don't want to cast it?

    Furthermore, for pallies the synergy with our mastery would leave larger bubbles on our target while holy priests have larger hots/shields. HoTs critting won't change much, and apparently shaman already like the stat.

    There is literally no downside to crit for healers UNLESS you assume that you'll get a crit. None. Assume = bad player. Crit for 200% is a good thing because it will help balance how players value different stats.
  1. Explosion_Rex's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dalanos View Post
    So basically I need to stack the fuck out of crit on my warrior to atleast seem like a threat to healers since they won't be buffing MS. Got it. Because i'm sick of trying to "keep the healer busy" while my team tries to kill the efc and have the healer stand there and /laugh and /no at me while keeping everyone alive.
    Hahaha! This! So much this! It's really sad that this is the case in every BG I do.
  1. Pantelija's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Korruptive View Post
    You idiots realize he isn't the one making all the changes?
    If you don't like the game, or used to but dislike where it's headed, why are you still here mocking the devs?
    Explain what does LEAD SYSTEM DESIGNER mean to you , developer that makes coffee breaks changes right ? >.>

    I dont remember when was the game this unbalanced and sad part is blizzard thinks this is the most balanced season of them all which shows that they are clueless and have 0 touch to reality .
  1. Hungrydingo's Avatar
    No one said the devs all played mages... it's obvious based on balance they all play Mages, DKs, and Warriors.
  1. mmoc006fb91b8d's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Pantelija View Post
    Explain what does LEAD SYSTEM DESIGNER mean to you , developer that makes coffee breaks changes right ? >.>

    I dont remember when was the game this unbalanced and sad part is blizzard thinks this is the most balanced season of them all which shows that they are clueless and have 0 touch to reality .
    This game is not made or balance only by one person! It's a team! GC is only the responsible and the face of the team. Don't know how his team work but or they get ideas and GC have the final word or they brainstorming and all agree with one idea after debate. Ofc GC as lider give the face for the change.

    IF the team sucks? That other story.

    And btw did you play wowlk when palas were imortals and kill you with one fart?
    You remember vanilla when many class oneshot others?
    You remember raids when you bring class only for buffs and other only for debuffs while the rest was there for dps and do the real fun?
    You remember the days when only one class chould tank and the rest sucks or only there for aoe trash?
    You remember when warlocks were gods and noone could kill them because overpower fear.
    I can continue all day..

    I can't say this game is perfect balance but is way better balance now then few year ago! All 4 tanks are good, All healer can do their job, almost all dps specs can raid.
    The game is way more noob friendly abd maybe that is what some ppl don't like because casuals don't have to play the game 24/7 to be good at his job.

    Anyway I think blues have to talk about all aspect of the game and crit is one aspect of the game. This kind of talk is to make ppl talk about one subject so they can see what wowplayers think about something they are reviewing or will. This is not to talk about nerfs and buffs. For that they have enouth QQ on foruns. they don't need to post about mages buffs and nerfs because people do it without anyone ask but they need this kind of post so ppl talk about crit! I think I made my point.

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